One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 340 337 - North End Empty Island 21

Chapter 340 337 - North End Empty Island 21
337-Northern Empty Island 21
Where is this place?
One second, Brin was still observing the kitchen, wondering if he could learn some new recipes, but the next second, he felt that the scenery in front of him had changed, and he came to a strange room.

The walls around here are wooden boards, looking at the interior layout, it is similar to the captain's cabin on a ship.

It's just that there is no trace of humanity here.

There is no proper decoration, and it has been vacant for a long time.

But there is no trace of dust.

She wanted to go out from here, but found that the door had been locked.

"anyone there?"

She called inside for a long time, but no one answered.

Just when Brin was about to give up and see if he could escape here with his own strength...


An old man quietly appeared in front of her eyes like a ghost.

Brin recognized the person who came, and it was Nigg, the village head here.

Nigg was polite at first, but Brin soon realized the fact that he was imprisoned.


Why is she imprisoned.

"Because of your uniqueness." Negg said, "No one can ignore the power in it."

Brin covered her bangs timidly, listening to her identity being exposed in front of Marco and Asriel, listening to them go to find the so-called blood relatives...

Again because of my own eyes.

Seeing Niege disappearing in front of his eyes like a bubble, Brin knelt on the ground a little weakly.

[It's really disgusting to look at it so closely.Blind that face for nothing. 】

[I really can't figure it out, why did the leader want us to bring the Three-Eyed Clan back? 】

[These guys will only bring malicious and world-destroying prophecies... Things like the Three-Eyed Clan should be extinct. 】


She has been hated by her father since she was born.

Disgusted by mother.

Disgusted by her siblings and everyone who met her.

But now, she finally met a person who would not hate her because of her eyes, and would not treat her special because of her status, but because of her eyes, she made that person take risks many times.

Not only Murphy, but that Kuina also saw it, but she didn't say anything, and comforted herself like that.

Bryn thought back to the other companions, and imagined that if they knew about her third eye... she had no idea that these guys would show disgusted expressions.

Breen is lucky to have met these people, so...

I don't even want them to be in danger.

At this time, Brin seemed to have made up his mind.
the other side.

Hiiragi Joe who is falling.

He fell out of the Northern Sky Island, passed through the clouds, and looked at the endless horizon, with the whistling wind in his ears.

But his consciousness was now immersed in a pure white corridor.

The corridor is narrow, and on both sides are doors covered with golden patterns and wrapped in divine light.

The eight doors are all open, and there are different shapes inside, but they are all holy places full of hope and vitality.

Why is he here?

Hiiragi Qiao covered his head, it seemed that when he was falling, he was pulled here by an invisible force.


A gentle voice like a mother.

He knew the voice, had given him instructions.

She is the goddess of the elements and the master of heaven.

He is also the patron saint of travelers and sailors.

"The ninth holy spirit has awakened."

"What? Number nine?"

Hiiragi Qiao looked up and looked at the closed door at the end of the corridor.

It was a strange color in the pure white holy world, and the rusted iron door sealed by chains was more like a basement that had not been opened for many years.

And the information about this god, no matter how much he asked, Kenaris or Goddess Tibera would not tell him.

"But he is now ready to help the Daedric listener."

There was a trace of worry in that gentle voice.

"The listener of the demon god... who is it? Is that woman's companion?"

Hiiragi Joe frowned.

It seems that there are quite a few people from CP9.

But Kenaris didn't point it out, she just said something lightly.

"Kill her before she grows up."

The biggest difference between the Demon God and the Holy Spirit is... cooperation.

Although there are only eight holy spirits, they never put the thirteen demon gods in their eyes.

But the ability of Talos brought cooperation to the Demon God.

You must kill the opponent before the opponent realizes the horror of this ability.


The camp of the Holy Spirit will definitely lose.

Hiiragi Qiao opened his eyes again, still out of the rapidly falling mid-air.

"It feels like I was forcibly ejected...Huh? Hey!"

Hiiragi Qiao's muscles were tense, and he found that the sea was only a few hundred meters away from him.

And with his own extreme falling speed, it only takes a few tenths of a second to...

[Dragon Scale of Akatosh]

[Some changes! 】

A pair of blood-red dragon wings were displayed from behind in an instant.

The several feet long wings flapped vigorously to prevent his fall.

Hiiragi Qiao's toes barely touched the surface of the sea.

"No wonder you forced me was scary. But then again...the guy who forced me in..."

Hiiragi Joe immediately restrained his anger.

"Forget it, it's a goddess. And she's a beautiful goddess. She's innocent and innocent."

He looked up at the North End Sky Island that had long since disappeared.

"Being able to come here means that I can fly away from that strange place..."

Hiiragi Qiao had mastered Hualong a year ago, but every time he wanted to fly out of the island, he was beaten back by an invisible force.

Half a year ago, Hiiragi Joe found the source, that strange building, as long as he destroyed the source, he could leave this uninhabited island.

Then I met the beauties in my memory...

Empress, Shirahoshi, Nami, Robin~
And now he got his wish to leave.


"I have to go back."

He wants to go back to save Hurley, Zhishaluo, and that strange woman.

"I will never let the world government do evil in my hometown!"

Hiiragi Qiao said in a deep voice, flapped her wings, and flew back to the North End Sky Island.
Beijikong Island, Pluto's control room, a few minutes ago.

[The anti-air defense cover is opened. 】

When Mo Fei was researching and analyzing the glasses, he found that almost [-]% of the functions were in the [severely damaged] state, but there was one such function that was turned on.

"To the air? It shouldn't be necessary, and it will waste energy..." Mo Fei recalled the energy he saw in the Shenship. The old and the young had already emptied the energy bank here.

What if the island runs out of energy?

Murphy had already thought of the scene of the crash of Beijinkong Island.

He pressed the close button without hesitation.
A few minutes later, the northern end of the empty island, the Pluto control room.

Murphy's face was pale.

"Phoenix Marco?"

Why is this guy here!
And why would Kuina and the others be with Marco!

Mo Fei moved his fingers, and the screen changed accordingly.

Behind them, there is a figure as long as a white ball, but wrapped in a pink-blue ribbon that flutters in the air.

Above them, there is a guy who drives the undead flame bird.

The four priests Shadeli and Shura.

"So what's going on..." Murphy's forehead was sweating coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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