One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 41 40 - Give the Navy a Chance

Chapter 41 40 - Give the Navy a Chance

When Jonathan came in, it was such a scene.

A vicious criminal with a bald head is holding Luo under threat with a scalpel.

And Murphy and Delinger, as if they were frightened, did not dare to act.

"Get Wolff and me out of here!" He almost growled.

As for the ending, needless to say, Jonathan moved behind the criminal in an instant and subdued the criminal.

Afterwards, Jonathan questioned the three little ones, but they all kept silent, with an expression of unwillingness, as if they didn't want to talk about this embarrassing incident.

According to the criminals, it was Murphy who was kind-hearted and agreed to take them to the infirmary for treatment, and they were already ready to hold these children hostage.

The stunned navy didn't see clearly who beat him, but the criminals said that their companions had already left here.

All of these things are weird.

Later, at midnight, on the way to the prison, Jonathan found the three sneaky little ones.

They said they just wanted to get revenge on the criminal, but Jonathan didn't think so.

The next day, before dawn, Jonathan asked everyone to go to sea immediately and return to the Beihai branch.

Because Jonathan always felt that if he stayed on this island for another second, something big would happen.
On the returning navy ship, the three little ones gathered together sullenly.

They stayed in the captain's cabin, bypassing everyone.

"Finally have time to be alone." Luo said, "Jonathan seems to have noticed something, and has been watching our actions."

"Why did you knock me out last night!" Murphy looked at him angrily.

In the middle of the night, they were about to rob the prison again, but they were bumped into by Jonathan.

Murphy wanted to reason with Jonathan, but before he could speak, he was knocked out.

She didn't wake up until the boat sailed a few nautical miles.

"Think long-term." Luo said lightly.

"What's the long-term plan? I can't put him in that kind of ghost place, he will be beaten to death sooner or later!"

The next second after Murphy yelled, Luo tightly covered his mouth.

"Although the navy outside is said to be my subordinate, it is also Jonathan's eyeliner."

Mo Fei's face was flushed with anger, and tears even rolled in his eye circles.

Every time she thought about Ryder's half-dead appearance, she asked herself why she hadn't come sooner.

Because Jonathan was so friendly to them that Murphy forgot what the world's navy looked like.

"Don't you wonder why Ryder did it?"

"Of course I know." Murphy pouted, "He thought our future in the navy would be good, so he gave up the chance to escape... What a fool."

"And Wolf, also acquiesced." Luo's eyes were complicated.

Obviously the friendship is not deep, but in just a few days, that bad old man has also made up his mind.

"But I... still decided to save Uncle Ryder."

Delinger raised his face and said, that firm but heavy expression made people feel distressed.

"Sister, will you go with me?"

Murphy rubbed Delinger's head, "Of course. Let's not care about this elm head, I will definitely rescue Ryder."

Delinger nodded with a red face.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say no." Luo frowned, "It's just not now. The next mission, no matter what I receive, I will go straight here."

"Where are you going?"

A voice full of anger.

Jonathan pushed the door and entered with a different serious expression on his face.

He was followed by Jessica, with the same indifferent expression.

"Are you going to save those two pirates?"

Coincidentally, Jessica had a close friend in Swallow Island, and after a phone call, she knew the relationship between the three of Murphy and them.

Those unreasonable places can all be figured out.

Facing Jonathan's monstrous anger, Murphy never backed down.

"Since you already know, I have nothing to hide...Either you leave my life here, or I will crawl back to Feiyan Island."

"Nonsense!" Jonathan yelled, "Do you think I don't know what's going on in your minds!"

"So what do you want us to do! They have nothing to do with the Buck Pirates! They were tortured to death! Is this what your navy does!"

Murphy never believed that the navy was a party of justice.

Some people say that in this era of pirates, the navy is the biggest pirate on the sea.


Crisp applause.

Jessica looked at Murphy with tears in her eyes, hating iron for steel.

"You're a navy too."

Murphy was silent for a few seconds, with hatred in his eyes.

"Twice I've watched pirates destroy towns and beg for life at the hands of Ghost Axe... Where is the navy?"

She reached out and hugged Delinger.

"I know I shouldn't hate the Navy, but I don't have a good impression of the Navy either."

Jessica showed an unbearable look, and looked at Luo for help.

Compared with Murphy and Delinger, Luo's bond with those two pirates is not as deep, and Luo is more mature and stable, so he will definitely be able to persuade them...

"Don't look at me like that. To be honest, I feel sick to my stomach all the time when I'm with you marines." Luo said coldly.

"How can you even say such a bastard!" Jonathan couldn't believe it.

He has always liked this "eldest son".

Luo looked at them desperately.

"I am a survivor of Frevans."

That short sentence made both Jonathan and Jessica feel chills.

As the high command of the navy, how come they don't know the truth about Frevans?

Frevans was destroyed, and the instigator of all this was the greed of the world government, and the navy also contributed to it.

Luo silently picked up the knife beside him, tore off the epaulet, and put it on the table.

Murphy picked up the bundle that had been packed earlier and put it on his shoulders.

Delinger stuffed the pastry on the table into his pocket and said, "Thank you, Aunt Jessica. Besides my sister and Uncle Ryder, you are the third person who doesn't dislike me. Ah, there are brats and rape Uncle Nathan..."

This sentence broke Jessica's defense and tears overflowed.

Luo pursed his lips, passed by Jonathan, and left the room.

And Jonathan didn't have any intention of blocking it.

"Let's go, Delinger." Murphy took Delinger's hand.

The three little ones left the room and left them in the room.


There was a strange noise.

The three stopped in their tracks and looked back in astonishment.

I saw the commander of Beihai Navy Headquarters kneeling in front of them.

"Please give the Navy another chance."

That generous figure is now as thin as light paper, humble, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

"I know it's too late for me to say anything now, but I want to give you, children like you, a future."


 Last night, my mind was a bit messy and I rewrote this chapter again, sorry for the trouble

(End of this chapter)

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