Chapter 45
Jian Kong and Mog stayed on the isolated island for a long time before returning to the coast, but that person still walked out of the forest and stood in front of her. Looking back, she saw a man grabbing Mog and another pointing a gun at him. Feeling flustered and sad.

Gu Zhi looked down at his footsteps in black and white casual shoes and walked towards the girl step by step. In his mind, he was passing the classroom corridor, looking at her concentrating in class, lowering his head was holding the textbook in his hand, and walking in the steps of a teacher. Scene of teaching another class through her classroom.

"I know you're not her."

"I remember her eyes."

Gu Zhi pursed his lips, raised his eyes and saw the girl again, but it wasn't her familiar eyes, the thing he was most worried about still happened.

"Hmph, I really hate myself."

"Why did you let her trust you in the first place!"

Seeing his brows tightened, Jian Kong couldn't help laughing at himself back then, her lips trembling slightly, and she stroked her heart, which was in severe pain at this moment.

His eyes were full of distress for Yan Manjia. Jian Kong had never felt such pain in her heart, and the pain appeared as soon as the person standing in front of him appeared. Jian Kong would never have thought of believing that after three years The one who lasted a long time will be the one who hurt her the most.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Only... to let her go?!"

Jian Kong clenched her fists tightly, and the pain like a heart-pounding pain caused Jian Kong to kneel down on the beach, loosen her fists and grab the sand, and she screamed and shouted.

Hearing these words, he saw Jian Kong kneeling on the ground, and moved his hands slightly to help him up, but he thought that the girl now was not her, so he didn't go forward.

"Jane Kong, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you okay...?"

With his hands tied and his head held by a gun, Mo Ge saw Jian Kong kneeling on the ground, full of worry.

"Shut his mouth on me."

Hearing Gu Zhi's angry tone, Lin He quickly sealed Moge's mouth with tape, sticking it up to his ears.

When Jian Kong stood up, the heartache gradually dissipated. Looking back at the innocent Moge being held hostage by them, he felt very unwilling.

"He's innocent."

"Let him go."

After Gu Zhi heard this, he laughed out loud, but the next second he saw the girl, his expression returned to calm. Jian Kong looked at Gu Zhi's behavior very puzzled.

He doesn't want to deal with the so-called elder brother first, he just wants to quickly explain to Jian Kong to do experiments to wake up Yan Manjia's consciousness, so that she will be alive.

"I'm not doing research today."

"I want to save her."

"Listen to me first, or he won't want to live."

Gu Zhi first talked to Jian Kong in a soft voice, and then his eyes became serious, looking at the murderer who he guessed in his heart that caused his father's death, seeing that Jian Kong didn't want to refute his intentions, he continued to talk.

"Her consciousness disappeared."

"Do you want her to live?"

"You can't bring her back, I can."

Jian Kong understood Gu Zhi's words, and she could clearly feel that there was only one soul in this body at this time, which was herself.

Of course she didn't want the girl she had guarded for many years to disappear. The person in front of her had the ability to study so deeply, and there must be a way to get Yan Manjia back, but she still hesitated whether to trust this person again.

"She can bear the pain of this experiment."

"Just to protect you and set you free."

"And now her consciousness knows that after you appeared."

"If you are free, you can swim in the sea."

Gu Zhi looked at Jian Kong's indecision with a negative face. The person Yan Manjia wanted to protect the most was her. If she knew that she would sacrifice Jian Kong in exchange for her own life, she would definitely hate herself even more. Every day in the future He must live in self-blame, he himself is in this state now, he knows how uncomfortable this kind of life is, and he doesn't want her to suffer such pain, but he wants her to live more.

"And she has no regrets and wants to leave."

"I don't want to force her to live in this world."

"It's all up to you now if you want to."

Seeing Jian Kong turning around and walking towards him with a gloomy face, Gu Zhi sighed. Jian Kong realized that he might not return once he left, so he wanted to say goodbye to Mo Ge.

Thinking of never seeing him again, she wanted to touch his head. She put her feet on her feet and stroked his soft silver hair. Eyes, tears fell on his collar, kissing his forehead.

What came into each other's minds was their own gods. In the blue sea, a whale emerged from the water, and an elk was thumping its feet and swimming towards the whale.

"I am her patron saint in this life."

"I will protect her for the rest of my life."

"Goodbye, Lu Moge."

Jian Kong backed her steps, her eyes watered and she cried to Mo Ge, her lips were pursed and trembling slightly, her eyes were full of regret and helplessness.

At this moment, Moge's eyes were already red, and he didn't want to watch Jian Kong go away from him. Gradually, a force emerged from his body, and he broke away from the hands of the two, and ran towards Jian Kong desperately, holding her tightly. Hugging him in his arms, clasping his hands tightly, Jian Kong looked down at his hands, and when he wanted to grab them, Mog suddenly fell to the ground.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

"When the sun goes down, he will naturally wake up."

Gu Zhi looked at Lin He who was firing the tranquilizer gun, and Jian Kong helped Moge and led him into the forest, letting him lean against the trees to be more comfortable.

"Are you really going to let him go?"

Jian Kong couldn't let go of his worries about Mo Ge, Gu Zhi looked down at the man on the grass.

"Now I don't want to do anything to him at all."

"The most important person in front of me is her."

"I can be sure that he will be fine now."

"Someone will find him after a while."

Jian Kong quickly got up and looked at Gu Zhi with a puzzled expression on his face. Gu Zhi sighed, knowing that Jian Kong was puzzled, and looked at the gradually changing sky with a serious expression on his face.

"time is limited."

Gu Zhi cast his eyes at Lin He, and Lin He walked towards Jian Kong, and covered the girl's eyes with a black cloth.

After a while, Jian Kong felt that the surrounding environment became extremely quiet. Lin He helped Jian Kong sit on the experimental bed, and then lay down.

"Are you sure your hand is okay?"

Lin He looked at the hard-won things on the laboratory cabinet.

In the Gudao Laboratory, even when he broke free from his hand, he rushed into the laboratory without hesitation to take away the medicine that he could not easily prepare, but his arm was also severely burned due to this.

Gu Zhi, who had already put on his lab coat, was preparing the experimental supplies. He looked back at Lin He and then stared at the door to signal Lin He to leave. Lin He looked sad.

Although there was no sound when the door was closed, Jian Kong Minli's ears could still hear the sound of the door closing, and she could even hear the tiny sound of the experimental equipment around her. She swallowed nervously.

What Jian Kong was nervous about was never the experiment, but that she would no longer be able to share her pain in the future.

"Have you started yet?"

"Don't worry, you are voluntary."

"With anesthesia, I don't feel too much pain."

"Is the anesthesia dose high?"

Standing beside Jian Kong, Gu Zhiduan spoke in a muffled voice while wearing a mask. After hearing what Jian Kong said behind him, he frowned.

"Experiment sure."

"You...don't want to fight?"

Jian Kong held the bedside tightly, worried that the high dose of anesthesia would have a bad effect on Yan Manjia, so he shook his head.

At this time, Gu Zhi was even more puzzled, why they both would rather be tortured by themselves than to be anesthetized so as not to cause harm to each other's bodies.

But when he recalled that he rushed into the laboratory with fierce flames without hesitation, the doubts in his heart were relieved.

"You...once you fuse your soul with her."

"You will be gone, are you ready?"

Jian Kong didn't speak, and Gu Zhi waited for a few seconds before starting the experiment.

Yan Manjia, I like to swim in the depths of the sea, because that is my home, but from the moment you need me, I have been sleeping in the sea deep in your heart.

But what I like about the sea is what I love about you. I love the lonely deep sea in your heart. In the future, you can only untie the shackles in your heart by yourself. You can no longer be afraid of other people.

With my unrestrained temperament, you will be able to win all battles in the future, don't be sad because of me, I am also you now, and I will not appear again.

When you are sad and cry, I will be too, so don't cry.

remember!Be bold and make your own decisions, no one cares.

Jian Kong smiled for the last time with her dimples on her face. There was no adulteration in her eyes, it was just herself. After she left, the surroundings slowly turned black


Gu Zhi opened the door, took off the gloves skillfully, took off the mask on his face, stood on the edge of the balcony and adjusted his breathing, and entered the laboratory again after a while. Lin He, who had just come out of the bathroom, saw Gu Zhi in Looking at himself, beckoning to himself, he walked into the laboratory with a puzzled look on his face.

"I want to recall her childhood memories."

Lin He looked at him in shock.

"You're crazy, in this case you..."

"Your brain will collapse from carrying too many memories."

"If... I really can't bear it."

"You're done."


Gu Zhi looked at Yan Manjia who was still in a coma, his eyes were dull but there was a hint of sadness. He wanted to know why the girl had a mental illness, and he wanted to confirm his guess. Lin He also knew that Gu Zhi would not tell him The reason, there is no further question.

Gu Zhi was lying on another experimental bed, Lin He put on his lab coat and gloves, and then put brain devices on the heads of Yan Manjia and Gu Zhi respectively.

Gu Zhi slowly closed his eyes, his brain began to steal Yan Manjia's childhood memories.

Now Gu Zhi's perspective is Yan Manjia when he was a child.

She curled up in a corner, her body hurting again and again, she looked at her mother's ferocious face and felt frightened, she kept talking about the pain, but her mother beat and kicked herself twice, and then locked herself in the claustrophobic space all night without giving any pain. Eating and drinking, I cried and knocked on the door.

It was raining at night, and my mother grabbed my messy hair and dragged me to the balcony. My hair was pulling my scalp and it hurt so much. My mother let herself kneel outside in the rain, and the sound of the rain drowned out her crying.

I was not as high as the table and started to clean the room. I stepped on the bench and washed the dishes with my feet on my feet. My legs started to go numb because of the long time on my feet. I accidentally fell to the ground and broke a bowl. I got up on the ground, not Carefully touched the broken bowl, blood came out from the hand, and the mother who heard the sound yelled at me, and started beating me again with the bamboo weaving.

These horrible pictures flashed across Gu Zhi's brain, causing him to panic, his body began to twitch, Lin He hurriedly turned off the experimental equipment, those pictures gradually disappeared, Gu Zhi walked out of the picture, suddenly Standing up, breathing rapidly, and slowly adjusting his state, Lin He looked at Gu Zhi with a dull expression on his face.

"what happened?"

"What did you see?"

"Isn't it just a childhood memory?"

"What else is there besides playing around?"

Lin He didn't care about it. His own childhood was like this, and he felt that others were also like this.

"Not everyone's childhood was carefree."

Gu Zhi looked at Yan Manjia with empty eyes, and he was also talking about himself.

The eye sockets were gradually moist, endless tears were dripping down, the mouth was trembling slightly, and the brows were furrowed.

"I see……"

Gu Zhi recalled seeing the permanent scars on Yan Manjia's body before.

As the sun set, Wang Geyan woke up in the woods. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw the girl lying in the grass. He got up and looked around suspiciously, but he didn't care so much, he quickly picked up the girl and left.

Gu Zhi, who was not far away, looked at Wang Geyan's back holding her and leaving, and he didn't know whether to relax or not to be reconciled.

"I will be here in the future, so I won't let other people touch you."

Gu Zhi gritted his teeth, and the other people in his mouth were the mysterious organization that provided unlimited resources to his father behind the scenes. He knew that his father's company's financial resources would never be able to build such a high-tech building on that uninhabited island. The laboratory, and the rather expensive research equipment in the laboratory is definitely not something that ordinary people can find, they must be scientific researchers who are close to him.

"Jane Kong..."

"Jane Kong...!"

Yan Manjia sat up, breathing quickly, she was at a loss in the face of the unfamiliar environment, the floor-to-ceiling windows by the bed gradually moved away, and the blue sea appeared in front of her eyes, she heard familiar footsteps, and when she turned around, she saw a white He walked towards him, seeing that Wang Geyan was in excellent condition, Yan Manjia's worry about him eased a lot, and his eyes were full of concern for him.

Wang Geyan was carrying the preserved egg and lean meat porridge that he made, and the spoon was echoing over and over again, walking towards Yan Manjia, sitting beside her, and wanted to feed her the porridge.

"I just dreamed that she disappeared."

Yan Manjia avoided him, and looked at him with a downcast expression.

"I also dream about it from time to time, but he is still in my heart."

Yan Manjia stood up, walked to the sunny window and looked at the barren sea. She always felt empty in her heart, as if she was not in her heart, but she had a subtle feeling. This feeling made her very uncomfortable, but for some reason she recalled Now that she doesn't feel a trace of fear from all the experiences she has experienced, she really wants to meet those who have hurt her at this moment, not only to see but also to talk.

"I go first."

Wang Geyan stood up in doubt, looking at the porridge in his hand, she hadn't even taken a bite yet.

"Don't you wonder why you are here?"

Yan Manjia who walked to the door of the room smiled, she didn't know how many times she had been in a coma, how many times she had woken up from any place, she turned her head to look at him again.

"As long as I open my eyes and see someone I trust."

"I won't ask."

The corners of Yan Manjia's mouth raised slightly, and she walked only a few steps away from him, looking into his eyes. Wang Geyan's eyes told her that she hated this world because of her previous experience, and she could understand his eyes. Because the same is true for myself.

Wang Geyan looked at the girl in front of him, wondering why she seemed to have changed a lot in one day, and said something that was unfamiliar to him but heart-warming.

(End of this chapter)

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