One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 26 25 - Sea Warrior Sora

Chapter 26 25 - Sea Warrior Sora
"Although I heard that Vinsmoke's children are all geniuses, if it's you, I think there should be no problem." Jonathan said, "The competition system is two wins in three games, very simple."

"They are about eight or nine years old. It's easy," Luo said.

"Easy! We will definitely win!" Delinger said happily, and when he heard that he could fight, his blood boiled all over his body.

Murphy raised his eyebrows, "Where did you get your confidence?"

"What do you mean?"

"The children of the Vinsmoke family are all genetically modified new humans, and they are born superhuman. No matter how powerful we are, we have never genetically modified." Murphy said.

Jonathan frowned, why hadn't he heard of this?

Murphy continued, "The Ghost Ax Pirates were destroyed a few years ago, and the main force attacking them were these eight or nine-year-old children."

"Really..." Delinger wrinkled his small face, and seemed to have some impressions, but he didn't, "Sister, what was the name of the pirate group we stayed in back then?"

Delinger spoke surprisingly, not only Luo was a little confused, but even Jonathan frowned.

"what happened?"

Murphy hurriedly explained, "It's not the pirates. It's our caravan that was robbed by the pirates, and we were taken away together."

"Those scoundrels!" Delinger became annoyed when he mentioned this, "Although I don't remember clearly, but in my impression, we are always hungry and my sister is always tired."

"Have you ever had such an experience... I'm sorry." Jonathan sighed.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, because my sister has already been poisoned... woo woo woo."

Murphy covered Delinger's mouth and smiled awkwardly, "In any case, this matter has been settled. Before the challenge, we will conduct special training. Then...Lieutenant General Jonathan, we Withdrew."

Once out the door, Delinger struggled to escape.

"Hey, brat! Why don't you let me talk!"

"Your sister won't allow it," Murphy said.

Luo broke into a cold sweat and said, yes.

Although Delinger pouted reluctantly, he didn't say much.

However, Luo and Jonathan have secretly remembered this matter in their hearts.
Before departure, "Murphy" and Delinger conducted a formal enlistment and award ceremony.

Because of their age, although the two of them were training in the navy, they were not officially in the navy.

Now, the two of them are formal privates in the Navy.

As for "Luo", he had formally enlisted in the army not long ago, and even participated in an operation to exterminate bandits, made great contributions, and was promoted to Sergeant.

Although Murphy's strength is far more than that of a military officer, everything must be done step by step.

The venue for the competition between the two parties is in their naval branch, and Murphy and others have received news that people from the Vinsmoke family... or people from the Germa 66 organization will arrive here tomorrow.

And it wasn't until almost before going to bed that Luo finished training and returned to the room.

Murphy said with great interest, "I always feel that after knowing the challenge, you seem to be very active. Is it because of the warrior Sola at sea?"

"Whispering." Luo was a little embarrassed, changed into his pajamas, and was about to fall asleep.

On the other hand, Delinger looked very happy, "Sister like me, she likes Sola very much."

Sola, the warrior of the sea, is a somewhat routine heroic story, but it is especially popular among boys, and even in the navy, it has a lot of popularity.

And Sora's deadly enemy is Germa66, an arrogant and domineering father and four children who also have superpowers.

This time they faced off against the real Germa 66, and Luo also wanted to be like his hero Sola, defeating Germa's group in the challenge.

"Your hair is not dry yet, so be careful of catching a cold." Murphy said, picking up the hair dryer, "Come here, I'll dry it for you."

"No need." Luo Jiang was pulled, and his whole body was covered in it.

"Your body is very precious, I can't let her catch a cold." Murphy's tone was slightly displeased.

In other words, this is my body and you should take care of it.

Luo just crawled out of the bed, and was dragged by Mo Fei to dry his hair.

"How is your ability mastered?" Luo asked.

"I don't even know the slaughterhouse, let alone the transplant." Murphy sighed.

The only thing she can do with her ability now is to expand the room and cut it regardless of defense.

I used to think that ROOM was so handsome, and I also felt that Luo was really lucky to have the fruit of the operation.

But I didn't expect to get started by myself, but I found out that it is a traditional art skill-the eyes will be useless and the hands will be useless.

Difficulty factor MAX.

Murphy was thinking, if things go on like this, even if he returns to his body, will Luo be weaker than the Luo in Murphy's impression?

"Before this body develops, quickly change it back. This is my bottom line." Luo Shen said.

"But this body has already developed, and I haven't said anything yet. You don't have to make trouble." Murphy said with an embarrassing face.

Of course, there are handsome guys in the navy, and they must all be good-looking and good-looking. Training with them every day, Murphy's psychological quality is so strong.

She is not interested in beauties, and every day she hypnotizes herself not to look at handsome guys, and sits cross-legged to practice meditation, so that her adolescent body can calm down...

In two years, she will really be empty.

"Sister, brat, what are you talking about?" Delinger asked naively.

Both Luo and Murphy's expressions changed subtly, and then they shouted in unison.

"Go to sleep!"
The next morning.

As usual... Murphy was woken up by Luo's fixed alarm clock in his sleep, and struggled to get out of bed.

"Come on, Vinsmoke's ship is in port," he said.

But when the three of them arrived at the port, they learned that Vinsmoke's ship was parked at the largest port on the island, not a military port.

The three of them had no choice but to run over first.

Other navies are not allowed to enter and leave the Naval Branch at will, but the three of them are contestants.

And because the three of them together are so iconic, they are about to become a feature of the Beihai Navy Branch.

The three were let out without even being stopped by the naval guards at the door to talk.

Murphy and the others are located at the Beihai Navy Branch, which is also the headquarters of the Navy in Beihai.

They are located in the largest kingdom in the North Sea, the Grundley Kingdom.

It's not that Mo Fei complained. Although this is the largest kingdom, its territory is equivalent to a medium-sized province in her hometown.

In the eyes of many people, the bustling street, Mo Fei only felt a little bleak.

But... the port at this time can be called a prosperous level.

Looking around, a huge crowd of people gathered on the coast, forming a line.

Although Murphy and the others were wearing navy uniforms, no matter how others saw them, they looked like a hero game played by children, so no one paid attention.

Finally they jumped to the tallest building and saw the approaching ships in the distance.


"What the hell is that... Is there a big snail!" Murphy said.

(End of this chapter)

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