One Piece I want to go home

165 Chapter 162 - Senior Murphy

165 Chapter 162 - Senior Murphy
Is this Senior Murphy?

so cute!
In the luxurious bedroom of the villa, "Murphy" lay quietly on the soft and comfortable wide bed.

This was originally prepared for Beppo.

The slender and compact Murphy was lying here, as small and cute as a doll.

And it's even more so for someone who is [-] meters tall.

Zhan Chengxi stretched out his finger and poked his tender face carefully, but he blushed.

The senior Murphy she had been longing for was actually here.

When Zhan Chengxi was trained by the Warring States Period, he heard quite a few anecdotes about the two of them.

And she was particularly interested in Murphy's affairs.

Murphy is an all-round genius. No matter what weapon he learns, he can learn it very quickly, but his growth rate is not high.

He knows all kinds of things, but he is not good at one.

It's a gift and a curse.

Because of this, Murphy may reach a very powerful level, but he cannot reach the top level.

However, the appearance of the oracle fruit just made up for this shortcoming.

Believe in different demon gods and get completely different abilities.

Being able to use them flexibly in battle is invincible.

However, being able to grow into the existence recognized by the Warring States Period is not just something that can be solved by talent.

And study hard.

Whether it was Murphy or Kuina, when the two were practicing, there was never a trace of blankness in their eyes.

They are all convinced of where their goals are, and know that as long as they work hard, they can achieve their dreams.

[What dream is it? 】

[Guina's dream is to become the world's number one swordsman. 】

[Where is Senior Murphy? 】


【grandfather? 】

【Ha ha!Of course he became the admiral of the navy!Just like grandpa's dream! 】

Thinking about it carefully, Grandpa's expression was a little strange at that time.

And now it is even more proof that Senior Murphy did not become a navy.

So... what the hell is it?

That was the answer she was looking for.

She longs to know the truth of everything.

And God, also gave her such ability.

Suddenly, "Murphy" moved.

Zhan Chengxi was so frightened that he withdrew his finger that seemed to be poking his face, unconsciously holding his breath and waiting.

She didn't know what happened in the villa. Senior Murphy was actually wearing Hailoushi handcuffs on his wrists.

Although Zhan Chengxi really wanted to be an idol hero, her reason stopped her.

Grandpa spoke in enough detail, the more he knew about Murphy's ability development, the more he knew how terrifying his opponent was.

Basil Murphy is definitely more than [-] million Berries.

So the Hailoushi handcuffs actually helped him.

"Senior Murphy? Senior Murphy!"

Zhan Chengxi awakened "Murphy" in an extremely gentle way.

And the first thing the latter said when he saw himself was...

"Ahhh! Giants!"

Zhan Chengxi hurriedly said, "Senior Murphy, don't be afraid! The general height of giants is more than 20 meters, and I am only [-] meters. I just inherited my grandfather's height."

Marshal of the Warring States Period is [-] meters tall.

He kept saying that when he met the two little girls of Twelve Thirteen, it was like having two pets.

Of course, I didn't dare to say this to the person involved.

"You... who are you? Navy?" Coconut distanced herself from the guy in front of her, and shrank herself behind the pillow.

Zhan Chengxi smiled kindly, "Although we talked on the phone before, we haven't met each other yet. Let me introduce you formally. I am the granddaughter of Marshal Warring States, Zhan Chengxi. Now I am just a small major general, but one day, Will take Grandpa's place."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period..." Coconat's face turned pale from fright.

Why is the granddaughter of the admiral here!

How much trouble did the original owner of this body cause?
"Although it may be a bit rude to ask this question now, I want to ask, why did you leave the navy and choose to go to sea?" Zhan Chengxi asked with narrowed eyes.

"I left the navy?" Coconut was surprised.

She heard about this matter once again. Could it be that this Murphy came from the navy's mutiny?

"In fact, I have always been puzzled why you chose to leave. Grandpa has always mentioned your affairs and planned to train you to be the mainstay of the navy." Zhan Chengxi said.

"The mainstay..." Kekonat repeated these words.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you know Murphy's past or not.

Coconut saw a way out from the person in front of her.

"Actually, I really want to go back and become a navy again. It was a mistake to choose to leave." Kokonat pretended to be sad, "I chose to leave the navy because of a friend, but now, that friend has chosen to betray me ……hateful."

Zhan Chengxi, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly froze.

"Senior Murphy, I have always admired you. Please don't use these lies to deceive me. If it's just for escape, then I promise in the name of grandpa that I will let you go after I find the key to Hailoushi."

"No, I really want to go back to the navy! I've had enough with these pirates!" Kokonat said, "I want to fall into the arms of the righteous, brave, and navy again!"

Zhan Chengxi's smile suddenly disappeared, and his face turned serious.

"Senior Mofei, I'm not joking. I'm here to find you just to know the details. If it's not convenient for you to tell me, please don't deceive me with such clumsy lies."

"But what I said was true..."

Zhan Chengxi got up suddenly, and slowly approached Kekonat, not allowing the latter to dodge, so he grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

"Tell me, what do you really want!"

"Beautiful boy."


"Let's hang out with so many beautiful men who only like me. They only wear swimming trunks. They all have great figures, but they all like me like crazy. They kneel at my feet and kiss my toes devoutly."

"The ones I most want to win now are Cavendish and Trafalgaroo. I want their generous hands to touch every inch of my body and then XXXX with them." (Muffled below)

Zhan Chengxi's expression changed.

"So you betrayed the Navy just for that reason! You betrayed Grandpa?"

Kokonat covered her mouth, feeling flustered, why did she say everything?How about describing your delusions in such detail?

"Do you have other reasons? There must be!"

Zhan Chengxi grabbed her shoulders.

"To be the queen of Cocoa Island, let everyone prostrate in front of me, praise me for my face, go crazy for my smile, every word I say is regarded as their standard, every action I do... ..."

As Kokonat's narcissistic words poured out like a waterfall, Zhan Chengxi's admiration was washed away.

Now she was left with nothing but contempt.

Zhan Chengxi wants to hold this kind of guy and throw it in front of his grandfather, so that he can take a good look at what kind of dog he has fed his hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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