One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 29 28 - Yiji VS Delinger

Chapter 29 28 - Yiji VS Delinger

Reiju watched the boy panicked through the window and left the castle.

She was silent, standing where she was, unable to move.

After Sanji left, she always had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

That kind of emotion was turbulent in her heart, making her sleepless and restless.

Every time I saw the evil deeds of those bastards, the feeling became more intense.

Reiju has been suppressing in her heart and never shows it.

Just follow my father's orders... soon such feelings will pass.

She always thought that it was because of the departure of her mother and Sanji that she would be like this.

Until today, Reiju didn't know what this feeling was.

【eager. 】

Desire for freedom.

Longing to leave this oppressive gray fortress.

Reiju gritted her teeth, tears overflowing.

What on earth should she do? -
Murphy fled in a panic, full of doubts.

She recalled what she said just now, and she didn't think she said anything wrong, but why did Reiju act so angry.

She returned to the lounge full of doubts, but she was confronted by an even more angry guy.

"You bastard! Where did you go!"

Luo roared, holding her knife in his hand.

"Just now, we have been notified that we are going to the competition venue. I managed to fool you."

"Sorry, sorry." Murphy said, "Let's go now."

"Is the matter over?" Luo instantly suppressed his anger and asked after looking around for no one.

"Deal with what?"

"You're not going to steal..."

"Just a walk." Murphy said decisively.

"Tch, boring." Luo said disgustedly, "This fruit is for you to use, it's really useless, I haven't learned the slaughterhouse until now."

"I want you to take care of it," Murphy said firmly.

While the two were talking, Delinger had already jumped several hundred meters and disappeared.

He couldn't hold back his desire to teach those boys a lesson.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Murphy immediately chased after him.
The three of them came to the arena again at this time, and the seats were already full.

The three venues were, as Mophy expected, one was given to Vinsmoke and their soldiers, one was given to the navy, and one was for the kingdom's royal family and a large number of ordinary people.

In the kingdom of Grundley, Murphy once saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a bit of majesty at a certain festival.

Not a faint king, but not a wise king either.

It's just maintaining the peace created by the previous generation of Mingjun in an ordinary way.

But for the public, this is the best choice.

A soldier in sunglasses who looked no different from the one on the seat was standing in the middle of the competition field, introducing the two contestants in a somewhat blunt tone.

A host without the slightest passion, if she were an audience, she would be so bored that she would fall asleep.

Didn't expect the first show of life to appear in such a boring environment?

Murphy thought it was at least the level of the Dressrosa Arena.

She looked around, Jonathan and Jessica in the front seat over there gave her a positive look, and on the other side were the three brats from the Vinsmoke family...

Eh?Where's Reiju?
Murphy was a little worried.

"...Competition against opponents and venues, all using random turntables..."

But soon her worries were absorbed by the words.

Random playing field?

That's what it sounds like!
Two turntables were successively carried to the field.

The turntable is simple and clear at a glance, and there is no room for cheating at all.

Germa also invited a female navy to stand on the stage and turn the turntable.

"The first competition, Vinsmoke Idge of Germa 66, and... Basil Dellinger of the North Sea Branch Navy!"

Everyone could clearly see the impatient expression on Yiji's face.

Probably because the opponent felt that it was too easy.

But the results came out on the spot.

Murphy and others also knew the result.

"The venue for this competition is... the seawater venue!"

The square competition field, if you look closely, is composed of countless smaller square columns.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the unremarkable competition venue sank slowly, leaving only a few scattered footholds, and the sea water flooded the entire venue in an instant.

Although it is not as exaggerated as a plum blossom pile, it is only about one square meter in size.

But when Delinger saw the venue, he hesitated and didn't dare to go forward.

Yiji, who had already stood on the ground, was very relaxed.

"Get over it quickly. I don't have that much time to lose."

Luo gave Dellinger a nudge on the back.

"Hurry up. Today, I allow you to make a big fuss."

"But..." Delinger lowered his hat a little more, "I'm going to be called a monster again."

Luo put his hand on Delinger's shoulder, his voice firm.

"Before all strong people grow up, they are called monsters. But because of this, have you given up on becoming strong?"

Delinger nodded thoughtfully, settled his mind, and then jumped onto a pillar in the competition venue.

Face the game calmly.

Murphy couldn't help smiling, "He's really a good brother."

"Whispering." Luo looked away and pressed the brim of his hat unnaturally.

Murphy didn't have the habit of wearing a hat, so of course he still wore the spotted hat.

No matter summer or winter.

It simply surprised Murphy.
With a sharp whistle, the competition began.

The red clothes stretched into long flame scars, and slammed into Delinger's body fiercely.

Delinger had no time to react and was knocked into the water.

Yiji said coldly, "That's really the only way. What kind of waves can a five-year-old child make?"

Jessica, who likes Delinger the most, took the case.

"You brat! You can't hit me lightly! You're so old, you're amazing! My Delinger has grown to your age, so it's easy to hit you!"

"Jessica, calm down..." Jonathan was sweating coldly on his forehead, and hurriedly grabbed Jessica, "Dringer is not that weak."

"It deserves it!" Yongzhi made a grimace, "Who made you look down on the Vinsmoke family!"

"That kid didn't even have a bubble, he's probably dead. Hahaha." Ni Zhi hugged his shoulders and laughed wildly.

Off the court, Luo clung to the murderous Murphy.

"Put the knife down! Put it down!"

Luo abruptly opened Mo Fei's fingers before taking the knife out of her hand.

If it wasn't for Murphy's familiarity with Delinger's ability to resist blows, and she could survive being hung on the bow of a boat for three days and three nights at the age of two, I'm afraid she would have rushed up.

"Hurry up and announce the end. It's really not challenging at all." Iji said confidently.

The presiding soldier took up his whistle.

But... a second before the whistle sounded, the sound of breaking water broke the silence.

In just an instant, Yiji, who was defenseless, was grabbed by his ankle and dragged into the water.

"Deringer! Fuck you! Don't let that kid come up! Fuck Vinsmoke!" Murphy yelled, as if letting out a bad breath.

Luo raised his eyebrows. He always felt that Murphy seemed to have fully adapted to being a boy.This can't work...

(End of this chapter)

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