adversity girl

Chapter 17 Hope

Chapter 17 Hope
The monthly exam is coming, the monthly exam is over, and the results are announced, which means that the "criticism meeting" is coming.

Yan Manjia lived with Uncle Rong and Wang Zici for a month, and Yan Manjia also deeply felt their genuine care and concern, and it was just like this that when Yan Manjia was with them, they gradually disappeared. Be on guard, otherwise you can only relax and be at ease.

The school gate opened, and the adults walked into the campus one after another. Yan Manjia sat on the seat, looking at the parents one after another outside the window, her expression was very downcast, Wang Zici flashed in Yan Manjia's sight, Wang Zici Sitting in her seat, Yan Manjia came back to her senses, got up and walked out of the classroom.

Wang Zici noticed his sister's state, squinted at the window, and then retracted it. He noticed that someone downstairs was waving. This person looked familiar, so he got up and looked at the person downstairs outside the window. It was his father Wang Xunrong. .

He hurriedly ran out of the classroom, rushed down the stairs, and came downstairs. He stared and slowed down his quick steps a lot. Formal black shirt and gray trench coat.

He could see that his father seemed a little nervous.

Standing in the middle of the hallway, Wang Xunrong looked at his appearance in the red tiles on the pillars, and took a deep breath. Wang Zici stood aside. He had never seen his father in such a tense state.

"I... I should be able to do this."

Wang Xunrong looked at Wang Zici's tone without the confidence of the past, but evasive.

Wang Zici nodded slowly.

Every step Wang Xunrong took showed his nervousness.

Wang Zici frowned when he saw that his father's steps were no longer as fast as before, but rather timid.

"As for...?"

The prince resigned and walked to the stairs, looking up at his father walking up the stairs.

In the classroom, Yan Manjia stood in the corridor, watching the parents of the students entering the classroom one after another. The parents sat in the children's seats, and the students left the classroom and came to the corridor. Liu Jia walked up to Yan Manjia, looked at Yan Manjia's place was empty, and he patted Yan Manjia on the shoulder.

"It's okay, my parents have never been here, and this time is no exception."

Yan Manjia looked at Liu Jia and smiled politely, then leaned sideways on the corridor guardrail and looked at the mountain outside the school. The female student in the next class pulled Liu Jia away, and Liu Jia looked back at the student who was staring at the mountain in a daze. Yan Manjia, then turned her head back and went downstairs.

There were two female students who were in the same class as Yan Manjia just after going to the toilet. They walked slowly up the stairs. One of the female students saw Yan Manjia standing alone in the corridor and smiled.

"Does she have no one to support her? I have never seen her parents."

The female classmate flicked the water in her hand, raised her head, her tone was still very condescending, and said uneducated words,

On the stairs below them, Wang Xunrong stopped and looked at the female classmate who was talking in surprise. He frowned and clenched his fists.

"This classmate, Yan Manjia is my daughter."

"I am her father."

Wang Zici stood behind Wang Xunrong without making a sound.

Scared by the sudden voice, the female classmate took a small step aside. She blinked her eyes, looked at the man with a serious expression in front of her eyes, and swallowed nervously.

The student next to the female classmate, with her eyes wide open and her lips in the shape of "Oh", said in a low voice, "Okay... so tall."

Wang Xunrong walked up behind the two female students with long legs, and the two female students moved aside consciously. This time, Wang Xunrong did not respond politely with a smile, but looked at the one next to him who spoke harshly. The female classmate, the female classmate did not dare to face Wang Xunrong's eyes, so she kept her eyes on the ground, but she also realized the warning eyes.

Wang Xunrong was about to walk to the door of the classroom. At this moment, Gu Zhi walked out of the office. He saw Wang Xunrong, and at the moment Wang Xunrong turned his head to look at Gu Zhi, Gu Zhi turned around and took out his mobile phone.

"Is it the document on the table?"

Gu Zhi walked towards the office unhurriedly, holding an exercise book in his left hand, and pretending to push his glasses with his left finger, covering his face, and walked into the office.

Wang Xunrong looked at Gu Zhi's back in a daze for a few seconds, then quickly came back to his senses, walked to the door of the classroom, saw Yan Manjia standing in the corridor, and wanted to go up to talk to his daughter, at this time, the head teacher walked to the podium at the entrance of the classroom He shouted at Yan Manjia's back: "Yan Manjia, it's the last year, and your parents still won't come?"

Yan Manjia pursed her lips helplessly, turned around and was about to apologize again, when she saw Uncle Rong.

But what Uncle Rong said to the class teacher next made her brain confused.

"Hello, I am the father of Yan Manjia and Wang Zici."

Wang Xunrong said to the class teacher with a smile.

The homeroom teacher was very surprised that the person in front of him, who was taller than himself, was Yan Manjia's father who would be absent from the parents' meeting.

"You... hello."

"No wonder, they walked so far, so they are brothers and sisters."

"Excuse me, prince, and take your father to your place."

"It will begin immediately."

In the corridor, Yan Manjia was stunned, standing there motionless, quietly watching Uncle Rong sitting in her seat, the words of Uncle Rong just now kept wandering in her mind, she was in a state of daze, She didn't understand why Uncle Rong said it was her father. She left the corridor and the teaching building. She didn't hear any sound along the way. What Uncle Rong said just now surrounded her ears. She kept running I kept running until I reached the empty table tennis field in the corner of the school.

She stopped and breathed heavily. In the quiet environment, she only heard her own breathing and Uncle Rong's words, which kept lingering in her ears. She squatted in the corner, clasped her hands tightly Holding my head, I don't want myself to recall that incident, but the more I stop my brain from recalling it, the terrible scene still appears in my mind.

Yan Manjia's father looked furious, picked up the knife, his eyes in the sun were very fierce, like a murderer, his father held the knife tightly and waved, the knife flew towards Yan Manjia's neck like a dart, appearing on her face What was in front of him was a blur of bright red blood.

She grabbed her hair vigorously and beat her head, trying to prevent the scene in her mind from reappearing again, her tears never stopped like rain, that look, the look that made her terrified to the extreme, kept flashing in front of her She couldn't get it out of her mind.

However, not far away was a man standing behind the wall, staring at her silently for a long time, but he did not step forward to appease the girl's emotions, he frowned tightly and clasped his hands tightly.


When he said three words, he closed his eyes guiltily, his lips trembling faintly, and he walked away.

At the end of the parents' meeting, Wang Xunrong didn't see his daughter, and he felt a little worried in his heart. He looked at his son Wang Zici next to him, and he put it in his heart. He left school, returned home, and used the latest state to prepare for the new one. dinner.

During the lunch break, Yan Manjia couldn't fall asleep anyway, and she didn't know how to tell Jian Kong. She came to the office, knocked on the door lightly, walked into the office, and walked to Teacher Gu's desk.

But what made her stunned was that Gu Zhi's desk was empty, there was nothing there, it was empty, even the chemical experiment supplies under the next table were gone.

Yan Manjia was stunned for a few seconds, she swallowed her throat, and saw a teacher passing by her side.

"Teacher, hello, Gu... Where is Teacher?"

The teacher looked at the empty desk and sighed.

"I resigned and left in the morning."

When Yan Manjia heard the news, her already messy mood became even more depressed.

"Did he... he didn't leave a message or something?"

The teacher looked at Yan Manjia, with the corner of his mouth down, and shook his head.

Yan Manjia blinked and frowned continuously. At this moment, her mind was blank. Why did Teacher Gu leave without saying goodbye, why the person who promised to take her out of this place disappeared, and why Uncle Rong said it was her father.

The grass of trust that had just sprouted and grown in her heart, at this noon, at this point in time, collapsed into the soil like a storm, and the only warm and bright sunshine disappeared without a trace. Without a shadow, darkness descended again, once again occupying her heart.

In the evening, Yan Manjia stood on the edge of the rooftop, looking at the endless night, her eyes lost their spirit.

Wang Xunrong came to the rooftop, walked carefully behind his daughter, and wanted to reach out and hold her arm to go downstairs. Yan Manjia turned around, looked at his head, and stared blankly at Uncle Rong's eyes.

" say it's"

Yan Manjia's lips trembled slightly, and she choked up every word.

Seeing his daughter's depressed state, Wang Xunrong was very distressed. He wanted to stretch out his hand to hold his daughter's arm, but Yan Manjia took a few small steps back.

The girl didn't know whether she should trust the person standing in front of her or not.

"Xiao Jia, Dad is sorry for you. I only told you now that I am your father because..."

"Impossible, then...why I have no impression of you at all."

Yan Manjia interrupted Wang Xunrong's words, and his daughter's words pierced his guilt-ridden heart. He looked at his daughter's melancholy eyes without a little bit of happiness, and he fully realized how sorry he was to her daughter.

"I really am your father."

Wang Xunrong looked into his daughter's eyes, his eyes were full of tenderness and guilt, his tone was low and soft, and every word he revealed was true and sincere.

When Yan Manjia heard this sentence, she collapsed again, and the tears in her eyes couldn't hold back again, dripping down like raindrops.


"Your eyes are gentle, he... he is so scary."

Yan Manjia choked up, bit her lip while talking, and kept swallowing her throat.

She couldn't face that the gentle and kind Uncle Rong in front of her would be her father. In her heart, her father was an extremely terrifying person, the person she was most afraid of. She left the rooftop and passed the stairs.

Wang Zici was waiting anxiously at the door. Seeing that his sister was in poor condition, he followed her closely.

The "he" Wang Xunrong heard must be Yan Manjia's father. After thinking for a few seconds, he quickly took out his mobile phone, walked quickly to the entrance of the rooftop, and ran to the side.

"Follow my daughter closely, you must never leave her."

Wang Xunrong looked at his daughter's back, and recalled what his daughter had just said when he arrived, "He...he is so scary."

He clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth tightly, and dialed the phone again.

"Watch them closely, I'll be right over."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran down the roof. Now he was so angry that he drove the car quickly. In the car, he recalled the state of his daughter when he was on the roof. His eyes were already rosy, and he couldn't help but shed tears. Manjia's childhood growth must have been very unhappy, even extremely painful. Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and drove desperately.

Yan Manjia walked slowly on the street.

A taxi stopped in front of her, and a couple got off.

"Go to the sea tomorrow by plane."

The girlfriend held her boyfriend's arm, talking bouncingly, then let go of her boyfriend's arm, walked backwards, and bumped into the distraught Yan Manjia, the boyfriend hurried forward to face Yan Manjia After saying sorry, he took his girlfriend's hand and walked away.


Yan Manjia stared blankly at the taxi ahead, walked towards the taxi, opened the door slowly, and got into the taxi.

Wang Zici, who was following her, watched helplessly as his sister got into a taxi and got away from him. He was very anxious and chased after the taxi, but the taxi was so fast that he couldn't catch the taxi with only two legs. At this time, a jeep appeared, and the people in the car rolled down the windows.

"Mr. Ci, get in the car quickly."

When Wang Zici saw that his father Wang Xunrong was in the car, he realized that his father had sent someone to protect his sister, so he took the co-pilot without hesitation. There was not only one person in the car, but the back was also full.

They quietly followed behind the taxi.

In the taxi, Yan Manjia's eyes were blank and expressionless.

The person who promised himself that he would take him out of this place suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace, and the person who lived with him also expired himself.

She didn't know if their concern for her was true or not. She once again wondered if she had entrusted her trust to the wrong person again. Looking at the people coming and going outside the window, the candle of hope in her heart was gradually extinguished.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her arm. She saw a needle on her arm, and vaguely saw something in the driver's hand, and gradually closed her eyes.

"Boss, the car behind has also been solved."

"Okay, bring people here by plane."


Zhang Wu, one of the three major families who was on the phone with the driver, smoked a cigarette, hung up the phone, and laughed.

"Wang Xunrong, the fun has begun."

(End of this chapter)

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