One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 335 332 - North End Empty Island 16

Chapter 335 332 - North End Empty Island 16
332-Northern Empty Island 16
finally reached.

A flying bird burning with blue flames flew across the sky above the Northern Sky Island and landed in the village of Haoren Village.

Because only this island has obvious lights here.

"It's Lord God!"

Because the blue flame was too dazzling and sacred in the dark night, all the villagers thought it was a god descending on this place.

But this god is more than one person.

A blond man, two young girls, and...a sheep.

Marco smiled wryly, these three guys completely regarded themselves as aircraft.

But thanks to the girl and the sheep, Marco would not agree to a man.

Once they landed, they were quickly surrounded by villagers.

Marco asked the villagers about Murphy, but they didn't know anything.

Until a little boy said that a big sister in a strange black dress came here.

The adults quickly told him to shut up.

Marco realized that there was a problem.

Just as Marco was thinking about whether to use strong means to get news from them, a person dressed in priestly clothing appeared.

He called himself High Priest Neg.

And said that these people did come, but they went out to help them find the missing villagers, and they will come back soon.

Negg smiles friendly and treats people kindly.

Marco also agreed with a smile, saying that he would bother him for a while again.

He was wary under his smile, wanting to see where this man hid the eldest lady.

Niege secretly had his own plan——

When they landed just now, Negg saw it.

The girl who kept combing her bangs was a three-eyed girl.

When she fell, she didn't cover her hair in time.

Although the villagers didn't notice it, his eyes were sharp.
——It should be in this direction.

A black shadow was advancing rapidly in the dark forest.

As they approached, Murphy faintly sensed the crisis in the air.

She paused for a while, and found the machinery hidden in the layers of leaves.

With the awakening of memory, Murphy could roughly recognize this kind of name.

— Drones?

And it looks very high-end.

That means the front...

Ah, as she guessed.

Relying on the characteristics of the shadow, Murphy bypassed all the dark guards and slipped quietly to the metal door.

This metal door is about ten meters high, and behind it is covered by layers of vines. The design is full of futuristic technology, with faint blue lights flickering.

In front of the metal door, there was a metal cube nearly three meters high, and all the sides that Mo Fei could see were filled with strange square characters.

——Historical text.

Murphy's memory gave the answer.

But this thing is blue, so it's not a coordinate history text, it's just a record.

Murphy didn't stay here, but got in through the crack of the door, passing through enough metal that was nearly [-] centimeters thick.

She found that the material of this metal seemed to be the same as that used for the historical text.

——What kind of place is this?
Murphy's curiosity grew stronger.

The time it takes to darken depends on how long Murphy holds his breath.

She felt that she was reaching the limit, but she didn't let it go easily.

This caution led her to discover the guardian behind the door.

Those white humanoid machines.

They have a breathing orange glow that seems to be on standby.

Murphy's sixth sense told her not to provoke these horrible things.

She held on to her breath, feeling dizzy, and rushed into the door in front of her.

Just after passing the door, the black shadow on the ground instantly expanded and turned into Murphy.

Murphy took a big breath, allowing his oxygen-deprived brain to work again.

There is a cooling time before the black shadow is released and it can be used again, and this time may be shortened after training.

But for Murphy who used [Sacrifice of Faith] for the first time, he had to wait until tomorrow to use [Shadow Strike] again.

Murphy looked around the environment he had just arrived, cautiously.

Red lights illuminate here.

It took Murphy a few seconds to get used to it and see it clearly.

The room is vast and filled with various electronic instruments, which Murphy seems to only see in science fiction movies.

The two sides are like display stands, and the exhibits are suspended in the middle like virtual images.

Murphy was able to recognize the regulars in sci-fi movies, laser swords, laser guns, levitating shoes...

Oh, there are several cocoon-shaped liquid storage compartments at the end. If Mophy guessed correctly, the scientific name of this thing should be called the nutrition compartment.

But for Murphy... Although it has been a few years, what impressed me the most was the way Vegeta soaked in it.

There are no guards along the way here, not even possible infrared rays.

But at the end, when Mo Fei saw the destroyed main gate, he seemed to understand something.

Someone has been here too.

Maybe even used the same method as her to escape the front defenses and arrive here.And successfully turned off the guard in this room.


"It doesn't look like it's been opened."

At the closed metal door at the end of the corridor, after a light sweep of the bottom of the door, it was covered with dust.

The dust is very new, probably only a year or so old.

It seems that when the "intruder" turned off the security system, the cleaning system was also turned off.

Murphy opened the notepad he was carrying, and suddenly smiled.

The high priest also clearly recorded here that he failed to enter here, and the historical text outside is a reminder, so he needs to find the interpretation of the three-eyed tribe to enter here.

And the high priest seems to have decided that there must be a treasure here.


She doesn't have to.

A silver skull key lay quietly in her palm.

It is said that the key that can even open the door of the heart and the potential, facing this door, is simply at your fingertips.

Murphy picked up the key, pointed it at the door in front of him, turned it slightly, and heard a soft click.

Then the metal door made a sound of mechanical turning, and the treasure that the high priest had been looking forward to opening for several years was displayed in front of Mo Fei.

As the door slowly opened, hundreds of screens radiating in a fan shape came into Murphy's eyes.

Silently written on each screen are two square characters, reading "Warning".

The solitary throne sits in the middle of the room, where a pair of glasses is left behind.

The more Murphy's memory recovered, the more confused he became about the scene in front of him.


Did she time travel again?
This place looks like an alien cockpit!
But... How could the characters displayed on these screens be in traditional Chinese characters!

Mo Fei came to the throne step by step, picked up his glasses tremblingly, and put them on the bridge of his nose.

Familiar fonts that she hadn't seen for many years filled her retina.

And the name of this place was displayed in her mind.


(End of this chapter)

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