Chapter 318
Tears rolled in Niu Yushi's eyes: "If you can come, I feel guilty, even if I die... I'm not wronged, but you really can't afford to be in danger for this old husband, so that the whole Censor's platform is ignored, and the young Seventh Prince is also involved. Rokuro, you are obedient... take the person back!"

After Yushi Niu finished speaking, he turned to look at his son: "Son..."

"The son is here! The son is here!" Niu Yushi's son hurriedly walked closer to his father, making his father feel more comfortable relying on him.

"You have to remember that you have to live an upright life. After you leave for your father...the family will be handed over to you, and you have to take on the responsibility of the eldest son!"

"Son... son remembered!" Niu Yushi's son couldn't help crying.

Niu Yushi remembered what he said before that he gave Xie Yunchu the words when Xie Yunchu reached the crown, and then slowly said to Xie Yunchu: "This old man once thought that if I could live until you were weak, I would be fortunate enough to give you words! You are a talented person. A good boy with a strategy... You are too smart, but smart people are most likely to go astray. This old man hopes that you can... keep your heart, walk the right path, and don't be greedy for shortcuts, so as not to make mistakes and make mistakes! Word! I hope that in the future, you will become the mainstay of the Great Ye Dynasty, set an example for hundreds of officials, be a model for scholars all over the world, set your mind for the world, set your life for the people, and continue the unique learning for the sages of the past... "

Xie Yunchu grabbed Yushi Niu's hand and said firmly: "When I arrive at the crown ceremony, please ask Yushi Niu to give me words in person!"

Standing in the prison and cutting shed, the third prince raised his feet and walked towards the execution platform. The guard stepped forward to hold an umbrella, and the Dali Temple Secretary Su and Shaoqing Li hurriedly followed.

The third prince raised his voice: "Master Xiao Xie, is he going to take the officials of the censor's desk to rob prisoners, or is he going to disobey His Majesty's decree?"

Niu Yushi firmly grasped Xie Yunchu's hand and his son's hand, and stood up with difficulty: "It is Your Majesty who wants to kill me, Liulang... Bring the officials from Yushitai back!"

"The Sacred Heart can't be compared with the people's hearts! Censor Niu, we... win once." Xie Yunchu was unmoved, he helped Censor Niu, and said with Censor Niu's eldest son, "Master Niu, take good care of Sir Niu!"

Niu Yushi's son nodded again and again.

Xie Yunchu turned around and walked out from behind Xie Yunwang, standing in front of the officials of the Censor's Desk, fixedly looking at the third prince with the armrest standing under the execution stand: "Your Majesty was blinded by a traitor and made Censor Niu wronged, I am waiting for you as a The imperial censor should take his own life to share with each other, and to watch and listen to the sage, so as not to let His Majesty be deceived by traitors, kill loyal ministers indiscriminately, and cut off my Da Ye court speech! This is... the responsibility of the censor! Today... I wait Don't give in!"

Xie Yunwang, Zhang Guan, Yu Qianchao, and Li Yun each took a step forward and stood side by side with Xie Yunchu, their faces calm and firm.

Today, Xie Yunchu will not retire, and neither will they!

They not only protected the life of the Censor Niu, but also the integrity of the Great Ye Dynasty Hall.

As Xie Yunchu said, this is their duty and responsibility as censors!
The officials of the Censor Station guarded the Censor Niu in the middle, with an indomitable momentum, which made people feel thrilling.

The Dali Temple Secretary Su and Shaoqing Li were also impressed by the arrogance and integrity of the officials of the Censor Station, and their hearts were surging.

Dali Temple Minister Su stepped forward and bowed to the three princes: "Your Highness, the officials of the Censor Tai sacrificed their lives to protect the Censor. This matter still has to be reported to Your Majesty. Please think twice about it... suspending the execution is the way to go!"

The third prince's face was gloomy, and he just stared at Xie Yunchu and sneered: "The officials of the Censor Tai disobeyed the imperial decree and dared to obstruct the execution. When the time comes... If they don't leave the execution platform, they will all be punished for resisting the decree, and they will kill it!"

Anyway, the third prince hated these officials of the censor station, especially Xie Yunchu...

"Your Highness can't!"

Dali Temple Secretary Su and Li Shaoqing spoke at the same time.

"His Royal Highness, killing the censor is very important! Not to mention... the censor and the master bookkeeper of the censor station are all here!" Li Shaoqing came out from under the umbrella and saluted respectfully, hoping to persuade the third prince, "If Killing the officials of the Censorship Platform on the execution platform will definitely shake the government and the opposition and attract criticism!"

With that said, Li Shaoqing knelt down: "This matter is of great importance, and His Highness should ask His Majesty the Holy Inquisition!"

Xie Yunchu saw the third prince's expression gloomy and silent. She had no doubt that if the execution time came, even if the third prince did not dare to have them beheaded together on this high platform, they would definitely be executed. They pull down.

At that time, the third prince is performing official duties, and they are obstructing official duties. If someone died during the collision, it could be regarded as an accident.

Obviously, this is what the third prince planned.

As soon as the time comes, the third prince will kill.

"Third Highness!" Xie Yunchu bowed to the third prince, "Can I allow the official to say a few words to the third prince?"

The third prince raised his eyebrows: "Okay!"

"Rokuro!" Xie Yunwang was worried and grabbed Xie Yunchu's arm.

Xie Yunchu raised his hand and patted Xie Yunwang's hand: "Don't worry! I will definitely be able to convince the third prince!"

With that said, Xie Yun took the first step off the high platform.

Li Shaoqing turned his head to look at Xie Yunchu, saw Xie Yunchu's gestured eyes, nodded, got up and gently grabbed Master Su's arm and stepped back two steps.

Xie Yunchu walked to the third prince, lowered his head and approached the third prince a little, and kept his voice very low: "His Royal Highness and the empress arranged for the doll to be placed in the fifth prince's palace, and lost one, Your Highness... Are you panic?"

The heavy rain crackled on the umbrella, and the intense sound almost annihilated Xie Yunchu's low voice.

The pupils of the third prince tightened suddenly, the fist behind him clenched tightly, and the murderous intent in his eyes boiled.

Xie did you know? !

Xie Yunchu saw the reaction of the third prince's body suddenly stiffened, so he slowly straightened up, looked up and looked at the third prince who was higher than her head: "Chen Jun Xie does not want to participate in the battle of the princes, but... ...The fifth prince is the senior brother of Xiaguan, and Xiaguan can't watch the third prince take the fifth prince's life, not to mention... the fifth prince has no intention of fighting for the throne at all, so it did not destroy the plan of the third prince and the queen's concubine. , the shot is only to save the life of the fifth prince."

Chen County Xie's...

The heartbeat of the third prince is violent, and the Xie clan of Chen County, a fallen noble family, really has such great ability?
His mother is in charge of the sixth house, and things are done so secretly...

How did the people of the Xie Clan in Chen County know about it?How did he quietly take another doll.

So, have the handles of him and his mother been already in the hands of the Xie Clan of Chen County?

The third prince had to re-examine the Xie Clan of Chen County.

"So, Your Highness should also see that although the Xie Clan of Chen Jun is not a party of the Three Princes, it has absolutely no intention to oppose the Third Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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