One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 3 2 - The Sea and Pirates

Chapter 3 2 - The Sea and Pirates

It took Murphy three hours to find the fruit tree, but he could only look at it.

I couldn't climb up, and my arm was injured, let alone climb a tree.

But her weak body had no strength and couldn't hit it down. The tree was fine, and she almost died, only two or three fell down.

After all, I didn't starve to death.

[Task [-]: Find food. 】【completed】

The system sent such a prompt.

"It's done for a fart." She said dissatisfiedly, endured it, and took the last fruit in her hand.

Eating is not a matter of one meal.

Then Murphy chose a direction and walked straight there.

If this is an island, the coast can always be seen as long as the direction remains the same.

As long as she finds the coast, she can enjoy the delicacy of seafood unscrupulously.

And the next step is to walk along the coastline.

As long as this is not an uninhabited island, there should be boats staying on the shore.

Then everything will be fine.

After a few hours, the sky began to darken.

But Murphy jumped up happily.

"It's the sound of waves..."

She runs wild.

The jungle receded behind her, the trees spread out in front of her...

The salty sea breeze was blowing in her face, and she stood barefoot on the wet and cold sand.

"It's really the sea..."

Murphy looked at the endless blue, because of which the whole sky seemed infinitely vast.

As Murphy, who had always lived inland and had never seen the vast sea with his own eyes, he was undoubtedly shocked at this moment.

"My parents have always said that when I graduate, the whole family will go on a trip to the beach. I'm really sorry, I sneaked away first."

Mo Fei smiled bitterly, and she pinned her hair that was blown by the sea wind behind her ears.

But immediately there was another gust of wind, blowing it up again, as if laughing at her futile work.

Murphy straightened his expression and restrained his thoughts.

"Get some food quickly while the sky is still dark."

It looked like low tide time, and Murphy should be able to catch some good shellfish.

She remembered that there was a kind of shellfish that could be eaten raw, and she could only try to make fire by drilling wood for the rest.

Murphy picked up shells in the dark sky.

It was her first time catching the sea... she didn't even know whether it counted as catching the sea or not.

No one taught her any skills, and she suffered a lot, but the results were poor.

But when something suspected of being an oyster was picked up, a bigger problem came.


How do I pry this thing open? ? ?
Murphy looked at his nails, they were still a little bit.

Or, try it?

With the mentality of trying to win the big prize, she wanted to open the oyster with her fingernails.


The oysters really opened their mouths!

"I really won the lottery..."

The fresh and tender white meat inside the oyster moved, and then, a human-like eye appeared.

It turned around and met Murphy's eyes.

Murphy just felt creepy.

That eye froze, and Murphy also felt the fear coming from the other party.



Quickly closed the lid.


Murphy's hand was firmly clamped in.

She flung wildly as she ran.

The sand was slippery under his feet, and if he didn't pay attention, Mo Fei leaned back.

Just at this time the big waves came.

Murphy was involved.

She can still order it no matter how much she swims, it's just...

The premise is that she has strength.

What the hell is it that I can't lift my strength at all!
I'm going to die!

Murphy was slapped on the beach in embarrassment.

"Cough cough cough... It seems that even the sea hates me."

With a wry smile, Mo Fei reluctantly got up and stayed away from the coast.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I get a little strength? It shouldn't be..."

She muttered strangely.

【Task [-]: Explore the island】【Completed】

"Eh? Finished? What's going on?"

When Murphy was a little confused, a new mission had arrived.

[Task [-]: Walk southwest along the coastline to find the town. 】

"Small town? Really? Someone?"

Mo Fei's eyes widened. She didn't care about any shells anymore. After confirming the direction, she walked over quickly.

After walking for more than an hour, when Mo Fei almost thought it was a scam, he finally found the town... However, it was not much different from a scam.

This is a small town covered in scorched fire and blood.

Corpses were lying on the ground in all directions, broken weapons and traces of sharp blades on the walls could be seen everywhere.

[Task [-]: Walk southwest along the coastline to find the town. 】【completed】

[Task Five: Rescue the man. 】

"help me."

A man with blood on his face told her so, he was pressed by a heavy wooden board.

Murphy screamed, took a step back, and fell to the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

"I, I, I...not afraid, not at all...not afraid..."

Murphy licked his lips and said, then tried to stabilize his emotions.

Come on, think about it, isn't she a guy who watches horror movies for dinner?How could you be frightened by this thing!

but but but...

Ye Gong loves dragons.

Murphy's mind was spinning normally, but his body was trembling.

"help me……"

The man said again.

Murphy's eyes widened, and the panic suddenly dissipated.

"Saving people... yes, saving people."

As long as there is this reason, it is enough.

Mo Fei reached out and pressed the wound on her leg. The pain calmed her down a bit.

Then he ran over there in embarrassment.

"I'll save you."

Murphy pushed the wooden board hard, but it didn't move.

No, her strength is still too small.

But you can't pull the man out directly, that will undoubtedly make the injury more serious.

Murphy looked around, and finally landed on a shovel scattered over there.

Obviously, the residents here also fought against the invaders with all their strength.

She dragged the heavy shovel, tucked the handle side under the plank, and ran away.
The man's vague consciousness thought to himself, is he still going to die here?


The little girl suddenly yelled, ran towards Kuang, and jumped high.Step on the raised shovel hard.

Although the board did not fly, it was also deformed by this force.

"I'll save you now."

The little girl stretched out a hand and dragged him out of it with great effort.

[Task Five: Rescue the man. 】【completed】

【Mission [-]: Leave the island. 】

"Thank you..." the man said weakly.

"How are you? Is there any injury? What can I do?" Murphy asked three times.

The man looked at the destroyed town in despair and said something.

"It's really bad luck."


The man sighed and said, "I was originally a businessman, and I came to this town to do business. But I ran into pirates and almost lost my life here... But if no one comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to last long. My legs look like It was broken, and a few ribs were broken, and the whole body seemed to be falling apart."

"Pirate?" Murphy was surprised, how could there be such a thing here?

"Little girl, are you the survivor of this town?"

"How long ago did the pirates attack here?"

"A day ago, probably... I was in a coma, I don't know."

"Then I... should be." Murphy looked at his hands.

She was lying hungry in the forest, in a mess, with burn marks on her body.

It looks like the town was attacked and escaped.

That's not right either...

If that's the case, just being starved for a day won't starve to death, right?

"Ah, we're saved." The man said suddenly.

Mo Fei was taken aback, and followed the man's gaze, it was a ship with...

Ships with naval flags.

Don't ask her how she knew it was a Navy flag.

Because of this anime, she has spent nearly ten years with her.

"is that a lie."

(End of this chapter)

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