Chapter 278
Song Shaozhong walked in front of Xie Yunchu, raised his hand and patted Xie Yunchu's shoulder: "Yushi Hai almost died, and he can't get up now, I'm afraid he won't be able to return to the censor's desk to answer. Perhaps, you and Li Shiguan are familiar and trustworthy. This Li Shiguan is a matter of life and death..."

"I'm not familiar with Li Shiguan, I just regard Li Shiguan as a senior." Xie Yunchu saw that the other censors in the house didn't seem to agree with asking Hai Ming'an, so he said, "I didn't take Li Shiguan's testimony because of it. , there is no reason to doubt Haimingan, but it is not our censor's duty to find out the truth? You are familiar with Haimingan and trust Haimingan, but it is a matter of life and death... Who can say it clearly? , because of your trust, I won't check it?"

"Look at the confession first!" Censor Niu said.

Li Anran took a deep look at Xie Yunchu, handed the confession to Censor Niu, turned his head and looked at Xie Yunchu coldly.

"I can say that anyone is concerned about personal relationships, but if it is said that Mr. Xie is concerned about personal relationships, I don't believe it..." Li Shaoqing said with a smile, "Don't forget, everyone, the disaster relief and corruption case was exposed by Mr. Xie in the Golden Palace. Lord Xiao Xie...but even Xie Shangshu is suspicious."

"Sir Xiao Xie can enter the Censor's Desk, of course, he is upright." Li Yun, the principal, wanted to be a peacemaker, "It's just that I have been with Yushi Hai for so many years, and I know the character of Yushi Hai, not to mention. There are some things that Xiao Xie does not know, Xu Yushi has saved Yushi Hai, so I really don't believe that Hai Yushi will kill Xu Yushi."

"Furthermore, now whether it is the confession of the prefect of Hangzhou or those magistrates, Li Shiguan is involved in the disaster relief and corruption case." Wang Shilang nodded at the confession at hand, "It is not ruled out that this is Li Shiguan. In order to prevent the imperial court from sending people to investigate, so I acted on my own, waiting for the case to be exposed in case of disaster relief and corruption cases, I will pick myself up!"

"That's why we have to investigate! We have to ask Hai Ming'an to ask questions. It's just a question. If we have to directly convict Hai Ming'an, why do you all react so much?" "If it's inconvenient for you and Haimingan's colleagues for many years, I'll ask Haimingan there. If it's not convenient for Haimingan to come to the Censor's Desk, I'll just come to the door."

"Lord Xiao Xie is right!" Censor Niu said, "We are Censors to find out..."

"This is just Li Shiguan's means to exonerate himself. Everyone else has confessed... The case could have been closed, Master Xiao Xie... Why do you have to hold on to Yu Shi Hai? Master Xiao Xie feels... ...does that make you appear upright?" Li Anran frowned.

"Your Majesty will hand over the case to Censor Niu and this official, and I will do my best..." Xie Yunchu looked at Li Anran, "If Yushi Li is dissatisfied, you can give your Majesty a book, please Your Majesty. The purpose is to let this official no longer be in charge of this case, or let this official leave the Censor Desk, this official has nothing to say, otherwise... I also ask Li Yushi to put away your many grievances and handle the case with peace of mind!"

Li Anran was taught a lesson by a hairy boy who had just entered the censor station a few days ago, and his anger immediately rushed to the top of his head: "If you didn't have a good family background, good uncle... Do you think you can enter our censor station? Take a chicken feather. It really is an arrow!"

"Yushi Li! That's over!" Yushi Niu's face sank.

"Your Majesty's royal life is chicken feathers?" Xie Yunchu raised his eyebrows calmly, "I remember what Li Yushi said, the crime of disrespect... I hope Li Yushi can bear it."

Li Anran's face suddenly turned pale.

"Stop arguing!" Censor Niu slapped the confession in his hand on the table, "The louder the noise, the more outrageous it is! Li Anran... is not rude, he should have beaten you [-] times, but now that the Censor Station is short of manpower, go to Take twenty big boards!"

The Censor Niu wanted to protect Li Anran, otherwise it would be more than just twenty big boards.

Yushi Niu looked at Xie Yunchu and said, "Himing'an is indeed seriously injured and has not recovered from his injuries. He was stabbed twice and broke his arm. He can't get out of bed now, but... Since there is a confession, if you should ask, you should ask, Before there is no evidence... it's hard for you to go to Haifu to ask questions."

Xie Yunchu saluted Niu Yushi: "Yes!"

"Lord Xiao Xie, let me go with you! Lord Xiao Xie has been with Yushi Hai for a long time. I am from Dali Temple, and I can notarize and judge Hai Yushi's words." Li Shaoqing glanced at the other officials of the Censor Office. " It also avoids that some people say that the testimony given by Mr. Xie is not credible because he has an old relationship with Li Shiguan."

Li Shiguan's testimony involved a censor, and the censor should avoid suspicion.

If it wasn't for something wrong with Li Shiguan, this case would have been closed.

"That's very good." Niu Yushi nodded, "Then it's hard for you! It's already this hour... Let's go back and rest! Try to close this case within three days."

Xie Yunchu and Li Shaoqing came out of the Censor's Office together. Li Shaoqing said to Xie Yunchu, "Looking at you, you are very good at talking to your majesty. How come you don't want to waste your energy when you arrive at your colleague?"

Xie Yunchu glanced at Li Shaoqing, hid the smile in his eyes and said, "To Your Majesty, it is a reverence from the bottom of my heart, and to my colleagues who abandoned the company for personal reasons... I don't think there is anything wrong with my words."

What Li Shaoqing said was right, Xie Yunchu really didn't want to spend the energy to deal with his colleagues who were abolished for personal reasons.

Unless Li Anran was her immediate boss, Xie Yunchu would still spend some time choosing his words.


Things that are not good for Xie Yunchu, why does Xie Yunchu spend his energy?
Are you free?
Although the idea is utilitarian, Xie Yunchu felt right.

It's not that Li Shaoqing can't see Xie Yunchu's cunning, since Xie Yunchu doesn't admit it, he doesn't expose it...

"In the future, your future will definitely not be limited to the censor's desk, so you still need to spend some time getting along with your colleagues, otherwise... if you offend someone, who knows when who will trip you up." Li Shaoqing's words It's really for Xie Yunchu's sake.

"Thank you Li Shaoqing for the point, but Yun Chu thinks that the most important thing for an official is to act upright and sit upright! If there is a disagreement on official business today, I will be stumped in the future. I believe... the other party Your official career won't go very smoothly." Xie Yunchu said with a smile.

"Sir Xiao Xie is still young!" Li Shaoqing raised his hand and patted Xie Yunchu's shoulder, "I have suffered a loss, not everyone in this world is like a cow censor! A person who must be reported to Jaiji... does not mean that he is not a good one. Official, a good official...not necessarily just being generous."

After Li Shaoqing finished speaking, he bowed his hands with Xie Yunchu and saluted: "At noon, I am waiting for Mr. Xie in front of the Haifu Gate, and we will visit Yushi Hai together."

(End of this chapter)

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