One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 73 72-1 Whole Block

Chapter 73 - 72
"Ahh! It's over!"

After dressing the wound, Murphy became alive again after eating.

"No signature required!"

Luo looked at Murphy in confusion.

"Why do you worship those people? I have never heard of it."

"Didn't I say it before, it's also a novel. Just like you worship Sola. A fictional story with real characters as the background."

"What book are you reading?"

"'One Piece'. It's out of print and can't be found anymore."

Murphy described it vividly, but Luo always felt that something was strange.

Luo was silent for a while, and said, "No matter how much you like them, there is no need to release water."

He saw the fight between Murphy and Ace.

Not only did Murphy fail to use the Navy's six-style, but the double domineering was also useless.

Even if you only use knowledge and knowledge, it will definitely be a crushing game.

"Fair fight." Murphy said unwillingly.

She knew that Luffy had never won against Ace in physical skills, so she was a little conceited and wanted to compete with Ace.

But he never expected that Murphy, who had systematically studied martial arts, would be defeated by Ace, who used mountain moves.

It was precisely because he had never learned routines that his moves were beyond Murphy's expectations.

Murphy could even feel that when facing him, Ace had some moves that could completely inflict the enemy, but he deliberately showed mercy.

Although he knew that Ace was a gentleman out of himself, Murphy was not reconciled, really not reconciled.

When I was in the Navy, because of gender issues, I don’t know how many times I heard this.

What little girl retired from the navy early.

Only men can be soldiers, the little girl should marry early.

Even if it is powerful for a while, but when it grows up and develops... especially after the menstrual holiday, there is still one week every month that I can't fight.


They won't boast that the little girl is really amazing, instead they are full of malicious remarks.

It made people feel like they jumped out of the cracks in the rocks without being born in October.

Even Jessica once persuaded Murphy to do logistics with her.

On the contrary, this aroused Murphy's unwillingness.

In the end, she was able to prove them wrong by practicing harder.

For a while, her cultivation had reached the point of insanity, and Delinger was able to go crazy with her. Luo saw that she was only terrified.

Because he was too unwilling, Murphy even forgot how warm and friendly he was with Luffy.

Early the next morning, Ace did not show up.

He looked eager to get away from this little girl.

However, the rogue pirate who went out to look for it came back and brought the exact location of Dadan's family.

That night, Luffy and Ace finished a day of training, and when they came back, they saw Trouble standing at their door.


Murphy threw the wooden knife he had prepared to Ace.

"This time, I won't show mercy," Ace said.

"Exactly what I want!"
In the evening, Murphy ended in a disastrous defeat.

Murphy said she would come again tomorrow.Let him rest well.

Ace would not intend to be so obedient.

Early in the morning of the third day, he ran out.


But somewhere in the forest, he met Murphy and a taciturn girl beside her.

Mo Fei smiled and gave Luffy a large specially made bento.

"This brat..." Ace punched Luffy.

But the rubber body quickly returned to its original shape, and Luffy ate very happily.

"I can't help it. Let's try."

"Don't struggle anymore, you won't be able to escape." Murphy said with a smile, his feet exploded with strength, and he rushed away.

Compared with the previous two days, Murphy's progress surprised Ace.

He was really forced out of [-]% of his true strength.

When Murphy said that we would see each other tomorrow, Ace vaguely looked forward to tomorrow's match.

Because Ace was in battle...although it was only for a few moments.

He vaguely saw Sabo's figure.

He hasn't had a close battle for a long time.
At the same time, the owner of the life card store was delighted from ear to ear because of the continuous arrival of the nobles.

He just mastered the method of making life cards in the new world, and there happened to be raw materials here, so he could easily make them.

In the new world, a life card, although a bit expensive, is affordable by most people.

His current price is even more exaggerated than huge profits.

Although the shop owner had a strategy of hunger marketing, which limited the number of people per day, but helplessly, those nobles really gave too much. In just a few days, some of the materials the shop owner had hoarded in the New World had already been used up.

The shop owner planned to close the door to thank customers, and find a reason by the way, such as going to the New World to buy goods and leave.Then take this huge sum of money and squander it.

But before leaving, the shop owner did not forget the two noble girls who had the courage to try on the first day of opening.

It was because of their attempts that the vigilance of those nobles towards the unknown was eliminated.

Instead, it turned into a red-hot thing.


The shop owner was asking around the nobles, but he didn't find out about the sisters Kuina and Gurna.

Finally, the shop owner came to the naval station of Goa Kingdom and wanted to inquire about it.

The Kingdom of Goa itself has its own army, so the naval station here is just a symbol.

But don't underestimate their well-informedness.

After all, where the navy is not needed, the purpose of stationing the navy is to collect information.

Of course, after inquiring, the shop owner got the same answer.

There is no noble lady with this name in the Kingdom of Goa, and recently, no nobles from any other country have visited.

The captain of the naval station here, Desi Sen, paid a little more attention.

Because it doesn't rule out which country's noble lady sneaked out to play. Goya Kingdom is known as the most beautiful country in the East China Sea. It is understandable to yearn for this place.

"... Please describe their appearance."

Although the shop owner is a considerate person in business, he still has one thing to say and another to say two things when encountering such a thing.

A sketcher draws two portraits on paper.

Captain Dexisen, the more he looked, the more familiar he looked.

He suddenly caught a glimpse of the most eye-catching over [-] million pirate on the wall, and he instantly remembered!

Dexisen rummaged through the trash and found a reward order with the words cancel printed on it.

"Captain Charles Murphy."

He swallowed.

This little girl who is only 13 years old has an official position, but she is just like him.
Snail houseboat.

Kuina bandaged Murphy expressionlessly, and used all her strength for the last line.

"It hurts, hurts... Are you going to kill me?" Murphy said.

"If it hurts, let Trafalgar come over and fix it for you." Kuina's voice did not fluctuate.

"Forget it..." Murphy was a little timid.

She has been injured for the past few days, and she can clearly see that every time Luo is bandaged, his face becomes more serious.

"I said, why are you so persistent? You can't beat it at all." Kuina said, at this time, her voice was a little chillier.

(End of this chapter)

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