One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 46 45 - Wolf's Basement

Chapter 46 45 - Wolf's Basement

Mo Fei rescued the proprietress of the steamed stuffed bun shop and calmed her down before inquiring about it.

Even so, her narrative is also very confusing.

Murphy could only hear a few key points from it.

1. Not only the Barker Pirates, but also the Greenbeard Pirates.

Murphy knew about the Green Beard Pirates.

Murphy's "birth point" Cheqian Village was destroyed by the Greenbeard Pirates.

Although the green beard was not long afterwards, he was captured.

But Greenbeard's son, Jerome, narrowly escaped.

He established the Green Beard Pirates, and in recent years, they have been very popular.

Jerome the Green Beard is also one of the rare big pirates in the North Sea.

The bounty is 5000 million Berry.

Such a combination of two pirate groups will undoubtedly increase the difficulty exponentially.

2. The navy of Feiyan Island came to suppress the bandits, but they were defeated and retreated.

The reason is not because there are so many pirates, but because...

"...All the villagers seem to be possessed, and they actually help the pirates fight the navy." Her voice trembled.

The navy didn't dare to hurt the townspeople, but the townspeople showed no mercy.

All of a sudden, the loss was heavy.

As if to confirm her words.

Jerry walked in here and informed Murphy.

"In the square ahead, we found a lot of injured sailors. There were also a lot of deaths. Colonel Luo is busy saving people in the square. You should also go and have a look."

"I see." Murphy said, "I'll go first, and you take her to follow."

3. Now the two pirate groups are no longer on Swallow Island, but went to Feiyan Island.

unknown reason.

And all the townspeople who were controlled were taken away together.

"...What the hell is going on? Why are they attacking us! We are here to save them!"

A sailor held his head, very puzzled.

So many brothers died, not at the hands of pirates, but at the hands of these townspeople, it is simply too embarrassing.

"It's Buck's ability." Luo explained.

Because they were going after Buck, Wolfe had told them about Buck in detail.

Buck ate the fruit of drunkenness and became the Melting Man.Not only can it freely turn its body into a liquid, but it can also manipulate others by emitting light from its eyes.

This is a kind of light that can "melt people's hearts", and it is called [dissolving wave].

The minds of those who are illuminated by the light will be completely manipulated by Buck.But after 24 hours, they will die because their "mind is dissolved".

But within 24 hours, canceling the control of the ability can prevent such things from happening.

Of course, it is impossible for Buck to undo it on his own initiative.

However, there are many ways to let him be passively released.

Passion, or... death.

"Speaking of which, where's Mr. Wolf?" Murphy asked.

Luo frowned tightly, holding a mini phone bug in his hand.

"Can't get through. Don't know what's wrong."

"Why don't I go up the mountain to have a look," Murphy said.

" Mr. Wolfe?" the proprietress of the bun shop asked aloud.

"Do you know where he is?"

"This..." The proprietress hesitated to speak, "He hid it for me. Then... was captured by Buck and the others."

"What? Is he under control?"

The proprietress hesitated, "I always thought that Mr. Wolfe was an old man who needed someone to take care of him, but I didn't expect...he was very agile. He knocked down many navies."

"That means being controlled." Luo gritted his teeth.

Wolfe was a pirate traveling the sea when he was young, so he was naturally skilled.

But unexpectedly, Buck would not even let his biological father go.

"But...he said something to me before he was arrested. If Luo comes, tell him to go to the basement." She said.
Up the slope, Wolf's house.

Break through the locked wooden door on the first floor and walk down the narrow corridor.

In front of them is an iron door with a turntable, which requires not only a password, but also a key.

After knocking, it was at least ten centimeters thick.


Luo led a few people across the past with ease.

"Although I've already said it, I want to say one more thing." Tom said, "It's really a convenient ability."

"To shut up."

"Yes, Colonel Luo."

The room through the door was pitch black.

With a little fluorescent light, they touched the light switch.

For a moment, it was illuminated brightly.

"This is... so cool."

Tom and Jerry couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

Even Luo's eyes were rarely fanatical.

"I seem to understand a little bit..." Mo Fei said lightly.

The place they are in is not a basement, but an underground cave that has been opened up.

One side is full of various unknown mechanical parts.

On one side is a deep pool.

In the pond water, a small yellow submarine is moored on the shore.

Everything was just as Murphy remembered it.

Only the hull, without the familiar Heart Pirate logo.

Luo stepped forward and stroked the hull.

"This is indeed a good idea. There is an old temple on Feiyan Island, and that temple was also built around the cave. There is a pool of water in the temple. Wolfe once told me that the pool of water is connected to the outside sea."

"Sneak attack?" Murphy smiled, "I like this."

"Tom, can you drive?" Luo said.

Although Tom is not good enough in strength, he has a lot of experience in drumming machinery.

"Leave it to me! I've found the blueprint!" Tom said.

"Jerry, you go back, help the navy, and wait for reinforcements." Luo ordered.

"But Colonel Luo, I want to go too..."

Jerry looked at the submarine in front of him with bright eyes.

"There will be opportunities later. Go."

"Yes! Colonel Luo!"

Jerry turned around and tried to open the iron door, but to no avail.

He turned his head towards Luo and grinned.

Luo sighed helplessly, "ROOM."
At this time, it was already night.

The naval base located on Feiyan Island has become a pirate's carnival.

They used the townspeople as human shields, and used tricks to control the navy leader, and Fangcai occupied this place.

All navies have been controlled by capabilities, and there is no worries at all.

At the banquet, Cui Huzi drank wine and chewed meat, laughing loudly.

"No one thought that the target of the pirates would be the naval base! Now, our bounties will increase again! Hahaha! Even if we enter the great route, no one dares to provoke us!"

Cuibeard and Buck made a bad name before entering the great route.

It was planned to attack the naval base, so they joined forces.

"Brother Buck, to be honest." Cui Huzi looked serious, "I heard that their navy has some extremely fast warships. These guys must have notified the headquarters. We have to evacuate quickly."

A sinister smile appeared on Buck's thin face.

"What's the rush? The brothers are loading these advanced weapons of the navy, and maybe they can find the treasure they seized. Wouldn't it be fun if you were half of me and half of me."

"That's right, hahaha!"

Buck looked at the green beard with a silly smile and laughed secretly.

This fool, really thought his purpose was to establish a bad name?
No, he came for the treasure of Feiyan Island.

The riddle of the treasure is solved, it is a training hillside in the naval base.

(End of this chapter)

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