Great Ye Empress

Chapter 245 Prestige

Chapter 245 Prestige
I only hope that after his death, the eldest prince can take good care of his wife and daughter for the sake of his calm death.

"Okay!" The eldest prince leaned over and helped Xue Zhi up, "His Royal Highness knows that Xue Shangshu is the most loyal!"

"Wei Chen's family, please trouble Your Highness!" Xue Zhi choked up.

The first prince patted Xue Zhi's hand: "Xue Shangshu, don't worry."

Xue Zhi's legs were weak and he was helped out from the First Prince's Mansion. As soon as he got on the carriage, he said, "Go back to the mansion!"

Xue Zhi calculated in his mind, the eldest prince must have been staring at Xue's house now, his son can leave, his wife and daughter cannot...

But he had to communicate with his wife, the Wang family, and let Wang send someone to take out some of the money from the family, so that after his death, his wife and daughter would have no support.

After sending Xue Zhi away, the eldest prince breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he had to send someone to communicate with the officials involved in the Taiyuan granary corruption case at the beginning. Finally, he must cleanly save his uncle, the former minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Dong.

In the end, it really doesn't work, so I still take the step of "suicide in fear of sin" and die without proof.

On April [-], when Xie Yunchu returned to Bianjing with the Taiyuan government officials involved in the incident, he learned that Xue Zhi, the minister of households, left a confession letter to commit suicide in fear of committing crimes, and that the disaster relief corruption case... and the Taiyuan granary corruption case were involved. The crime was admitted.

Xue Zhi said in his confession that he never imagined that the people below would become so greedy, face His Majesty shamelessly, and punish himself.

Xie Yunchu was stunned for a moment and asked the Censor Niu, "Are you sure it was suicide?"

"The confession letter left behind has been compared with the handwriting. It is indeed Xue Shangshu. Yesterday... Your Majesty ordered the search of the house." Niu Yushi frowned.

Xie Yunchu then asked: "Then... Where are Xue Shangshu's family members? Are they all there?"

Censor Niu knew that Xie Yunchu was very keen, and after ruling out homicide, he thought that Xue Zhi was threatened with the life of his family.

Niu Yushi bent his fingers and clicked on the table: "Xue Shangshu's son Xue Shilang was not found, but his wife, daughter, concubines and concubines are all there! Do you think it's strange..."

Xie Yunchu frowned: "I want to come, the adults did not find Xue Shilang in Bianjing City. If Xue Shilang went out of Bianjing City, it would be tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack... I wonder if you can think of a way to catch it in the sea?"

Niu Yushi hesitated, shaking his head.

"Yesterday when His Majesty summoned me, the eldest prince was there. The eldest prince said that Xue Zhi was corrupt and that his wife and children could not be harmed. Please let the emperor give Xue Zhi's family a light hand."

The emperor called Censor Niu there yesterday, and it seemed that he wanted the case to be settled with Xue Shangshu. He didn’t want to expand it any further. Just because Xue Shilang was Xue Zhi’s son might not be enough for the government to post a sea arrest document.

"Okay, let's not talk about the case for now! Taiyuan Mansion, you have done a good job!" Niu Yushi praised Xie Yunchu from the bottom of his heart, and said, "Go back for a day, and you will be busy tomorrow!"

Xie Yunchu did have important things to do, so she stood up and saluted the Imperial Censor Niu.

As soon as he came out of the Censor's Office, Xie Yunchu said with Yuan Bao, "Go, go back to the uncle's house, move..."

Now that grandfather has left Bianjing, Xie Yunchu came back from the Taiyuan government office, and the first thing is to move...

This will bring the discord between Xie Yunchu and Xie Shangshu to the next day, which can make the emperor feel more at ease.

Sure enough, as soon as Xie Yunchu returned to Bianjing, the matter that he moved out of Xie's house reached the emperor's ears in the afternoon.

Even Mr. Xie, who was still in the yamen and had not returned, heard about it.

Uncle Xie admired Xie Yunchu's cleverness secretly in his heart. The more resolutely Xie Yunchu moved out of Xie's house, the more it showed that he was deeply resentful to Uncle Xie because of Xie Wenman's affairs.

The emperor was appreciating the painting with Xiao Wulang, and when he heard this, he asked Xiao Wulang: "You little junior have such a temper? I asked Xie Shangshu to personally give Xie Yunchu's appointment document to Xie Yunchu, but he didn't agree with him. Xie Shangshu reconciled?"

As soon as Xie Yunchu came back, he moved out of the Xie mansion, which made the emperor even more sure that Xie Yunchu was at odds with Xie Jinyuan, the minister of officials.

"Father, you don't know! You want your son to say... Xie Shangshu deserves it! My son persuades you... Don't even think about persuading the two of them to make peace! It's all in vain! You respect me for Liu Lang, and I respect you. You are ten feet tall, but you are also a person who will pay back!"

Xiao Wulang, who was wearing the official uniform of the imperial city, rolled up the famous painting in his hand while talking: "Sister Wenman is very nice! The relationship between Liulang and Sister Wenman... is also rare, think about it... At the beginning, Liulang When I followed my master to Wuwang Mountain, this sister Wenman was not at ease! It's not surprising that Liu Lang held a grudge against Xie Shangshu because of sister Wenman!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Wulang rolled up the painting and said with a smile to his father, "Father, this painting... I took this painting away! It just so happened that Liu Lang moved today, so I'm going to send a congratulatory gift! I retire!"

Without waiting for the emperor to speak, Xiao Wulang ran outside the palace.

"I think he wants to show off that official uniform with his junior brother!" The emperor smiled and waved his hand, motioning the eunuch to put away all the other paintings, "Stinky boy, I picked one of my favorite paintings. "

Eunuch Gao smiled and handed the tea ceremony to the emperor: "Then the old slave will let the Fifth Highness catch up and change a painting?"

"Forget it..." The emperor took the tea and said with a smile, "Xie Yunchu's case in Taiyuan Mansion was done quickly and beautifully, so I think... I will reward him."

Seeing that the emperor was in a good mood, Eunuch Gao smiled and said, "His Royal Highness really has a deep relationship with Sir Xiao Xie."

"Well..." The emperor nodded, "The old five has a pure temperament, and those who can play with the old five must be of the same kind."

"Your Majesty is right!" Eunuch Gao agreed.

When Xie Yunchu moved out of Xie's mansion suddenly, Xie's other mansion in Bianjing was too late to clean up.

After Xie Yunchu sent someone to inform the steward of the Xie House, the Xie House was turned around for a while.

When Xie Yunchu arrived with his people and luggage, the servants just hurriedly cleaned the place where Xie Yunchu was going to live, and other places were still being sorted out.

"It's okay!" Xie Yunchu said to the old steward, "I moved in too quickly. I have to go to the Censor's Office tomorrow, so you can take it easy and don't worry about it."

The old steward didn't expect Xie Yunchu to be so lenient, and even promised to clean up everything tomorrow.

"Sixth son... an adult in the imperial city's official uniform came outside. He said he was the sixth son's senior brother and gave the sixth son a housewarming gift." The servant reported.

Senior Brother... Imperial City Division?

All Xie Yunchu could think of was Xiao Wulang.

"Please come in!" After Xie Yunchu finished speaking, Tong Yuanbao said, "Prepare tea."

Soon, Xiao Wulang walked neatly into Xie Yunchu's yard with the famous painting.

Xiao Wulang is wearing a black hat with silver thread embroidered flying fish pattern, black clothes, black boots, leather armor and leather belt. The bright young man who used to be dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses is now majestic...

(End of this chapter)

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