One Piece I want to go home

Chapter 82 - Chapter 81

Chapter 82 - Chapter 81
"Guina? Hello?"

When Murphy turned his head, he saw Guina staring straight at the back of Luo's back, and her eyes were a little straight.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kuina came back to her senses, her expression was gloomy.

"I was just thinking that it's hard to imagine that he had such a past when I was in contact with him on weekdays. In contrast, it should be considered a miracle that I was resurrected by you before. But I just blindly seek death... It's just outrageous."

"I thought you were talking about something. But everyone has time to go astray. The history of joining the Don Quixote family is a dark history. But Mr. Corazon saved him afterwards, and in addition, Luo himself He is also a kind child, that’s why he is what he is now.”

Murphy said with a smile.

Kuina smiled slightly, and said to herself, the appearance of Murphy and the others is like Mr. Corazon to her, right?

Give her a chance to realize her dream.

Also indulge yourself to achieve.

In just half a month, she has already mastered the primary level of armed domineering and knowledge-like domineering, the navy's systematic swordsmanship, and even found the knack of the navy's six styles.

The speed of progress is jaw-dropping.

"Speaking of which, I'm sorry I got you hurt and scolded earlier," Kuina said.

"'s also my own fault." Murphy smiled awkwardly.

Murphy told Guina about his past without Luo's consent.

She thinks that Kuina is a companion and should understand each other.I didn't think much about it.

But during a certain conversation, Guina accidentally revealed that she knew about Luo's past. Luo didn't say anything in person, but found an opportunity to question Murphy.

Luo told Murphy and them about his past because he had enough trust in them.But it doesn't mean that they can wantonly show their scars to others.

It was only then that Murphy realized that he was indeed a bit of an old lady.

Desperately, she hurriedly apologized, saying that she would never dare again.He took care of all the chores on the ship to please someone, and it took several days before he calmed down.

Because Luo was really angry this time.

And as he approached Wuyan Island, Luo put on that serious expression again.

Murphy thought that Luo's arrogance was still there, so he was cautious.At this time, Luo Cai said lightly, "I'm already angry with you. After all, you have no malicious intentions. As long as there is no next time."

Luo still looks sullen because of the members of the Don Quixote family on the island without salt.
Murphy and Guina got off the boat with their things, and then released the snail houseboat to let it get out of here.

This is the last time limit.

If you don't let it go, you really can't catch up with the return.

"When you shoot the bow, there is no turning back."

Murphy waved to Lilith, still reluctant to part.

"Okay, let's go grab... ahem, let's borrow some money. Or, just borrow a boat."

Kuina silently took out a ghost mask from her bosom and put it on her face.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Shouldn't you cover up your identity when doing these things? I'm reading this in the books."

"The other party is a pirate. We are also pirates. We don't need to cover up our faces, but we want to take this opportunity to make a name." Mo Fei said, "The arrest warrant I finally obtained, how can I revoke it?"

"It feels like you're proud of that?"

"That is!"

Murphy's tone was full of complacency.

Deeply deeply rooted in the true meaning of Luffy and others, she never thinks that a wanted warrant is a bad thing.On the contrary, the higher the bounty, the better.

But for this, Kuina was speechless.


Anyway, on the thief ship.

She can only change her mind now.

"By the way, Kuina, I have a plan." Murphy said with a smile.

Not a moment.

A little girl with a green lantern on her waist appeared in the tavern.

She came up and asked for a glass of...milk.

The result was ridiculed by everyone.

The little girl didn't know why, so she said that she had grown up enough to become a pirate, but her father had already given her the green lantern, one of the fifty crafts of Liang Kuai Dao.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

There was a big man with beard and beard, he laughed and went forward to snatch the green lantern, saying that the little girl was not worthy of having such a precious thing.

And as soon as he appeared, no one in the entire tavern dared to refute his words.

The little girl's expression turned fierce, she stepped forward and wounded the opponent with a knife, and then quickly... ran away.

The bearded man cursed and chased him out.

Everyone felt that their boss would be able to get back the blue lantern, and now they had already celebrated in advance for the boss's new knife.

But what he didn't know was that he was shivering in the corner of the wall by two vicious little girls.

Weak and helpless.

"Guina, your acting skills are good." Murphy clapped his hands.

Kuina looked cold, "Most of what I said is true. I want to become the world's number one swordsman, this is by no means a joke."

The point of her knife was one step closer to the throat of the bearded man.

The latter was dripping with cold sweat.

"His bounty... 200 million, can such a bounty be so crazy? Tsk tsk tsk, Donghai is really lonely." Murphy couldn't help shaking his head.

"Shouldn't it just be stated that the law and order in the East China Sea is the best in the world?" Kuina said unwillingly.

This refers to her hometown.


What Guyina said actually shows that Beihai is the most chaotic of all seas.

But Murphy didn't want to argue, so he took a word with him.

Perhaps, in Murphy's heart, Beihai has never been regarded as his hometown.

She looked at it from a perspective above the four seas.

The bearded man seemed to recognize the person in front of him only after he realized it.

" are the one whose arrest warrant was revoked..."

6000 million.

This matter was once a hot topic.

It was just as unbelievable as when they learned that Nicole Robin had a bounty of 900 million.

"Know me? It's much more convenient this way." Murphy said with a smile, "Now you have two choices. We will tie you to the naval base in exchange for your bounty, or will you use money to redeem your life?"

Of course the latter.

Whiskers took them to the treasure house on his ship.

Originally, it would be fine to hand over the money honestly, even if it was not enough, Murphy would be lenient, but he thought the crowd tactics were effective.

The final result was a burning pirate ship, and no one on board was spared.

Mo Fei followed behind with a somewhat exhausted body, and Guina carried a sack of jewelry and gold.

"Really, I have to be forced to open the ult." Murphy said.

After half a month of practice, Murphy would not be completely collapsed after opening up, and someone would hang his neck like a mouse.

However, he is still weak and needs a period of time and a full meal to recover his strength.

"How many of these are there?"

"Forget about that. Then find a place to have a meal," Murphy said.

After all, Murphy also paid attention to a certain corner.

It seemed that the man was still following them.

(End of this chapter)

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