adversity girl

Chapter 2 Unfamiliar

Chapter 2 Unfamiliar
It was a winter vacation. In an unremarkable town, there was a hamburger restaurant. The shop was full of people, the tables were full of miscellaneous garbage, and the students were sitting there playing games.

The front of the bar was full of people who wanted to order food, but there was no one behind the bar. There were still dirty dishes on the dining table. The people in front of the counter were a little impatient and were about to leave.

The girl who was cooking in the back kitchen hurriedly washed the flour on her hands, skillfully wiped the water on her apron, walked quickly to the ordering counter, and asked the customers what they wanted to eat with a smile. The guest urged the girl to give him the hamburger and milk tea. The girl was very anxious and hurriedly checked the mobile phone WeChat to see if the money for the meal just ordered had arrived. Seeing the impatient expression of the customer waiting for the meal, she smiled and told the customer to wait a while and it would be ready soon.

The girl rushed into the back kitchen and quickly put the fried chicken drumsticks on a plate, then quickly took out the last meal from the refrigerator and put it into the lively oil pan, and pressed several buttons hanging on the wall. The time sounded, she was so busy that she didn't care about the dining table outside, the guests looked at the messy table and yelled for the girl to clean it up quickly.

The girl quickly responded: "Okay, right away."

The girl had just handed over the freshly made hamburger and milk tea to the guest, smiled and apologized to him, and was about to clean up the dining table, when the notifications from the back kitchen sounded one after another. cook.

At this time, a tall man with ordinary clothes came in, with a high-end hairstyle and a pair of gold-colored glasses hanging from the bridge of his nose. The ordinary clothes could not hide his outstanding temperament. I was very surprised, I didn't expect a man with the height and temperament of a god to appear in a small town.

But what was even more unexpected was that the boy following him called him dad, and the people in the burger shop thought they were brothers.

The father gestured with his eyes for his son to clean up the dinner plate. The father walked directly to the bar and hesitated, not knowing what to say. After the son cleaned up the table, he saw the father's expression. The girl was busy cooking and didn't pay attention. to him.

The son said directly, "little sister, where is your adult?"

Several girls who were waiting for milk tea looked at him obsessively, and one girl was nympho and whispered to her friend, "Not only is she handsome, but she also has a nice voice."

The girl just finished the meal and told him to be behind. The girl was very puzzled after finishing the meal and saw that the table was clean.

The father saw the girl busy, and his expression was very distressed. He asked his son to go in to help the girl. The father walked through the aisle next to the back kitchen.

"We're here to pick you up, can I come in and help you?"

The girl and her parents do not actually live here. In order to ensure their future life, the parents rented a house and opened a hamburger restaurant in this small town without a hamburger restaurant. Now the girl’s winter vacation is coming to an end soon, and the girl has to go back to finish at school The last year of life.

The girl didn't dare to let him in, and didn't know how to tell him. Seeing that the girl didn't respond, he slowly entered the back kitchen. The girl was making milk tea, so he followed suit.

"What's your name, do you have a brother?"

"Yan Manjia, no."

The girl responded to him after making the milk tea and giving it to the guest with a smile.

Wang Zici said seriously: "I am Wang Zici, and I will be your brother from now on."

Yan Manjia didn't care and continued to make milk tea.

Wang Zici looked at his younger sister who was focused on making milk tea. She was different from what he had imagined. He thought she would be a cheerful and lively girl, but he didn't expect her attitude towards him to be so cold. He comforted himself because of the reason he just met. , just not familiar with it.

The father went up the stairs to the door of the room. In the room was Yan Manjia's mother who was taking care of her husband because of an accident at work and her legs were inconvenient. Yan Manjia's mother was taking care of her husband in the room.

When Yan Manjia's mother heard the knock on the door, she thought it was Yan Manjia.

Impatiently got up to open the door and said: "It's not like you haven't been busy before."

She wanted to open the door and curse fiercely, but her expression immediately changed as soon as she opened the door. She backed up a few steps in fright, her expression also became flustered, and she kept blinking her eyes.

He grabbed her thick neck and forced her against the wall, and slowly lifted her up. The veins on the back of his hands were slightly obvious.

Yan Manjia's mother had difficulty breathing in an instant, and her sore throat made her feel very uncomfortable. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move his hand away. The more she struggled, the deeper Wang Shixunrong's slender nails pinched.

"Let me know that you hurt my daughter, I, Wang Shixunrong, it's not as simple as being hit on the neck!"

When she lost the strength to put her hand down, she closed her eyes tightly and couldn't breathe, as if she had fainted. Tears of pain fell down the back of Wang Xunrong's hand from the corners of her eyes.

Wang Shixunrong (abbreviation: Wang Xunrong) was very disgusted, so he quickly let go of his hand, picked up the paper towel on the table next to him, wiped the back of his hand vigorously, and threw the paper into the trash can.

She lay flat on the cold floor, breathing heavily, as if she had no strength in her whole body and couldn't stand up.

Wang Xunrong walked to the bed and saw her husband looking listless. He stared at his feet, which were tied with bandages and put on plaster, and pressed his hands hard on them.

He yelled in pain, Yan Manjia heard it, and wanted to go and have a look, but Wang Zici stopped her.

"Sister, how do you make this kind of milk tea?"

Yan Manjia heard that there was no sound, and the customers in the store were so noisy, she thought she had heard it wrong, so she continued to teach Wang Zici how to make milk tea.

Wang Zici knew that his father was now questioning the identity of Yan Manjia's parents.

Yan Manjia's father endured the pain and said weakly: "You...give us money, let us take care of your...children, ordinary people."

"It's painful, and I won't tell my real identity, I won't waste time interrogating, if I find out you and my father..."

Wang Xunrong pushed Yan Manjia's father's face hard, and when he let go, he threw Yan Manjia's father's face against the head of the bed with all his strength, and stopped at the word father.

"It is related to my family, I guarantee that your life will be better than prison."

Wang Xunrong clenched his fists so fiercely that he said every word.

Wang Xunrong walked to the door and walked downstairs with a suitcase in one hand. Parking was not allowed at the door. He parked the car in a relatively spacious place in the alley not far away. There were also two cars parked there. He put the luggage When the suitcase was put in the trunk, I saw a large round hole under the suitcase. It seemed to smell a very stuffy smell. I also heard the sound of a puppy, but the sound was very small.

He looked around and saw a puddle of murky and semi-dry water. He realized that it must be a stray dog ​​nearby. At this time, he passed two stray dogs, so he closed the trunk without paying attention.

Yan Manjia's mother waited for Wang Xunrong to leave, then slowly stood up against the wall, walked to her husband's bed, and lay next to her husband's face.

Yan Manjia's father's weather-beaten face reveals his rare handsomeness when he was young, and his facial features are decent.

"What should we do, or let's escape."

Yan Manjia's mother was terrified and spoke cautiously.

"The choked neck is not the head, are you stupid, his people will still monitor."

Yan Manjia's father said anxiously.

"These people told me to close the doors and windows every day when I beat and scolded that dead thing, and beware of them. Now that dead thing..."

Yan Manjia's mother looked at the window viciously and said, but was suddenly interrupted by her husband.

"Okay, you can do things according to the original plan now, and don't go on."

Yan Manjia's father said.

When Yan Manjia saw Wang Xunrong walking into the alley with his suitcase, he looked worried.

"Are you going now?"

Yan Manjia stepped forward to look at Wang Xunrong and asked softly.

"It's getting dark, it's better to go now."

Wang Xunrong was stunned for a few seconds, then bent a little and lowered his head, staring intently at Yan Manjia's eyes and said softly.

This was the first time he talked to his daughter after many years, and the first time he heard her voice. He looked at her with amiable eyes. At this moment, his eye sockets seemed to be moist. In his memory, his daughter was still A little guy who was only as tall as a chair, recalled the moment when he entered the door and saw his daughter's busy and exhausted appearance, playing with his young daughter on the beach with a carefree smile, and he slowly reached out to touch his daughter's face.

Yan Manjia seemed to have noticed Wang Xunrong's actions, she retreated subconsciously, and a customer came to order, Yan Manjia hurried to the bar.

Wang Zici hurriedly called his father.

When Wang Xunrong came back to his senses, he realized that his daughter was no longer the little one who could stick to him, and had grown taller than the table. When he thought that he missed his daughter's childhood and growth, his emotions were out of control.

He endured his emotions and walked for a short distance, then returned to the car and took out the photo with his young daughter and wife in the wallet card holder. Sitting alone in the car, he recalled the time when he was on an isolated island with the person he loved the most. happy time.

"Haitang, I... If I entrust my daughter to the wrong person, I will never forgive myself in my life."

Wang Xunrong held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, his veins were bulging, and he bumped his head on the steering wheel again and again and said through gritted teeth.

Yan Manjia, who was cooking, was absent-minded. She recalled that her mother had warned her not to tell the people who picked her up what they had done to her. Thinking of this, she couldn't help trembling all over her body and blinking her eyes continuously. Grabbing her trembling right hand with her left hand, she slowly calmed herself down and relaxed.

Suddenly, a hand patted her shoulder. She was so frightened that she broke out in cold sweat and her jaw trembled.

She quickly protected her head with her hands.

"No, don't hit me, I'll do it right away, right away."

Yan Manjia whispered with trembling lips, she didn't dare to look into her mother's eyes, and just buried herself in the cooking.

Yan Manjia's mother quickly looked around, and there were only a few diners outside the back kitchen and a few people playing games online.

"Are you looking for death, dead thing, if you dare to say such a thing again, I will torture you to death again."

Yan Manjia's mother pinched Yan Manjia's thigh vigorously and said viciously.

Yan Manjia saw that there seemed to be deep nail marks on her mother's neck, which was slightly red, but she didn't care.After she smiled and handed over the finished hamburger set to the customers, all the customers in the shop left, and Yan Manjia started cleaning again.

Yan Manjia's mother hurried forward to grab the broom, pretending to clean it, she was afraid that Wang Xunrong would be watching her every move not far away.

"You go to them and tell them to eat."

With a dirty face and a smile that he had never seen before, he whispered to Yan Manjia that he was deliberately acting for Wang Xunrong.

"Dad, my sister seems to be looking for us."

Wang Zici knocked on the car window, Wang Xunrong calmed down, and slowly opened the car door.

Yan Manjia walked out of the alley and saw Wang Xunrong and Wang Ge getting into the car. She was very hesitant, wondering whether to ask them to eat again.

"How's it going?"

Wang Xunrong is wearing an infinite headset and talking on the phone.

Phone content:

"Patriarch, we have called all the programs, but there is no hidden information."

The person who spoke was the head of Wang's investigation department.

The work of the investigation department is very busy. They have a total of twelve groups, each group has twelve people, and each group has different tasks and actions. They have to investigate the identity of everyone who comes and goes in the group, as large as the cooperation of the directors. Businesses, as small as netizens who have searched the basic information of the group on the website, one person will investigate the population of about five provinces and cities every day. There is no information that the investigation department cannot find in the world. The investigation department has other tasks and only the group's highest The people at the top are dispatched, no matter what they do, they must act immediately.

"Then...the only possibility is..."

When Wang Xunrong heard the words "no hidden information", the stone hanging in his heart finally fell down, and he said it with ease.

"The only thing we can't find out is that the world doesn't exist at all."

The head of the investigation department said.

Wang Xunrong was silent for a long time and did not hang up the call.

The son Wang Zici who was on the side gently took off his father's earbud-sized earphones and hung up the call.

Not long ago, Wang Xunrong was working in the office, and an anonymous message suddenly appeared in the computer mailbox. The content of the message was that there was something wrong with the people around him who he cared about the most. Originally, Wang Xunrong didn't want to ignore it. He thought it was just an outsider's routine and wanted to know the location of his daughter. However, the person who sent the email saw that Wang Xunrong hadn't moved, so he sent a second message, which contained photos of his daughter's adoptive parents. I booked a plane ticket to the city where my daughter lives.

After Wang Zici heard the news, he first asked the people in the group to block the news that his father was about to leave Haicheng. After Wang Xunrong disguised himself as an ordinary person, he and Wang Zici boarded the plane. Knowing the existence of his daughter, he was so restless that he wished to see his unharmed daughter in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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