One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 338 335 - North End Empty Island 19

Chapter 338 335 - North End Empty Island 19
335-Northern Empty Island 19
"It was discovered so quickly, do you have any special ability?"

"Luo" waved his hand, and his figure dissipated like smoke, revealing his true face.

It was a man in a suit. He was not handsome, but there was an innate arrogance between his brows.

Murphy felt that this person looked familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be Elsa's belongings.

Talking about the past to everyone, the other party showed her the necklace that could be opened, which contained a photo of her and her fiance.


"I should be the one asking you, what kind of ability is this?" Murphy asked.

Lanchester smiled, "It's nothing to tell you, but first of all, we must confirm your cooperation intention."


"I saw your ship... Is it a pirate who was exiled from Bilan Island? It seems that there are only a few people. I have to say that you are also very courageous."

"Are you not worried about the situation on Bilan Island?"

"As long as she lives, I have nothing to worry about," Lanchester said.

He has the Elsa life card that he stole.

"I don't know how you entered this place. But being able to enter here and recognize my identity shows that you are capable. How about it? Do you want to cooperate with me? I have a way to leave this island .”

"what way?"

"God ship."
Lanchester told Murphy that he knew that the residents of this island had built a special ship that could fly in the sky without relying on wind power.

And the key to start the flying ship is in the hands of the seven priests.

But only one is true.

Now he has two of them.

"They're here. What a coincidence."

Hurley and Zhishaluo are both in the nutrition cabin, half floating.

"Hurley" had already pretended to be asleep and closed her eyes.

"There are five left. If you cooperate with your ability, you should be able to get it smoothly."

There is no trace of fighting outside, and the opponent's ability should be related to invisibility and lurking.

"It's you." Murphy's eyes darkened.

"Just a little torture. It seems that they don't know whether the key in their hands is real or not." Lanchester said in a relaxed tone.

The tragic situation of Hurley and Zhishaluo was seen by Murphy, which was not something a normal person could do.

"Let me ask you." Murphy thought for a while, "If you go back to Bilan Island, what will you do?"

"It seems that you should have heard about my deeds." Lanchester smiled slightly, "Of course it is to get back what I deserve. At the same time, we will eradicate the Facher family step by step... No matter what the reason, the Mafia will It shouldn't exist. Then... god... such a weak guy has to die."

The God who has returned has won the support of many people.

But he is an exception.

The once cowardly god lost his seat so easily, leaving them in the fear of being ruled by the "Almighty God".

Who can guarantee that this kind of thing will not happen again?

"You are really crazy." Murphy couldn't believe it.

Does this guy want to go back and do the first thing is to kill?

"Sorry, I won't cooperate with you."

Murphy saw the two people in the nutrition cabin, and she was really crazy to cooperate with this kind of lunatic.

"Is it... no matter what you say? Pirate, I'm giving you a chance to repent." Lanchester stretched out his hand, and a sharp blade appeared in his hand.

He saw that there was only one person in the other party, and it was a woman, so he showed up.And he said such important information with confidence.

Even if the other party disagrees, it is easy to resolve.

"Lanchester, I sincerely hope that you Sky Islanders can read more wanted notices. Then you won't have such stupid ideas." Murphy said.

The opponent's ability was weird, and Murphy didn't want to confront him head-on until he figured it out.


"Murphy, the captain of the Dawn Pirates. Please give me your advice." She said, her figure had begun to change.

The strong werewolf body held the suit taut.

"Murphy... Damn it!"

The guy who offered a reward of more than 12 million for the first time... It is said that the [-]-year-old has also been offered a reward.

Is an extremely dangerous person.

Lanchetus turned around, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared without a trace.

Even the breath disappeared together.

"What a weird ability," Murphy said.


[An unknown person approaches the control room. 】

Such red words appeared in the analysis glasses.

"Control room?"

Murphy turned his head, and he had just come out of the control room.

"Is there surveillance?"

A blue screen appeared in front of Murphy's eyes, and the eyes of the "drone" conveyed the scene to her.

These little cuties lurking in the forest at the door faithfully played the "Intruder" screen.

It's Luo.

He carried two people on his back.

It was Dellinger and Cavendish.

This is the first time I have seen such an embarrassing scene.

Luo also seemed to have sensed the danger hidden in the forest, so he didn't dare to move forward.

"Do you have control over the drone?"

[Confirmed: #@% level [-] authority]

[Controllable DX Series Guardians]

Mo Fei clicked on the permission description, and found that the holder of the analytical glasses would have permission four by default.

However, the holder information part of the parsing glasses seems to be damaged, so no matter who wears it, it has level [-] authority.

And the highest authority is level five, which is to activate Pluto.
Luo at the door stopped.

Because he saw the wreckage of these strange machines.

If you look carefully, you can find that these machines are wearing camouflage coats and lurking in the forest.

As long as he continued to approach, he might be attacked like Delinger.

Luo didn't mean that he couldn't solve these things, but he was worried that after solving these things, more troublesome things would be disturbed.

If he met the man just now... Luo is not even sure if he can escape again.


A drone flies up.


Luo shuddered all over, and took a few steps back.

"Haha, what's your expression?"

Murphy saw someone's terrified and surprised expression, and it was indescribably interesting to see someone like Luo who didn't express much.


"It's me. Follow the machine and you'll be there. There's a treatment room here."

Luo followed the machine to the control room, and the expression on his face was still that of disbelief and hard thinking but couldn't figure it out...

Murphy on the other side of the machine couldn't stop laughing.
Good Village.

The high priest Neg entertained them and held a grand banquet.

In front of Marco, there are delicious food.

There are beauties pouring wine for them.

But Marco buckled the flagon.

He who had always maintained a gentle attitude suddenly cooled down.

"We're just looking for someone, we don't want to cause trouble."

Marco had seen this jug before, and it was made after the Yin-Yang pot of the Seven Stars Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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