One Piece I want to go home

182 Chapter 179 - Detective Murphy

182 Chapter 179 - Detective Murphy
Murphy and the others talked until midnight before leaving the meeting.

Everyone had different ideas for the flag, but she was very happy with the final product.



Murphy whispered at the corner of his mouth.

Her heart was hurting, and she kept cursing the villain who had alienated them.But at the same time, the scar on Luo's back kept flashing before her eyes.

Fortunately, Luo didn't show any complaints towards Delinger, and even made a very rational analysis.

She is really afraid that one day Delinger and Luo will confront each other.

If there is such a time, Murphy feels that she cannot make a choice.
Due to the anxiety in his heart, Murphy tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

She barely fell asleep until near dawn.

But it didn't take long to be awakened from the depths by noisy human voices.

Murphy opened his eyes and vaguely saw a person pointing a black gun at her.

But she blinked, but there was nothing.

Only Brin was left standing in front of him with an eager look on his face.

"Captain, wake up, something is wrong."

Murphy struggled to get up from the bed and followed Brin to the scene where the crowd gathered.

There was the helm of the deck.

When everyone saw her coming, they automatically made way for her.

Luo told her with a sullen face——

Potain, their helmsman, is missing.

And at the helm, half-wiped blood was found.

"It's still at sea. It's easy for a person to disappear." Murphy said, looking at the sea with waves in the distance, "but we can't just say that. Maybe he's still alive."

"So what should we do?" Luo asked.

Murphy raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Obviously Luo should know how to do it, but he handed this to her as if to test her.

"Did anything be detected in the blood?" Murphy asked.

"Nothing at all."

"Really...then call the whole ship to gather here."
In less than a quarter of an hour, 50 people including Murphy and others gathered here.

Murphy made forty hired workers stand in a square formation and scanned them one by one.

When walking in front of a person, Murphy stopped. She glanced at the person with a slightly deep look, scaring him into a cold sweat before turning and leaving.

Finally, Murphy shook his head slightly and said.

"All go search for the whereabouts of the helmsman Potain in the ship! Don't let go of any corner!"

40 people responded. Although the voices were scattered, Murphy didn't want to ask them too much.

"So...the suspect is among you." Murphy looked at them. "Halle Craig the navigator, Bridges the night watchman, Amelia the lookout, Patton the cook, Midn the boatman, and...the Silver Cross Greenover who is temporarily recovering."

Amelia curled her mouth for a moment, "What nonsense are you talking about? Did you get a suspect? It's ridiculous."

"There are no traces of fighting, so it's obvious that an acquaintance committed the crime. And in the remaining blood, no sleeping pills or poisonous ingredients were detected. Therefore, if you want to succeed in a sneak attack, you must at least have the same strength as him." Murphy explained road.

"Helmsman, Golden Orangutan Potain. The bounty is 4000 million Berry." Luo said, "And Murphy has personally inspected it just now, and the forty hired workers are just ordinary people..."

"It's not ruled out that it's too deep to hide." Murphy said, "But if you can fool me, you should suppress Potain with strength. It's perfectly fine to throw it into the sea without leaving any traces."

"So it's us?" Bridges said. His face was pale and thin, and the dark circles under his eyes were more obvious than Luo. "I think you have good strength... especially you, Miss Captain."

Murphy smiled, "But the few of us have been meeting in the captain's cabin until about three o'clock."

"What happened around three o'clock?" Amelia asked, "Aren't you still suspicious?"

"It was already daylight at that time. If I were the murderer, I wouldn't be able to see it when I was wiping the blood." Murphy said, pointing to the half-wiped blood.

The blood was very light.

In a bright place, it may be very clear.But in the dark, it will be completely ignored.

"So it can only be you." Murphy said, "Do you have an alibi?"

The five chattered and said that they had no reason to hurt Potain, but when they stopped, they found that none of them had an alibi.

Only Silver Cross Greenover hesitated a bit.

After questioning again, he spit out the truth.

"I've been with Chris...he's actually Chris."

"I can see it," Murphy said.

She stopped in front of someone as she walked past the burly men with biceps in general.

I don't know if it came from a woman's intuition, or from the ability to distinguish between males and females cultivated in the 21st century, but she could tell at a glance that the other party was a female.

"I'm glad to see that you're recovering well." Murphy said with disgust in his eyes.

"She... looks like my wife. I miss them so much," Greenover explained.

Murphy reached out his hand, motioning for him to stop.

"It has nothing to do with us. Just be worthy of your own conscience."

On the other hand, the boatman Midden jokingly said, "With such a wife, life must be very hard."
a few hours later.

The boatman found nothing.

And Chris (Kris) proved Greenover's alibi.

In other words, Murphy didn't doubt him much from the beginning, because he didn't know anyone here.And Potain was born on the Great Route.

So there are only five other people left.

And on the ship, only the rooms of the five of them were left unsearched.

When Murphy offered to search their room himself, Amelia was the first to speak out, saying that Murphy had no right to do so.

Luo said coldly, "She is the captain, the captain of the pirates. Do I need to tell you about your privacy?"

Amelia closed her mouth, but looked at him with a very sad look.

Murphy shook his head, "Although I'm the captain, I won't force the crew. So... If you have a clear conscience and want to get rid of the suspicion as soon as possible, you can voluntarily let me conduct the search. If you don't want me... Luo can do it too."

As soon as the words came out, Midner, the boatman, immediately said that the room could be searched at will, but the condition was that Luo could only go.

Murphy didn't mind that.

And Chef Barton followed closely behind, as long as he could prove his innocence, it didn't matter who searched.If Captain Luo is willing to believe in Captain Murphy, then he will too.

"Thank you." Mo Fei said with a smile, "It's just that I think there's no need to search. You have already proved your innocence. As for the rest..."

Murphy looked at the three of them.

"In the name of the captain, I promise that no one will search your room without permission. Guarantee your privacy... Luo, do you agree?"

"Since you have said it all." Luo said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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