Chapter 241
Zhang Siyuan, who was drinking water, heard Xie Yunchu ask: "I heard that Mr. Zhang was also born in poverty. When the family suffered from famine, he sold his sister and sister to survive."

Zhang Siyuan drank water for a while, then looked up at Xie Yunchu.

"I thought that Master Zhang had experienced famine, and he should know better than anyone what it means to eat food for the people!" Xie Yunchu said slowly, "I have read the articles of Master Zhang during the palace examination, and I can see that Master Zhang was at that time. It is also with a passion for wanting to change the imperial court and the world, who would have imagined that... In the end, it was Master Zhang who detained the life-saving food of the people in this Taiyuan granary."

Zhang Siyuan held the water glass tightly, and the candlelight illuminated his slightly cloudy eyes that were red and bloodshot from exhaustion.

He said: "Thanks for being from a family, naturally I don't understand. When one enters the officialdom, he realizes that... a person can be fearless and promoted all the way without relying on the awe-inspiring uprightness of his body!"

Zhang Siyuan drank the water in one gulp, put the bowl aside, wiped the water stains from the corners of his lips with his hands, and said, "As Mr. Xie said, I once wanted to be an honest official, to punish the people with integrity, and to be able to leave a name for the ages. But...I came from a poor family, and my parents and my wife have suffered a lot in order to provide for my studies! After the scientific examination, I was elected for four years, because there was no money in my family to clear it... It has never been my turn to be an official to fulfill my ambitions! !"

The candle in the dim discipline room swayed, hiding Zhang Siyuan's ugly face in the gloom.

"Later, the clan tried to collect money and gave me the opportunity to go to Chuzhou to be the county magistrate, but my life did not improve because of my integrity. My wife broke her eyes in order to supplement her family, and my eldest son was ill... ...I don't have any extra money to hire a good doctor for my son, so my son is gone! He was already eight years old at the time... If he is still alive now, he should be three years older than Mr. Xie, and they all say that the child is a student Good seedling!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Siyuan choked up his voice: "My mother couldn't take it anymore and left, and my father also left after he fell ill. I have been reading hard for ten years in the cold window... I have exhausted my family's ancestral land and fertile land. Is it because of this result? When I am an honest official, I am worthy of the people, but I am sorry for the parents who gave birth to me and raised me, I am sorry for my wife... I am sorry for my son!"

"So...I swear! I don't want to live a hard life anymore!" Zhang Siyuan looked up at Xie Yunchu, with strong hatred in his eyes, "Because it's useless to be a clean official... No one will give me a clean official because I'm a clean official. I'm getting a promotion and a salary! I don't want that money... Others will want it, and I'll be ostracized by my colleagues, so why bother? Why can't I get along with myself, Xiao Xie, do you think so?"

Zhang Siyuan stared at Xie Yunchu and just finished asking, then smiled and shook his head: "Lord Xiao Xie wouldn't understand what I said, Lord Xiao Xie's uncle is a minister of officials, and he was born in a noble family like the Xie clan in Chen County, and he How can we understand the sadness and sorrow of people from poor backgrounds like us."

Xie Yunchu looked at Zhang Siyuan, did not speak, got up to leave...

"Thank you sir!" Zhang Siyuan called out to Xie Yunchu.

Xie Yunchu paused and turned to look at Zhang Siyuan.

I just heard Zhang Siyuan say, "Master Xie, I can't see my two sons, right?"

"If Master Zhang wants the two young masters to live, it's best not to see them." Xie Yunchu said.

Zhang Siyuan nodded: "Then I would like to thank my lord for giving my two sons a message to tell them... If you do anything in your life, stop being an official!"

Xie Yunchu took a deep look at Zhang Siyuan, nodded and left.

After coming out of the discipline room, Xie Yunchu explained to the officer: "Be optimistic about Zhang Siyuan, don't let him have an accident."

Xie Yunchu looked at Zhang Siyuan, and it seemed... that he had some thoughts that he didn't want to live.

"Don't worry, my lord!" The officer responded.

Yu Qianchao, who had not slept all night, was trying Liu Hong, but Liu Hong was a tough guy. He didn't know anything when he was killed. The granary was in charge of the warehouse manager, Shen Wenduan. If something happened, you should go to Shen Wenduan, not him. .

If Xie Yunchu had not told him not to use punishment on the first day of trial, Yu Qianchao couldn't help but be served with severe punishment.

When Xie Yunchu came out of Zhang Siyuan's discipline room, Yu Qianchao was so angry that he was leaning against the pillars of the corridor and chewing the pot helmet.

"Sir!" Seeing Xie Yunchu and Yu Qianchao hurriedly swallowing the pot helmet in his mouth, he straightened up and saluted.

Yu Qianchao admired Xie Yunchu very much. It was not the first time he went out to investigate a case, but he had never done an investigation so quickly. On the second day after quietly entering the city, he had already obtained key evidence and found the granary.

Yu Qianchao knew that this was not only because of Xie Yunchu's luck, but also because there were many people available to Xie Yunchu.

If Xie Yunchu was a fool, it would never have gone so smoothly.

"Didn't find anything?" Xie Yunchu asked.

"It is estimated that punishment will be used!" Yu Qianchao said, "No punishment, nothing can be recruited!"

Xie Yunchu squinted his eyes and thought about it, and said, "Just now Zhang Siyuan has already recruited all of them, you send someone to arrest people according to the list... After everyone has been arrested, you go to see Zhang Siyuan and tell Zhang Siyuan... Give him a frank confession and expose it. In order to get the opportunity to report meritorious deeds and get a lighter punishment, let Zhang Siyuan persuade Liu Hong and the others to confess."

Yu Qianchao was stunned for a moment, can he still try this case?

"But... what if they collude?" Yu Qianchao was worried.

"Zhang Siyuan has already recruited what he should recruit, and the account book is also in our hands. It is not good for him to make a confession. Don't worry, he will try his best if he wants to live." Qing, then said, "If Zhang Siyuan's persuasion doesn't work, if you want to use punishment, you can wait for everyone to be arrested and use punishment in front of them."

Xie Yunchu dared to say this because the officials involved in this case...too many.

This is just the Taiyuan Mansion, involving more than a dozen officials.

In such a big case, there are too many officials from the Ministry of Household to the local... It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to kill them all!
It must be... severely punish the senior officials of the Ministry of Households, and show kindness to the following.

Zhang Siyuan may not necessarily die in the end.

Since he may not necessarily die, let him have some hope of surviving and contribute to this case.

"Yes! I'll do it now!" Yu Qianchao responded.

When the news was sent back to Bianjing, Yushi Niu felt thrilled when he saw the official document.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yunchu went to Taiyuan Mansion, and not only found out this disaster relief corruption case, but also found out the granary corruption case of Wang Qiudao, the former prefect of Taiyuan Mansion, who had already served in office.

After reading the official document sent by Xie Yunchu, Wang Anle, the waiter of the Ministry of Punishment, couldn't help but said, "This top-ranked champion of the third grade really has a few brushes! How long has it been since he went to Taiyuan Mansion... Check it out!"

(End of this chapter)

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