One Piece I want to go home

185 Chapter 182 - Detective Murphy 4

185 Chapter 182 - Detective Murphy 4
"It was poisoned."

Luo got up and announced the result to everyone.

Not cyanide, though, but a botanical poison from the Great Line.

This plant can be used medicinally if it is used properly.Therefore, some will also be cultivated in the medical room on their ship.

And the medical room on the ship...

Those who have the right to go in are still the six of them.

Although there are only four people left now.

Murphy stood in front of Amelia's body with a complicated expression.

Although I was annoyed at what she did yesterday, I never thought that a living person would be lying here.


Murphy frowned.

Look Amelia has been dead for a long time, the body is very cold.

The murderer had plenty of time to dispose of the body, but why didn't he do it?
"I will check Amelia's room to see if I can find out how she was poisoned... If I can, I don't want to conduct an autopsy." Luo said lightly.

"You four, don't wander around until the results come out." Murphy said, "I will ask you one by one."

"Hey, hey, why are you here for interrogation?" Night watchman Bridges stood up, "By the way, the most suspicious guy here is you, right?"

"How?" Murphy asked.

"Last night, half of the people on board heard the sound of your quarrel." Bridges said, "And you said it yourself, the day before yesterday your group gathered together to plot something, until I discovered this."

Bridges took a painting tube from his waist.

The painting inside unfolded, and it was the flag of a pirate ship.

The entire canvas is painted with soft pastel pink and orange, with soft purple transitioning in between, creating a hazy dawn sky.

The eyes of the skeleton in the center are red, and two rose-colored flames are burning.

The two Dawnbreaker swords overlapped and were placed under the skeleton.

When all the pirate flags were black, Murphy thought of working on the background.

As a result, a skull flag reflected in the dawn light was vividly painted.

However, Murphy's painting skills were really bad, so he handed it over to Cavendish.

Yes, it is surprising that he is quite accomplished in painting.

"A new pirate crew. And you're not planning on including all of us, are you?" Bridges demanded.

Murphy was silent.

"I can take it as your acquiescence." Bridges sneered, "And you don't want to drive us away openly. Because you are worried that Captain Luo will disagree. So you adopted such a method."

"What?" Murphy frowned, and suddenly heard something.

This guy is playing tricks on himself.

"All the explanations are yours. Can I understand it? You thought about these explanations before you made them. The blood stain that was wiped off half was left on purpose by you, and then pointed out, It was already daylight when you came out, and it is impossible to make such a stupid mistake." Bridges smiled confidently.

It seemed that Murphy had been identified as the murderer.

Immediately afterwards, everyone started booing.

All the contradictions were pointed to the new captain who had just boarded the ship for a few days.

She looks like she really has no prestige, but she looks like that petty woman who can make bad thoughts.

Navigator Hall couldn't stand it anymore, so he came out and said.

"I don't think Captain Murphy is that kind of person. Please don't speculate without evidence."

"Thank you." Murphy said, "But I don't think anyone behind me will believe it."

Her back was straight and fearless.

Kuina shrugged, with a disdainful expression, it felt like she had heard some joke.

Asriel silently took the painting from Bridges, rolled it up and threw it into the painting tube silently.

Cavendish smiled and shrugged, "I don't think Murphy is the kind of person who would do such a thing."

He had seen Murphy's selflessness.

It's not like her style to play this kind of mind.

Luo scanned everyone with sizing eyes and said.

"You each have your own ghosts. Don't think I really can't see it. If Murphy wants to include the six of you in the pirate group, he may have to pass me first."

Murphy hugged his shoulders and smiled at Bridges.

"Can I continue to find the real murderer?"

If the motivation is not valid, then it is impossible for her to do these unnecessary things.

"It's up to you, Captain Murphy," Bridges said.

In front of this Captain Luo, he still chose to compromise.

But judging by his expression, he didn't really recognize the captain.
Amelia's room.

Murphy dismissed everyone, leaving only her and Luo.

The body has been sent to the medical room for temporary storage.

Luo carefully searched for the source of the poison in this room.

Murphy was lying on the place where Amelia fell to the ground.

In her hand was a crushed phone bug.

Apparently Amelia was on the phone with someone when she was poisoned.

However, the phone bug has been crushed and there is no way to know.

It seems that the phone bug was crushed because of the pain of poisoning.


The microphone is not broken.

But the body of the phone bug was broken.

Murphy recalled that although Amelia died of poison, her expression was not too painful.

"Does the poisonous hair have convulsions?" Murphy asked.

Luo held the test tube, shook it, and said, "This poisonous hair acts on the respiratory system, and she died of suffocation."

"That means it's gone..." Murphy said.

Even if there is a convulsion, it is impossible to crush the main body of the phone bug, but the microphone in the hand is intact.

"What would a person with a secret do when he was about to die?" Mo Fei squinted his eyes and scanned the room.

"I will find a way to solve this secret." Luo said, "Are you trying to say that she wants to hide that phone bug?"

"Yes, the other end of her phone is someone who cannot be known. Who could it be?"

Murphy narrowed his eyes.

"Tsk, if there is a dream walk, it can be solved..."

The degree of belief in that demon god is far from enough to use this ability.
a few hours later.

Luo and Murphy left with nothing.

Luo did not find the source of the poison in the room and was preparing for an autopsy.

Murphy returned to the captain's cabin, sat on the sofa, and looked at the messy desktop.

On it, there is also a draft picture of them talking about the flag of the Dawn Pirates.

She thought, that Bridges was really annoying, to reveal their pirate flag under such circumstances, and Murphy wanted to announce it on a more formal occasion.

However, according to the routine of speculative novels, what looks most suspicious is actually the least likely.

No, no.

Murphy shook his head, this is not a speculative novel.

But...that Bridges Murphy murderer hypothesis is kind of interesting.

She actually said that she left the bloodstain on purpose, isn't that just taking off her pants and farting?How could she be so carefree?
Mo Fei subconsciously picked up the water glass on the side and was about to drink it, but froze.

What about the water glass?
She looked at the messy, untidy desktop.

And the cup with the remaining milk in it was gone.

"So...the target is me, right?" Murphy's blood turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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