Great Ye Empress

Chapter 312 Reason

Chapter 312 Reason
Xie Yunchu turned his head and saw Ji Jingci walking towards her along the corridor.

She took two steps forward and bowed, "I'm disturbing Master."

It seemed that Qing Feng, who had just returned from outside, also saluted Xie Yunchu.

Ji Jing nodded lightly and said with Xie Yunchu: "You don't have to worry too much about Wulang. Although it involves witchcraft, but... as long as it is not aimed at the emperor, the emperor will definitely save his own flesh and blood."

"Master, I don't believe that Senior Brother Xiao is involved in witchcraft. I think someone framed it."

Xie Yunchu didn't think that Xiao Wulang's temperament would use any witchcraft.

Qingfeng stepped forward and said, "Yesterday, His Majesty sent someone to summon Xiao Wulang, which seems to be related to the Taoist Zhenyuan priest, and then when Xiao Wulang's personal eunuch A Xia took Wang Pinghe's painting to Weifu, it was a coincidence. When the people of the third prince came across, the third prince brought the painting to the emperor, and when the forbidden army searched the palace of Xiao Wulang...the puppet with the birthday of Queen Chunde was found."

Three princes again...

In fact, there is no basis for the witchcraft to harm people, but people always have a respectful attitude towards such unknown things...

Especially, the royals.

In addition, the emperor has deep feelings for Empress Chunde, this time... Xiao Wulang is afraid that he is in danger.

The emperor sent someone to Xie's house to check on Xie Yunchu, probably because even Xie Yunchu was suspicious.

It was not early today, Xie Yunchu couldn't see the emperor, so naturally there was no way to test the emperor's attitude.

And the emperor decreed that no one was allowed to visit the fifth prince, Xie Yunchu could not see Xiao Wulang, and he did not know the specific situation.

There was a rumbling sound of thunder in the sky.

Ji Jingci spoke with Xie Yunchu: "Yunchu, you must be cautious in your actions these days, and don't give others an opportunity."

If the third prince did this, then the third prince might want to take the opportunity to get rid of Xie Yunchu.

Ji Jingci has never entered an official position, is not involved in political affairs, and does not ask about party disputes. There are only limited places where he can help Xie Yunchu.

"Master, don't worry, Yun Chu knows what he has in mind." Xie Yunchu said.

Yuanbao, who was sent by Xie Yunchu, hurried in from the door. Xu Shi ran too fast and had shortness of breath. Changyi bowed with Xie Yunchu: "Master Wei said that there was no one sent by the fifth prince last night."

Xie Yunchu tightened his palms and said with Yuanbao, "I already know."

Last night Yechen only said that Xiao Wulang had an accident and was beaten and sent to prison.

Now that I think of things together, it seems like someone deliberately set up a set.

The picture inscribed by Yu Shi Niu was sent to the emperor by the third prince.

A-Xia was holding Wang Pinghe's calligraphy and painting, which was also encountered by the people of the Third Prince.

No matter how you look at it, this matter should be the handwriting of the third prince...

But Xie Yunchu thought of another person, Xiao Zhiyan.

The original reason for finding out the doll with the birth date of Empress Chunde... was that the third prince met A Xia holding Wang Pinghe's calligraphy and painting, and the emperor sent people to search the palace.

However, Xie Yunchu knew.

A-Xia, behind the scenes... is actually Xiao Zhiyan's person.

If he hadn't encountered A Xia's calligraphy and painting, the emperor would have no reason to search the palace and further discover the witchcraft.

Therefore, the calligraphy and painting of Axia and Wang Pinghe are the key.

Picking himself up and instigating the two princes to kill each other is also Xiao Zhiyan's usual tactic.

The first prince and the fourth prince are no longer a threat to Xiao Zhiyan's struggle for the throne.

However, the third prince who was born directly, and the fifth prince who was deeply favored by the emperor...

One is a threat that Xiao Zhiyan can identify.

A person who has no intention of taking the throne but is very favored and is about to come of age.

If Xiao Zhiyan wanted that position, he had to make sure that there was not a single pebble on the way to the throne.

This time, if the fifth prince is convicted, Xiao Zhiyan will not only be free from the threat of the fifth prince, but he will definitely hold the evidence of the third prince's framing of the fifth prince, and use this as a handle, in order to be full of wings in the future. The three princes dealt a fatal blow.

"Today is the first time I entered the palace to teach the seventh prince to study literature." Xie Yunchu said, "After entering the palace, I will try to inquire about the situation."

When Xie Yunchu arrived in front of the palace gate, the rain poured down.

Yechen couldn't enter the palace with Xie Yunchu, and between helping Xie Yunchu get off the carriage, he said to Xie Yunchu: "The people from the Imperial City Division just went straight to the censor's desk..."

Xie Yunchu got off the carriage, straightened the sleeves of his official uniform, and said in a low voice, "The Censor's Terrace keeps people's attention. From last night until just now, which officials have been arrested by the Imperial City Division, go check carefully, I will come out of the palace to know. ."

"Yes!" Ye Chen responded.

A little eunuch led the way for Xie Yunchu in front, and a little eunuch held the books that Xie Yunchu brought to the seventh prince today for Xie Yunchu.

These books have been carefully selected by Xie Yunchu these days.

The place where Xie Yunchu gave lectures to the Seventh Prince was the Hall of Xuesi.

The emperor has only eight princes, the eldest prince, the second prince, the third prince and the fourth prince, all of them are adults, the fifth prince is taught by Ji Jingci, the sixth prince died, and the eighth prince is not yet the age of enlightenment, so... come to Xuesidian There is only the seventh prince.

After the little eunuch arranged the books that Xie Yunchu was going to use today, he retired...

Xie Yunchu remembered the matter of Censor Niu and Xiao Wulang in his heart, standing in front of the open window with the latticework, looking at the rain curtain under the eaves in a trance.

"Sir Xiaoxie..."

Hearing someone calling her, Xie Yunchu turned around and saw Eunuch Chen standing outside the gate of the hall, respectfully saluting with him: "Sir Xiao Xie, the Seventh Highness is kneeling and begging His Majesty to investigate the witchcraft case, and the Fifth Highness is innocent, I'm afraid it is today. Can't come."

Xie Yunchu remembered that when he first met the seventh prince, the seventh prince went to intercede for Xiao Zhiyan.

In fact, the seventh prince is not favored.

No matter if the seventh prince asked for it out of brotherly love, or if he was keenly aware that there was something wrong with this matter, he went to intercede with the emperor.

The Seventh Prince has kindness in his heart.

Xie Yunchu looked at Eunuch Chen and asked, "Did Eunuch Gao invite Eunuch Chen to come here?"

Eunuch Chen didn't hide it: "Exactly, Master is afraid of making Lord Xiao Xie wait for a long time."

There is one thing that Xie Yunchu has suspected for a long time in his heart...

Xiao Zhiyan took over the Huangcheng Company from the great eunuch Gao Gonggong who had been running the Huangcheng Company for many years, but the takeover went so smoothly, and after Xie Yunchu's observation, the upper and lower levels of the Huangcheng Company listened to Xiao Zhiyan's mobilization.

If you think about it, this would be very unusual.

Eunuch Gao, the emperor's henchman, either reached some kind of tacit agreement or agreement with Xiao Zhiyan.

Or, this Eunuch Gao... is Xiao Zhiyan's person at all.

Xie Yunchu looked at Eunuch Chen, guessing in his heart Eunuch Gao's intention to ask Eunuch Chen to send her this news.

Eunuch Gao, a great eunuch who had been with the emperor for decades before, no matter what he said or what he did, it could not be without reason.

Obviously, the little eunuch next to him could be notified, but Eunuch Chen was asked to go.

(End of this chapter)

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