One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 39 - Chapter 38

Chapter 39 - Chapter 38
"ROOM, slaughterhouse!"

The ignited explosives were scattered and thrown onto the ship of the Bonebreaker Pirates.


There was a burst of fire on the big ship.

In exchange, the pirates looked around in confusion.

That's a circle of navies already waiting for them with guns in hand.

"Disarm and don't kill," Jay said.


Weapons fell to the ground, and they raised their hands.

There is no way to fight this battle.

The opponent's shells couldn't hit them, but instead became their own weapons to deal with.

The naval ship's shells kept coming, and the storage of explosives turned out to be quite a lot.

And more and more helpless, weak and pitiful pirates were sent to the navy's encirclement, and the hemp rope was almost not enough.

Suddenly, the opponent's enemy ship began to shake violently, tilting to one side and sinking.

Delinger jumped back to the navy ship from there, swung his body, and the water droplets splashed.

He laughed twice and couldn't wait to show off.

"Their boat seems to have fought something, and a big hole was broken in the bottom of the boat... Hahaha."

Needless to say, Delinger had removed the hole in the bottom of the boat.

Destruction is what he is best at.

"Stay away from the pirate ship!" Luo ordered.

"Decree!" Murphy quickly turned the steering wheel with his backhand.

The ship turned slowly.

Everyone watched the ship slowly sinking, and countless pirates fell into the sea like dumplings, and it was refreshing for a while.

On the navy ship, deafening cheers erupted.

"Don't be too happy." Luo said calmly, "Archers are ready! Aim at the pirates who fell into the water!"


In this era, water is generally super strong per capita.

And the gap in their numbers is also here. If they climbed onto the boat one after another, it would still be a fierce battle.

Although he was a bit ruthless towards these pirates, Luo wanted to minimize his own casualties.

Even for a day, as long as they are his soldiers, Luo has the responsibility to be responsible for them.

What's more... that ship is not full of miscellaneous soldiers.


A white swift shadow in the water approached at a terrifying speed.

All the archers aimed at each other in a panic, but shot nothing.

"Hey, where are you going?"

A black shadow jumped out of the sea and landed heavily on the deck.

The person who came was a strong man with a height of nearly two meters. He had a fleshy face, and the mark of the Bonebreaker Pirates was branded on his chest. His face was fierce.

On the back of the opponent was a double-edged ax with an astonishing weight.

Probably, the ax alone is as tall as Delinger.

"Bonebreaker Aldan." Luo pointed out the other party's name, but he was panting heavily.

No matter how the opponent relied on the number of people, he was still a bounty criminal after all, with certain strength.

"You are the captain of this ship, right? It looks like trash." Aldan set his sights on the vice-captain Jay.

Ge Ya pointed helplessly, "This is our officer."

"Huh? A teenage brat? Are you kidding me?" Aldan was surprised.

But he glanced at the badge on the opponent's shoulder, and he was sure that the kid had a higher official position.


A crisp sound.

Aldan saw a five-year-old child walking forward while crying.

The little boy was wearing a navy uniform, which seemed strange no matter how he looked at it.

But it was just this brief distraction, and a figure flashed by, and the long knife sank into Aldan's body from the back of his heart.

Aldan let out a burst of furious roar, turned around and slapped him, but it missed nothing.

He followed the figure and found that it was a little girl who was at most ten years old.

She turned out to be wearing a navy uniform.

"Huh? What the hell are you?" The girl looked disgusted.

There was a knife behind him.

It didn't go through the body, but it definitely went through the heart.

"It's a pity, my heart is here." Aldan said, his big hand like a cattail fan grabbed Mo Fei.

"ROO - damn it."

Luo's head was covered with sweat, the storm circle under his hands could not be formed, and his physical strength had bottomed out.

click -


Aldan let out a cry of pain, and looked down, the kid who was only five years old just now bit his leg.

The other party had sharp teeth.

It was like several daggers stabbing directly at his leg.


Aldan slapped Delinger flying, and fell into the sea with a plop.

But turning around, the little girl just now had disappeared.

"Aim! Shoot!"

A Marine shouted around.

Gunshots rang out, and countless bullets hit Aldan's body.

But he stood the huge ax on his back in front of him, blocking all the bullets.

Aldan had a murderous look on his face.

All the navies showed signs of fear at this moment.

"It's just a wounded pirate! What are you afraid of! Go!" the deputy captain Jaiya shouted loudly, waking up all the sailors.

They shouted loudly and rushed up.


"It's just a group of miscellaneous soldiers!" Aldan swung his giant axe, creating a hurricane around him.

All navies who wanted to get close were directly swept away.

"Hahaha! Hand over the capable users on your ship! I will spare your lives!" he shouted.

However, Aldan didn't know that his expression would be frozen in this moment forever.

The little girl he had forgotten, holding a sharp knife, descended from the sky.

Her skills were also too agile, and her movements were too fast, Aldan didn't notice it at all.

Moreover, her judgment was too harsh.

The sharp blade actually penetrated from the skull to the throat.

Some navies could even see the flash of a sharp blade in Aldan's open mouth.

"I'm so sorry. I can't beat you in a head-to-head confrontation. I can only do this... This is something only I can do." Murphy said coldly.

The three little ones won the first battle in an all-round way.

With only two or three people seriously injured and seven or eight people slightly injured, the Thousand Pirates and the captain's head of 500 million Berries were taken down.

Jessica looked at these children in disbelief... Their amazing performance in battle was really not what children should have.

"Hey! Jessica! How's it going! I've seen your boat! I'll be there soon!"

An urgent cry came from the phone bug in her hand.

"'s okay. You don't need to come here, it's fine." She said.

Jessica quietly watched Murphy running towards the side of the boat like crazy, her expression changed, she grabbed the rail of the boat, and vomited in a daze.

Delinger's scream came from the sea.

"Sister! Go over there!"

"Sorry, get out of the way... vomit~"

Luo slumped on the ground and laughed foolishly.

There was deafening cheers of victory on board.
When Jonathan's ship came, it was responsible for salvage and escort.

Jonathan pushed open the door, and saw the two cubs who were sleeping soundly from exhaustion.

In the restaurant outside, Murphy's face was pale, and he was receiving Jessica's inner teaching with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand.

Generally speaking, what you did is right, even very good, there is no need to blame yourself, you are just forced, and you may need such judgment in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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