One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 17 16 - Fire

Chapter 17 16 - Fire

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Little beggar, get out of here! It's none of your business here!"

"Are you preparing to set fire?"

"...Little beggar, knowing too much is not a good thing. It seems that you will also be buried in this sea of ​​fire."

The man's hand grabbed her.

"Even wanting to kill a child is really rotten from the root."

Mo Fei's eyes turned hard, and he took out a crowbar from behind, and hit the opponent's head directly on it.


The man's body fell down.

"I think you'd better be honest with me," Murphy said.


When the man fell to the ground, the torch in his hand fell on the pile of dead branches. It seemed that oil for combustion had been poured on it, and the fire started immediately.

"What about playing?"

Murphy yelled, and then hurriedly looked back for water.

She remembered that when she looked down from above, there was a well nearby, and there was a water storage tank next to it.

"This is it!"

But in the next second, Murphy felt himself being kicked into the air.


She put her whole body into a wooden barrel to store water.

The wooden barrel was smashed and water was poured on Mo Fei, but no drop of water flew to the fire.

"Smelly brat!" The man covered his bleeding head, his body shaking a little, "It's a good thing I fell on the pile of books just now, otherwise I would have been knocked half to death by you."

Mo Fei collected himself, only to realize that under the original cloth cover, there were stacks of books, not bricks and tiles.

"Haha, thanks to you brat, the fire has been ignited. The next step... is to send you into the fire."

The man grinned grimly, picked up the crowbar that Murphy had dropped, and walked towards her step by step.

Mo Fei shook his head and said weakly, "Don't...don't do it..."

"It's too late!" The man swung the crowbar.
"Uncle Bald! Uncle Bald!"

According to Murphy's words, Delinger came to the main street, but found that the gate of "Nick Hair Bookstore" was chained, and there was a sign of "Temporarily Out".

It seems that the other party dared to come over and set fire to the house only after he was sure that there was no one in the bookstore.

Delinger couldn't understand the words on it, so he slammed the door and shouted, and then pressed his face to the glass of the door, but he couldn't see anything.


It seemed that the lock of the door itself was broken, but it was only locked by a chain. Delinger pushed it, leaving a gap.

Even for Murphy, this gap was difficult to get through, but for Delinger, it was just right.

"Uncle! Are you there! Uncle!"

Delinger yelled.

But in the crowded study room, no one responded.

And through the bookstore is the back door.

Maybe it was just to leave for a while, or maybe there was nothing valuable in the bookstore, there was no need to lock it, and the back door was open.

Delinger saw the fire rising in a trance, and ran over quickly, but saw a man with a wicked smile, holding a crowbar, approaching his sister.

He was instantly angry, his eyes were red, and his sharp teeth were exposed.

"Don't... don't start..."

My sister said so.

But Delinger couldn't tell at this time who he was speaking to.

Just driven by emotion, he roared and ran up.

"Get out of the way!" Murphy yelled.

The man was stunned for a moment, then dodged to the side subconsciously, a black shadow jumped out, bit his arm fiercely, and with a creak, he could even hear the sound of his own bones breaking.

"Deringer! Let him go!" Murphy shouted sharply.

But Delinger acted as if he didn't hear it. Under the man's screams, there was his low growl like a beast.

"Deringer! Let go!"

Murphy went up to grab him, and it was only then that Delinger came back to his senses, loosened his teeth, and his mouth was bright red.

"Monster! Monster ahhh!"

The man screamed and ran away.

Delinger still stared fiercely at the direction in which the man was escaping.

"Calm down, Dellinger. It's okay, sister is okay."

Murphy held Delinger in his arms, and the latter's emotions gradually calmed down.

She still wanted to say something, but she suddenly noticed that because of the impact just now, the Devil Fruit Illustration Book in her arms fell, and it happened to be next to the firewood pile.

Seeing that the fire was rising, sparks had already splashed onto the book, slightly igniting the flame.


For some reason, Murphy's first thought was that the book could not be burned.

She rushed forward, quickly picked up the picture book that had ignited a cluster of flames, and patted it anxiously with her hands, but she was burned quite badly, but the fire did not go out.


Murphy could only throw it on the ground again, and then stepped on his feet.

The fire in the illustrated book was extinguished, but the fire on the firewood pile was burning more vigorously.

But... the water in the water storage tank has all seeped into the soil.

How to do this?
"It's on fire! It's on fire!"


"Two little beggars set fire to the bookstore! Everyone, hurry up and put out the fire!"

That voice was the man who had let go just now.

Mo Fei's heart suddenly became cold.

She only thought that Delinger should not be allowed to kill again, but she forgot that people are sinister.

Murphy dragged Delinger to escape, but it was just before sunset. Because of the shouting, many people ran over and surrounded the two of them at once.

The sheriff ran over and directed others to put out the fire, and then he and his men captured the two small arsonists.

Delinger's eyes turned red instantly, but Murphy told him to calm down and not resist.

Although he was unwilling, he still listened to Murphy's words.
After half an hour.

Ryder himself never imagined that he just went out for a date and came back like this.

Fortunately, the fire was discovered early and there was no wind today, otherwise the loss would not only be the batch of books that just arrived today.

And the prisoner turned out to be the two children he entertained at noon today.

They are now tied there with ropes, in a mess.

Lini, the miser, had his arm bandaged, and was furiously condemning.

"It's them! I saw them sneaking around, and in the blink of an eye, they ordered the book! I went up to stop them, but they attacked! That child, with sharp teeth, is a monster!"

A good-hearted townsman stepped forward to open the little boy's mouth, but the girl bumped into him directly, and stood in front of the boy with a fierce face.

"He has nothing to do with this matter! I bit the bamboo pole! Who knew that he would be aging early, and his whole body was osteoporotic!"

"Little brat, what nonsense are you talking about! It's that boy, that's right!"

"It's you who are talking nonsense!"

"You... oh? I see! You're covering him up, aren't you? That means this kid is a monster!"

"Fuck causal logic! Thieves shouting to catch thieves! Tell me, what reason do we have to set fire?"

"Huh? Who knows what you little beggars are mentally twisted into? If I can guess, that's the problem!"

The little girl's attitude of not to be outdone made the surrounding melon eaters believe that they were the ones who did this.

Even Ruili, who came back with Ryder, couldn't stand it and went up to condemn her.

"I said, you two little fellows, don't know what is good or bad. The person who came here has a kindness for you. It's fine if you don't risk your life to repay the favor. I think you are really hopeless..."

"Raili! Enough!" Ryder yelled.

With a burst of anger in his chest, like a menacing giant bear, he walked towards the two children.

"Well, Ryder, calm down." Even Ruili persuaded, she was afraid of killing the two children directly.

(End of this chapter)

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