Great Ye Empress

Chapter 210 Refugees

Chapter 210 Refugees
The emperor sat on the dragon chair and said slowly: "All of you are my pillars in the future, please flatten!"

Originally, the emperor did not intend to come to the palace examination, but I heard that Xie Shangshu's nephew had won two yuan in a row.

Gongsheng Xie En raised his head, the emperor rested his elbow on the pillow of the embroidered dragon, and looked in the direction of Xie Yunchu.

The emperor heard that Xie Lao, the grandson, had the title of Bai Yulangjun in Bianjing. Today, he had a good appearance.

After the ceremony, officials of the Ministry of Rites gave a question: "Government is harmony, what is the government of Da Ye?"

Zheng Yihe comes from "Zuo Zhuan · Zhaogong 20 Years".

The original text is... If the government is broad, the people will be slow;If you are fierce, the people will be disabled, and if you are disabled, you will be lenient.Generous to help fierce, fierce to help lenient, and governance to be harmonious.

That is to say, governance and politics are more expensive than leniency and ferocity.

There are two directions for answering the question of Da Yezhenghe...

If you are asking, what is the state policy of Da Ye?Going to the stage of the palace exam normally... Candidates should pat the emperor's ass, and then make suggestions with the emperor euphemistically.

If you are asking, what kind of national policy should Daye implement, this... is to test the practical ability of the candidates, and should give the emperor practical suggestions.

Xie Yunchu remembered that Ji Jingci told her not to restrain herself in the palace exam.

She closed her eyes, and while all the candidates were still thinking, she had already started drafting...

When the emperor saw that Xie Yunchu had already started writing, he was intrigued. He picked up the teacup and looked at the calm and calm Xiao Langjun. He wrote like a fly without pausing, as if the article was completed in one go.

In the end, it is the grandson of Hongru Xie Lao, and he is really quick-witted.

The emperor was very interested in Xie Yunchu's article. As long as there was nothing wrong with Xie Yunchu's article, the champion emperor would definitely give it to Xie Yunchu.

Not long after, seeing that most of the Gongsheng had already started to write, the emperor took the examiners off the field to inspect...

The emperor walked to Xie Yunchu's desk, the emperor looked sideways at Xie Yunchu's draft, Xiao Langjun didn't stop because the emperor was standing beside him, the writing was still like running water, and the words were beautiful, even if it was a draft... It is also very pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the content of Xie Yunchu's book again, the emperor looked at it, and his eyes gradually darkened.

The examiners saw that the emperor who had read Xie Yunchu's article for a long time tightened his hands behind him. For a while, they did not know the emperor's attitude and speculated secretly.

Not long after, an eunuch came quickly and whispered in Eunuch Gao's ear. Eunuch Gao's expression changed, and he whispered a few words to the emperor...

The emperor's face changed greatly when he heard the words, and he turned and left the Hall of Martial Arts without looking at the other candidates who answered the questions, which made the Gongsheng in the hall feel uneasy again.

At sunset, Xie Yunchu finally finished transcribing the draft, got up and left the Hall of Martial Arts.

Xie Yunchu was also the first Gongsheng to leave the Hall of Martial Arts, followed by Xiao Wulang, Xie Yunxiao, and Xie Yunzhi, who also got up and left.

As soon as Xie Yunzhi came out, she saw Xie Yunchu who was waiting outside and asked, "How did Liu Lang answer?"

"Fortunately..." Xie Yunchu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xie Yunzhi smiled and sighed inwardly... So the champion is their Xie family.

Sanyuan and Di, their Xie family is going to give out another champion of Sanyuan and Di.

Xiao Wulang, who was leaning against the white marble unicorn fence, said proudly, "It's okay! Liulang...then you might miss the champion! I answered very well!"

When Xie Yunzhi saw such an ugly little man with beautiful eyes, she smiled and nodded, and asked Xie Yunchu in a low voice, "Who is..."

"It's a friend." Xie Yunchu did not expose Xiao Wulang.

After all the tribute students left the Hall of Martial Arts, officials from the Ministry of Rites sent them out of the palace together.

Xie Yunchu saw dozens of refugees kneeling in front of the palace gate, some of whom had already fainted...

Xiao Zhiyan, the King of Yan, who was wearing a half-mask and dressed in military uniform, stood at the palace gate, holding the sword around his waist in one hand and the other behind him.

Yuanbao, who had been waiting at the gate of the palace all day, took the test basket from Xie Yunchu, lowered his voice and said to Xie Yunchu: "These disaster victims came one after another at noon and kept kneeling here. People, it was His Royal Highness King Yan who stopped him. Later, His Royal Highness King Yan entered the palace without knowing what he said to His Majesty. When he came out again, no one would chase the victims.

Xie Yunchu remembered that the emperor's sudden departure from the hall should be related to the appearance of the victims at the gate of the palace.

This is Bianjing. If these victims have no one to protect them... Not to mention being close to the palace, even Bianjing will not be able to enter, so they can only wander outside the city begging.

Is it Xiao Zhiyan, who has a coveted heart for the throne, or... the fourth prince who will become an adult?
Xiao Wulang, who came out with Xie Yunchu, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the victims and raised his eyebrows: "It seems that my good fourth brother can't hold back anymore, and came out first..."

After Xiao Wulang finished speaking, he raised his hand and touched Xie Yunchu's head, imitating Li Nanyu's appearance: "I have to go back to change clothes first, and go to my father's place to find out the news! Tomorrow we will go to Jifu to see Master together, let's go first..."

Xie Yunchu nodded and saluted Xiao Wulang, who had turned his horse.

It is no secret that the fourth prince also intends to take the throne.

Xie Yunchu also heard Uncle Xie mention that now the fourth prince has taken the attitude of a polite corporal and is very friendly to the ministers in the court.

But... this disaster relief involves the First Prince and the Third Prince. Does the Fourth Prince really have the courage to offend the First Prince and the Third Prince together?

In the harem, one is the empress and the other is the concubine Gao Guifei. Although the concubine of the fourth prince is not very favored, the fourth prince is not as fond of the emperor as the fifth prince.

If the fourth prince is smart enough, he should keep a low profile like King Yan, instead of jumping out in a hurry when he has no support.

Second Master Xie had been waiting outside the palace for a long time, and when he saw Xie Yunchu and others coming out, he asked the servants to go back to report the letter, and asked the mansion to prepare meals immediately, and let the young gentlemen go back to eat.

Xie Yunchu thought for a while, then walked to Erye Xie and saluted: "Father, I want to go to Jifu to see Master first."

Second Master Xie nodded: "Go, let Mr. Ji see the article silently."

In the past few days, Second Master Xie has also understood that as long as Xie Yunchu can hold his breath in the palace test and his writing is stable, he will definitely be the champion of the third grade, so he is not very nervous.

In Xie Erye's opinion, his daughter is more calm than him, and she has never been flustered when she disguised herself as a man for so many years.

After watching his daughter get on the carriage, Second Master Xie also took the other Xie family members back to Xie's house.

(End of this chapter)

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