One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 20 19 - Standing Under the Tree

Chapter 20 19 - Standing Under the Tree
Two days later.

【Mission Eleven: Stand on the slope of Yanzi Mountain, under the twin trees. 】【Time limit: 30min】

"Again! Dellinger! Help me look after the shop! I'll save you right away!"

Murphy pulled off his coat and rushed out.

Delinger was a little panicked, "Ehhhhh? Do I look after the shop myself?"

[There are still 5 minutes before the task fails]

Murphy rushed to Mr. Wolfe's hut, without paying attention to the person at the door to greet him, and ran towards the hillside without stopping.

[There are still 30 seconds before the task fails]

Mo Fei was panting and supported the trunk of the twin tree.

On weekdays, the journey of more than an hour was cut to half by her, and she still squeezed out time to run here.

You must know that the heavy snow on this hillside is one foot deep and one foot shallow. With her eight-year-old height, she almost buried herself in the snowdrift.

"It seems that daily exercise is not in vain." She smiled slightly.

【Mission Eleven: Stand on the slope of Yanzi Mountain, under the twin trees. (30min time limit)]【Completed】

[Task 15: To be unlocked] [Remaining time to unlock: [-]s]

[Task Thirteen: To be unlocked] [Remaining time to unlock: 15s]

"Two tasks? Looks like we're finally getting to the point." Murphy leaned on the tree trunk and grumbled, "I'm so fond of playing tricks, I'd like to see you, what kind of weird task can it be..."


In a daze, Murphy actually heard someone talking in the distance.



"I heard it again, this is..."

Murphy's eyes brightened.

[Task [-]: Change back to your body. 】

【Mission Thirteen: Join the Navy. 】

She suddenly felt that all her physical strength had been drained, and she knelt down on the snow with a puff.

In an instant, Murphy saw the unlocked mission.

Wait... What happened to changing back to my own body?

Murphy's face showed panic, and she suddenly realized that she couldn't call out the system interface.Murphy closed her eyes, but when she wanted to enter her mind more, she could see the internal structure of her body clearly.

"Damn, Neishi, have I finally made a breakthrough in cultivating immortals?"

When Murphy opened his mouth, he found that his voice was very strange.

Kind of like... a little boy.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"


An eight-year-old girl wearing a pink padded jacket with eyes as bright as roses stood in front of her.

She was disdainful, with a sarcasm in her smile.

"It's the first time I feel that my face is so flat." Murphy said, barely supporting his body.

She looked at her body. Although there was no tattoo mark, she saw a more flattened face from the ice next to her.

Murphy seemed to have figured out what was going on.

"Sorry, I'm a Devil Fruit user. I was doing related training just now, and it seems that something went wrong. But I will soon..."

"T, La, Far, Er, Gar, Lo!"

Murphy gritted his teeth and said the name, his whole body was murderous.

"You, know me?" Luo couldn't help taking a step back.

"It's not just acquaintance. I also want to... kill you! Make up your mind!"

Murphy reached out and grabbed "myself" by the neck.

Luo made a backflip and easily dodged.

He was slightly surprised, "The body is so light."

"Don't try to escape!" Murphy yelled, and grabbed him again.

Her eyes were fierce, she definitely wanted to kill him.For the first time, Luo felt that his face was so fierce.
Luo turned and ran without hesitation.

"Hey, wait! There must be some misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstood you big-headed ghost! Trafalgaroo! I misread you!"

"What's wrong? What are you talking about? Who are you!"

"No matter what your current future is, the mistakes you made can no longer be made up for! Killing people is something you can't repay no matter how many good deeds you do!"

"So, who are you!"

The two ran away.

For the first time, Luo realized that his body was so light, and it was easy to move around.

But it was also the first time I discovered that "myself" going crazy is so terrible.

"Hey! Don't run that way!" She suddenly shouted.

"Who will listen to you!" Luo shouted.

In the next second, he felt himself flying in mid-air.

It turned out that behind these two big trees was an ice slope with an astonishing height.

Murphy wanted to catch up, but after seeing the boat downhill, he chose to hide behind a tree.

navy?How are they here?
Luo rolled all the way, spinning around.

Until he was stopped by a naval officer wearing a cloak of justice.

The other party looked like the leader of the navy, and those with capes were at least above the school level.

"Little girl, are you all right?" the navy chief asked in a gentle tone.

As soon as Luo saw the navy, he subconsciously took three or four steps away.

"It's alright, nothing happened."

"That's good... By the way, little girl, is there a new kid on your island recently? He's about ten years old, and there are big white spots on his face..."

"No! No one has been here recently!"

Luo denied it loudly.

"Really?" The chief of the navy scratched his head helplessly. "Little girl, it is very important for us to find that child. After you go back, remember to ask your parents if they have seen it."

Luo nodded quickly, then turned his head, and hurriedly climbed up the slope over there, using both hands and feet.

"Is my face too scary?" He asked suspiciously.

"Major T Penn!" The soldier next to him reported, "We have indeed received the news that the boy suffering from platinum-lead disease has landed on Swallow Island!"

"Really... Platinum lead disease is a terrible infectious disease, but as long as you don't contact it for a long time, you won't be infected." T Penn shouted, "Now everyone is searching for his whereabouts on this island! Although I I can't bear to hunt down a child, but in order to protect the peace of this island! In order not to hurt any people on this island, we must find him!"

"Yes! Major!"

The navy yelled back, landing on the island.
Luo leaned against the tree trunk out of breath, and had climbed back up the slope, looking down in horror.

Damn it, did that group of marines come after them here?

Corazon took him to seek medical treatment on various islands. The navy learned of this and there were survivors of Frevans, so they began to hunt down his whereabouts.

But because the island has been shifted, it has not been discovered.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time, I caught up in just three days.


It's okay.

He no longer has the characteristics of platinum-lead disease, even if the group of marines found him, they would not be able to recognize him.

After all, what the navy knew was only a boy suffering from platinum-lead disease, and they didn't know the rest of the specifics.

"Hey." A low voice shouted, "Those marines are here to look for you, the boy with platinum-lead disease."

Luo trembled all over, looking in surprise at himself who was slowly approaching.

"Why do you know? Who are you...?"

(End of this chapter)

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