His arm was thrown away by her hand, and the girl immediately got up and sat by the pillow, staring directly at the unknown person in front of her.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Why are you here?"

He heard the girl's voice again, feeling both familiar and strange. What is familiar is that the voice is exactly the same as in the dream. What is strange is that her voice does not make him feel very comfortable, but has a sense of distance that will make him feel.

What has she experienced to make her look like this.

She saw him clutching his arms as if in pain, with a hint of concern on his face but not obvious, she could clearly feel that this man's eyes were different from others here, he seemed to be very worried about herself, but she had to be cautious Be careful again.

"My name is Wang Geyan."

Wang Geyan still looked at the girl with a strong smile, his words were exceptionally soft.

The girl stared at him indifferently, recalling the scene when she jumped into the sea, she heard this man calling the name Jian Kong with her own ears, she knew very well that she had only met this man once, how could she tell him about Jane Kong? Empty anything.

But looking at this white outfit and the unique eyes under the white eyelashes, she felt a sense of intimacy that she had never had before. She didn't understand why she felt nervous every time she saw this person, but this nervousness is happy.

The girl clutched her heart, blinked her eyes, and swallowed her throat. She wondered why her heart was beating so fast. She adjusted her state and exhaled.

"Then how do you know Jane Kong?"

"Jane Kong?"

Wang Geyan stood there thinking about the girl's problem, his brain was running fast. He recalled that he brought her in a coma to the forest, and because he didn't know how to deal with her waking up, another soul appeared to take care of the girl. .


Wang Geyan scratched his head, looked around the space, and then turned his gaze to the girl's face. He thought he could follow his inner choice.

She deserves her trust.

"I can sit on the edge of the bed."

"Speak to your ear?"

Wang Geyan spoke to the girl in a low voice, like a child acting like a baby.

Sitting by the pillow, she frowned, watching him standing aside like a child who made a mistake, with his hands behind his back, cute.

She actually showed a smile she hadn't seen in a long time.

"it is good."

Gu Zhi was in front of the computer, zoomed in on the screen, and clearly saw the slight dimples on her cheeks in the surveillance. His expression couldn't tell whether it was surprise or depression.

Standing aside, Lin He observed the expression on Gu Zhi's face and sighed.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Wang Geyan looked at the girl expectantly, pursing his lips slightly.

"Yan Manjia."

Wang Geyan nodded, then sat beside Yan Manjia's bed, and approached Yan Manjia's ear.

Before Yan Manjia had time to react, he felt the warm exhalation from his ears. Wang Geyan had the smell of a natural forest on his body, and Yan Manjia's pale cheeks turned pale when he inhaled nervously. Pink, Yan Manjia gripped the bed sheet tightly with both hands, so nervous that he even started to stop breathing.

"I have a secret."

"There's another soul living inside of me."

"I am he you speak of, and his name is Mog."

After hearing these words, Yan Manjia's paused breathing began to become short after being shocked.

In Gu Xun's room, Gu Zhi saw this scene, his hand holding the mouse turned red with force, and his teeth bit the inner flesh of his face.

He blinked his eyes, and there was anger in his heart that he didn't understand, and he wanted to vent it.

"Lin He, destroy the computer for me."

Lin He, who was standing at the door watching the wind, was startled by Gu Zhi's voice. After hearing these words, he froze for a few seconds, looked at Gu Zhi with a terrified expression, and pulled Gu Zhi's arm.

"Although... the monitoring is only connected to this computer."

"But it won't be ruined."

"In case there is any important information."

Gu Zhi raised his head, looked into Lin He's eyes with very fierce eyes, and walked up to Lin He.

"Father, I will tell myself."

"If I come back and see this computer is undamaged."

"Then you will be hurt."

Lin He looked at Gu Zhi's eyes, stepped back nervously, blinked, nodded, and Gu Zhi walked out of the room, closing the door quickly.

"He used to be very gentle."

Sitting in front of the computer desk, Lin He looked at the picture of the two people in the surveillance, and turned his head around, his expression instantly became serious and gloomy.

"If she was an ordinary person."

"I won't go through such a painful day."

white room
After Wang Geyan told Yan Manjia's ears, he wanted to retract his head. He couldn't help but want to look back at the girl. At this time, he was close to the girl, and his face was only a few centimeters away from her cheek. She felt the girl's breathing was tense and her red face was very cute. This moment made him feel very at ease, and it was also at this moment that he was sure that Yan Manjia was the girl who was looming in his dream.

When Wang Geyan was about to get up, Yan Manjia grabbed his sleeve by the wrist.

"It's scary here."

"He... they will experiment on you."

"Don't let them know..."

Yan Manjia spoke to him softly, with fear and concern for him revealed in his expression, Wang Geyan looked blank, and he saw Yan Manjia's eyes full of fear.

In Yan Manjia's mind, she kept replaying that she was lying on the cold test bench, her limbs were locked tightly, and she couldn't escape if she wanted to. Then a person in blue and white clothes appeared in front of her eyes. She really wanted to resist but failed. Unable to move, the more she thought about it, the pain in her heart and physical torment became more and more serious. She tightly grasped Wang Geyan's sleeve and shook her head, not wanting to recall those images to herself.

"what happened to you?"

Wang Geyan saw that she was in a very strange state and looked very painful. Seeing the girl's uncomfortable appearance, he was very worried. He held Yan Manjia's little hand tightly with both hands, and leaned close to her side.

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

"I'll accompany you."

A series of gentle and watery words flew over Yan Manjia's ears, but her emotions were not comforted. At this time, Wang Geyan felt that this scene was very familiar. He recalled that he was emotionally unstable in his dream, and the girl in his dream appeared A dream painting scene that is close to your own forehead.

He held the girl's hands tightly with one hand, stroked the hair in front of the girl's forehead with the other hand, stroked the back of her head lightly, pressed his forehead against her forehead, and slowly closed his eyes.

At that moment, Yan Manjia felt a warmth gradually radiating from her forehead to her body, and her emotions became stable, and she closed her eyes.

She felt as if she was back in the water, with a snow-white deer looming in front of her eyes.

He felt that he was diving in an ocean, and heard a very beautiful singing, which was a blue whale.

The deer floated out of the sea, and a whale crossed the sea not far away, and its very lonely but melodious singing deeply attracted the deer.

The two opened their eyes at the same time, and the moment they opened their eyes, tears ran down their faces together.

Warm and thick lights of four colors scattered around her and him, his hand was attached to her small face, he was tightly pressed against her forehead, his biting lip was trembling slightly, she raised her hand to touch Looking at his soft silver-white hair, fingers gently touched his white eyebrows along the hair, and there was a tiny amount of light between her and her facial features, just like the light in the darkness.She pursed her lips slightly, but still couldn't resist her emotions, tears rolled down her eyes.

"We are people of nature."

Yan Manjia hugged Wang Geyan tightly, and could no longer bear the emotions hidden in her heart for a long time, crying bitterly, but crying this time was the happiest time she felt,
"I'm so lucky to have you in this world."

Wang Geyan leaned against Yan Manjia's soft shoulders, his head was close to hers, his hands were stroking her hair, and he closed his eyes.

This warm and light-like scene is what she and he most want to be in this moment, and they can't let go of their hands for a long time.

Gu Zhi, who was outside the room, watched this scene with his own eyes through the small window above the door, without blinking his eyes, he stood blankly with a blank face, his eyes were motionless, looking deep into his heart through his pupils, It seems that there is an indescribable sadness and sadness.

He watched Yan Manjia and Wang Geyan together, he couldn't help but close his eyes tightly, clenched his fists, turned and leaned against the door, and the image of being with Yan Manjia once flashed in his mind.

Looking back now, I feel that I met her at that time, and the time I spent with her seemed to be guarding her side like her confidant, not because I approached her with purpose, but the more I think about the past During that time, the guilt and remorse in Gu Zhi's heart were painful like ants eating their heart.

But he still can't escape the reality. Gu Zhi is a person who will do anything for his father, and hurt someone he cares about for his father.

"How do you feel?"

Gu Zhi covered his heart, took off his glasses and squatted on the cold ground, his expression was uncomfortable, he opened his eyes, and saw Lin He standing in front of him, reaching out to him, Gu Zhi grabbed Lin He's hand .

Lin He tried his best to pull up Gu Zhi who was feeling weak all over, but Gu Zhi didn't answer Lin He's question.

He stood on the spot and slowly adjusted his breathing, put his hands on his chest, stroked his eyes, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and put on his glasses again.

"Do you really not understand your own heart?"

Lin He turned around and looked at Gu Zhi's cowardly back. He gritted his teeth and frowned. He didn't understand why Gu Zhi couldn't face his heart directly, why he didn't just be himself.

Gu Zhi may not really understand his own heart, but he knows that he is just a son who lives for his father, and he must let his father fulfill his last wish while he is still alive.

Gu Zhi didn't dare and didn't want to know whether he only had guilt and remorse for Yan Manjia in his heart. Lin He asked himself two questions, but he didn't know how to answer them. He walked slowly towards the elevator, and What Lin He said next made him even more stunned.

"Are you serious that your care for the girl is not love?"

"Are you sure you just want to make up for your guilt?"

The elevator door opened, and Gu Zhi, who was stunned for a while, stretched out his hand to resist the door that was about to close, and looked at the surveillance camera at the corner of the elevator.


"Your questions are too much."

Gu Zhi suddenly turned his head, and the eyes he looked at Lin He suddenly became firm, bloodshot eyes appeared one after another, and his voice was loud and hostile.

Gu Zhi took the elevator and left this floor, went back to his room, and locked the door tightly.

He lifted the quilt and lay curled up in it, covering him with the quilt.

All that could be heard was a hoarse cry and a gradual cry lingering in the room.

After a while, Gu Zhi got up slowly and walked towards the bathroom. The things in front of his eyes were blurred. He blinked, stood in front of the sink while holding the door frame, and turned on the faucet, only to hear the sound of splashing.

Gu Zhi swallowed, feeling very uncomfortable, he looked up at himself in the mirror.

His fair face turned red, his clear eyes became swollen, he was in a very bad state in the mirror, he was retching in pain, the water in the pool was overflowing, he plunged into the pool without hesitation, He raised his head to get out of the water until he was short of breath. He was breathing rapidly. The light in the bathroom was relatively peaceful, not bright.

The water soaked his black hair, but his eyelashes were extra thick because of the water. When he blinked, those eyes were as clear and bright as water. The water skipped over the bridge of his straight nose and kissed his lips. His lips fell into the pool, he wanted the icy cold water to wake him up, the icy cold water made him shiver.

But the complexion of his face was still red, and he plunged into the pool again and again.

His messy heart gradually regained consciousness, and his handsome face became fair again.

white room
The door gradually moved open, and Gu Zhi walked into the room.

Yan Manjia turned her head and saw the eyes in his glasses, and when she saw those eyes, she would be unconsciously afraid, Wang Geyan held her trembling hand, she turned to look at Wang Geyan, his The eyes are very gentle, the corners of the mouth are raised, and she nods with a smile, indicating that she doesn't have to be afraid, I am here.

Wang Geyan saw Yan Manjia's fearful expression, and he gently patted her head, then stood up.

At this moment, a fire was already burning in his heart. He straightened the corners of his clothes with his hands, raised his eyes and turned to look at Gu Zhi. Looking up at the person who appeared in front of him, he clenched his fists and walked towards Gu Zhi.

After Gu Zhi entered the room, his eyes stayed on Yan Manjia, and he could also see the change in her expression. He blinked and felt uncomfortable in his heart. Seeing the fist swinging towards him, the sudden gravity made him fall to his knees, the pain surged in an instant, but it didn't feel a trace of pain in his heart.

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