One Piece I want to go home

187 Chapter 184 - Detective Murphy 6

187 Chapter 184 - Detective Murphy 6
She should have seen it long ago!
The first time was an impulsive crime, and the second time was a planned crime!
Although I don't know why Barton's first target was Potain, but there is no doubt that he wanted to kill himself...

The only conflict between them is that she will be the captain of this ship!
Murphy left the captain's cabin, but saw Luo approaching him.

His complexion was not good, and he seemed to have noticed something.

Almost at the same time, the two spit out the name.


Luo returned to the medical room and found that the toxin had no trace of being stolen at all.The dosage is not less than one milliliter.

And the only thing he has in his hand is Barton.

Because of Murphy's matter, he has been absent-minded, and he has completely forgotten that Barton has not come to him to ask for the next stage of healing medicine for nearly a month.

So what is this time spent on?
Of course, only the toxin eye drops he used originally.

"I can't figure it out, why did he kill Amelia? Is it because of love?" Luo said.

"Probably so," Murphy said.

"Then how did you know he was the murderer?"

"Because I'm smart enough."

Murphy did not tell Barton's real purpose.

Because she knew the consequences of what she said.

If Brin hadn't been malicious and tampered with her preferences... If it was a cup of coffee, she would definitely drink it up.

The consequences could be disastrous.

She didn't want Luo to think that it was all because of him.Don't want him to blame himself.

Murphy just wanted to catch Barton as soon as possible now, and then have a good chat with him in private.



Murphy was startled, and the sound of fighting came from the other side of the cabin.

The two hurried over, only to see that a big hole had been opened in the kitchen, and the inside was a mess.

And Midner confronted Barton, both of whom had murderous intent.

A slender kitchen knife was stuck in Midn's arm.

After his death, he said, "Captain Luo, the real murderer is Barton!"

If he hadn't reacted quickly, the knife would have been inserted into his throat.

"We already know." Luo replied lightly, "Patton, put down your weapon."

Button kept shaking his head, his eyes filled with disbelief, as if Trafalgarro had betrayed him.

"Captain Luo, you should be the captain. Why did you give up your position to that little girl! Even if it was a childhood promise, you can't treat us all as toys! If this girl leads the team, we may not survive the Chambord Islands." !"

Luo just wanted to say something, but saw Murphy beside him, stepped forward first, and flexed his wrist.

"I don't know what you're struggling with. If it's experience, I'm not the kind of arrogant person. I can totally listen to your suggestions. If it's gender... I'm afraid, I can only disappoint you. But if It's strength...then I'll let you know now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Murphy's figure disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Barton as if teleporting quickly.

He raised his hand to resist, but Murphy took the first step and punched Button on the chin.

Followed by an unusually skilled back fall.

The stout man, who was nearly two meters tall, was thrown out easily like a rag doll, and was thrown into the sea.

"Go down and fish him up! Then put him in prison!" Murphy ordered.

Everyone involuntarily replied "Yes!", only to think that this little girl now looks very domineering.

Murphy's melee combat skills are equally as good as anyone else's.

Murphy turned around and passed Luo.

The latter whispered in her ear like this.

"Barton's target is you, right? Because of the captain's matter."

Murphy was silent, didn't answer, just left.
A few hours later, Murphy estimated that Barton should have calmed down, and was going to go to the prison to have a good chat with him.

But... In front of Mo Fei, it was an empty prison.

"Where's Barton?" Murphy asked the others.

But these people all point to someone.

Angrily, Murphy found Trafalgaro, who was in the cafeteria, enjoying his lunch with peace of mind.

"Luo, go to the captain's cabin." She ordered.

Luo then obediently followed behind.
Out of curiosity, Brin followed.

She also wants to grab someone's handle.

Brin held her breath, eavesdropping on such a conversation from the captain's cabin——

"What about people?"

"Drowned. Didn't get up in time."

"Say more!"

"I will not let such a dangerous guy live in this world."

"You killed him?"

"Is there a problem?" Luo asked back.

"You can't do that."

"So... I should send him to the navy and let him be punished by law?"

Murphy suddenly fell silent.

Although he yearns to become a pirate, he always forgets that he is already a pirate.

A pirate like Luffy is the only one.

They cannot learn.

"He has already killed two people! And he was his companion!" Luo said, "I know you may not be used to such an approach, and you are still stuck in the justice of the navy. But a real pirate is like this."

"You are right. You did the right thing." Murphy said unwillingly, "but at the same time, don't forget that I am the captain of this ship now."

"I see. Next time, I will ask for instructions."

"There will be no next time." Murphy said, "I will not let this happen to you...never."

Luo suddenly chuckled and said, "I believe in your candidate...but I don't believe in Demon God. I hope you pay more attention to her."

"It's nothing to worry about. I trust her. As much as I trust you."

Luo frowned, "She's not as simple as she appears."

"But I trust her heart," Murphy said.

Bryn is a good girl.

In Murphy's eyes, there was no doubt about this.

Luo turned to leave, and suddenly pushed open the door of the captain's cabin.

Brin had no time to hide, and was exposed in front of him.

"I hope you can live up to this trust. Otherwise..." He said something, then turned and left.

The threat in the words, made no secret.

"Brin, don't worry about that guy. Tsk, madman." Murphy said dissatisfied.


Murphy blushed slightly, "I'm going to eat." He walked away quickly.

Brin stood there in a daze, then blushed, looking longing.

"In order to protect my sister from a little harm, I didn't hesitate to deal with the evil crew members who followed romantic." Brin said, "If only I had such a brother."
that night.

Although Murphy and Luo had a quarrel, they still thought of going together.

The two of them gathered at the door of Amelia's room without any discussion, and conducted another serious search.

In the end, they finally found out the built-in cassette hidden in the bookshelf.

Open it, and it is filled with detailed information about every person on board.

And about Luo, especially a lot.

Because it includes his daily's like a stalker.

But none of this explains anything.

In the end, she still couldn't recognize her true identity.


Murphy began to read the diary full of love for Luo.

One of the pages was torn out, but the content could barely be restored through the traces that penetrated to the next page.

The most important sentence is-

"I fell in love with that man, but I can't completely abandon my identity as CP8. So I can only send some irrelevant information..."

(End of this chapter)

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