One Piece I want to go home

49 Chapter 48 - Drunk

49 Chapter 48 - Drunk
Luo Feili resisted the attack from T Penn.

This guy belongs to the powerful navy.

If it weren't for that overly upright and flexible character, the official position would have been promoted long ago.

On the other hand, he was exhausted from dealing with the attack just now.


There was a beast-like roar from T Penn's throat.

The long knives of the two collided, and cold sweat oozed from Luo's head.

Suddenly, Luo's peripheral vision caught something.

That was Murphy who came out with his head down.

He was overjoyed.


Luo used his last physical strength to expand a super large range.


The figures of the two disappeared suddenly, and when they reappeared, they were at the other end of Feiyan Island.

Luo couldn't hold it any longer, and with a plop, he sat on the ground, leaning against the rock wall behind him, panting and sweating profusely.

"What the hell is going on here? Why do they... know where we are? As far as I know... Buck's ability can only control people... can't extract information from them..."

Luo said, looking at a pile of wriggling "corpse parts" on the other side.

That's Tom and Wolfe.

However, when he finished speaking, there was no response.

Luo keenly felt something.

He looked up, facing him, a pair of scarlet eyes.

The strong smell of alcohol already explained everything.

"Hey, Murphy... really..."

Luo closed his eyes resignedly.

He really couldn't pull himself up at all.

If he died at her hands, maybe Luo would be a little relieved, right?



Luo opened his eyes suspiciously.

Seeing Murphy raise his fist, trying to hit him, but his whole body was shaking.


Murphy let out a loud belch, took two steps back in a flickering manner, and then fell down with a bang.

"Ah, drunk." Luo was speechless.

When Murphy was struggling in Buck's body, he drank a lot of alcohol.

These amounts are enough for an average adult man to drink for another round.

But for Murphy, who is too strong to drink, it is no different from an overdose of tranquilizers.

Luo Chang breathed a sigh of relief, took off the cloak, and threw it on Mo Fei.

Then he squinted slightly.

Twenty-four hours have passed by now, and Luo didn't see the residents of Swallow Island just now, so it is estimated that those people are in bad luck.

But listening to the injured navy on Swallow Island, and estimating the time between the two islands, these navy still have more than ten hours of life.

And he...just give him two or three hours.
"Traveler from another world, Murphy."

A call woke her up from the deep pool.

Murphy, who was confused, saw a woman with a vague outline standing in front of him.

The shimmering stars and moon surround the woman, exuding divinity.

"My name is Azura. This time, if the guy in the way intervenes, I will retaliate. If they participate in this matter again, don't blame us for breaking the rules."

The sound gradually faded away, and the light in front of him gradually dimmed.

That woman turned into a statue in front of him.

And this statue looks familiar to Murphy?


Murphy's brain, which was muddy, finally became a little more sober.

Isn't she in her own ability?
The long corridor with sixteen rooms, after several verifications, was definitely brought about by Murphy's ability.

And Murphy likes to call this place [Pagan Shrine].

Because Mo Fei always felt that in the next second, countless pagans with terrifying masks would jump out of the gap in the room, chanting unknown spells mysteriously, offering sacrifices with blood and fear...

Sixteen rooms.

Murphy could only open four doors.

The first one was the [Unusual Code] that scared Murphy to death.

It was an old study room, full of dilapidated books, exuding a smell of rotten wood.

In the middle, there is a group of tentacles full of weird green eyes, covered with golden pupils, and it moves with her movements.

But other than that, nothing happens.

Later, Mo Fei even dared to touch it, and it felt like solid resin, cold and warm.


Such awareness was passed on to Murphy.

But Murphy didn't know, what should the green multi-eyed monster eat?
And other than that, there is nothing else.

The second fan, 【Rainbow House】.

Compared with the previous one, this house is like a fairyland.

The room is filled with colorful lights, like a dream.

In the middle is a statue of a goddess with her hands on her hands. She has a graceful figure, with a hood covering half of her face, and behind her are a pair of slightly spread wings.

If it wasn't for the overwhelming anger that Mo Fei felt when touching the statue, she would have almost thought it was an angel statue.

——Destroy all undead creatures!
The resentment is deep.

The third door, [Grey Pond].

It was a room filled with misty ashes, but there was nothing left.

All the particles and dust floating, spinning and falling.

If it weren't for the statue in the middle, Murphy would have thought he had returned to his hometown, every dead morning.

"Should be an orc?"

The protruding jaw and two teeth, the hideous and distorted face.

The statue poses in a powerful pose, with a heavy hammer in its hand.

Murphy put her hand on the statue, as if she had put it on the hand of a wretched tramp who had been abstinent for 30 years. She was so scared that she quickly withdrew her hand and left in a hurry.

The fourth fan, 【Moon Shadow】

In the room, the sky is full of stars and moon, a tree and a flower are scattered, like a unique courtyard.

There is a rose-shaped fountain under the statue of the goddess holding the moon in one hand and the star in the other.

The water flows from here, forming a meandering stream throughout the room.

Pick up the nose and sniff, it is a rich and elegant rose fragrance.

When Mo Fei came into contact with the statue, what he got was inner peace.

and this……

It was the room Murphy was in now.

She spent three years without opening other doors, nor did she study and understand the purpose of these statues.

In the end, Murphy only came to Moon Shadow to rest occasionally, or to enjoy the beautiful scenery in the Rainbow House.

did not expect--

"Azura. Is this your name?" Murphy spoke out.

The word Azura is like a curse.

The statue shimmered.

The translucent words hung in front of Mo Fei like stars.


[Faith degree: 30]

[Faith degree growth rate: extremely fast]

【30——Dark Elf】【Unlocked】

【70——Star of Azura】

【90——Azura's Blessing——Azura's Treasure Box】

【100——Azura's Oracle——Azura's Puzzle】

Although it was not indicated in front of the number, Mo Fei knew that it should be the level of faith.

As long as the degree of faith reaches a certain level, the corresponding content can be unlocked.

With a thought, Moran landed on [Dark Elf].

Soon, a dialog box explaining the instructions appears.

[When the goblins tried to abandon the three gods of the tribunal, Azura was angered, and she cursed the goblins, turning their golden skin to gray and their eyes to red.This is the origin of the dark elves, also known as Dunmer. 】

[Dark elves have a high affinity for fire elements, not only good at fire magic, but also have amazing fire resistance. 】

[Dark elves are a matriarchal society, and when female listeners unlock it, their faith will be reduced from 50 to 30.At the same time, the physical fitness of female dark elves is generally higher than that of male dark elves.Use it wisely, female listeners. 】

(End of this chapter)

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