Great Ye Empress

Chapter 321 The Bottom Line

Chapter 321 The Bottom Line
"Yushi Niu!"

"Master Niu!"

"Yushi Niu!"

Everyone turned around and rushed to the side of Censor Niu.

Xie Yunchu even tore off his official robe, pressed the neck of the Censor Niu, and shouted loudly, "Doctor! Go and call the doctor!"

Fresh blood kept coming out of Xie Yunchu's fingers, mixed with the heavy rain and the muddy water on the torture platform.

Yushi Niu looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, as if he was blind, his eyes were blurred, his lips opened and closed, and he murmured: "Wish, the temples are more noble, the officials are more powerful, the Great Ye... the country will not fail, and it will be rebuilt... Sheng. ……World……"

"Father!" The eldest son of Yushi Niu looked at Yushi Niu's eyes, and wept bitterly, "Father!"

Xie Yunchu's eyes widened, hot tears rushed out of his eyes, his throat was unbearably swollen, and a sharp whistle sounded like a long whistle in his head, and it was suddenly blank.

She clearly... had already listened to Ji Jingci and Niu Yushi's words, without any means, she took the cleanest path to survive for Niu Yushi!

But why, still can't save Censor Niu?

In Xie Yunchu's palm, the blood of Censor Niu was still hot, but the Censor Niu had lost his breath.

This is different from watching the same robes die in battle when they were in Wuwang Mountain...

This time, Censor Niu's life was drained from her fingers!
A sense of helplessness and grief welled up from the bottom of my heart...

Originally, she could save Censor Niu!
Originally, when Shen Yanxing took on everything, she could have used the news that Shen Yanxing did not know that the so-called "outer room" was dead, to deceive Shen Yanxing's confession, and bring out the third prince!

If at that time, the third prince was taken out, how could Yushi Niu die? !
How could Xiao Wulang be framed? !
She has always felt that after passing through Wuwang Mountain, she has become a cold-hearted person.

But now, seeing Yushi Niu, who she could have rescued, died in front of her eyes, Xie Yunchu's heart was like a knife.

She admired the character of the Censor Niu, and it was not worth it for the Censor Niu.

How could such a Great Ye deserve allegiance to an upright official like the Imperial Censor Niu? !
Emperor Daye, just because his son died in the disaster relief and corruption case, took the life of the presiding judge!
It is clear that the eldest prince is to die!
The emperor took the life of a loyal minister!
I asked for one... I didn't blame the emperor at all before I died, I just hoped that the Great Ye Kingdom would not decline and recreate the life of a loyal minister...
What's the point!
What a hall this is!
What the hell is this!
The other officials of the Censor's desk surrounded Yushi Niu, calling out the name of Yushi Niu sadly, and Yushi's eldest son burst into tears.

The third prince stood under the umbrella, his eyes were cold, thinking of Shen Yan's corpse being separated, why did this imperial censor die so easily!
He raised his voice: "What are you doing standing still! Go up and pull the irrelevant people away! The time has execute the execution!"

Thinking of what Xie Yunchu said just now to win people's hearts, the third prince added: "Don't hurt the lives of unrelated people!"

With the third prince's order, the officers and soldiers took their swords and did not dare to injure the lives of the officials of the Censor Station.

"His Royal Highness!" Lord Su, the Dali Temple Secretary, hurriedly stepped forward, "His Royal Highness! Censor Niu has lost his breath..."

"Your Majesty's decree is to beheaded!" The third prince looked at Master Su coldly, "Is Master Su trying to disrespect the decree? Pull the man down! Behead the sinner Niu Yinhui!"

Hearing that the third prince was going to behead Niu Yushi's body, Xie Yunchu's heart seemed to rush to the crown.

She suddenly pulled out the swords from the waists of the officers and soldiers who came to drag her, her anger was unbearable, and her voice was like thunder...

"Who dares!"

The anger that was about to destroy her reason, like a fire that ignited her whole body, angered her heart, and the hand holding the knife could not stop shaking.

Xie Yunchu stood with a knife, protecting Niu Yushi's body behind him, his whole body was boiling with murderous intent, his clearly thin body was soaked with blood, and he was in a state of embarrassment, but his aura was like a hellish rakshasa. Dare to come forward.

Yu Qianchao also stood up and stood with Xie Yunchu: "Whoever wants to touch the body of the Censor Niu, just step over from me and other officials of the Censor Station!"

The officials of the censor station stood up one after another, with tears and anger in their eyes, and stood side by side with Xie Yunchu.

The third prince looked at Xie Yunchu from afar, his voice was a little proud, and he shouted loudly: "Xie Yunchu, the father and the emperor want to be executed, and the Censor Niu commits suicide. Alright! You're blocking like this... Are you trying to convict Niu Yushi's family?"

Xie Yunchu's hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly tightened, and then slowly loosened.

She swallowed the bad breath in her heart, and replied with disgust: "His Royal Highness is the prince and his courtier! Now that Yushi Niu is dead, I also ask His Highness to make a plan for the Great Ye Dynasty, and together with Xiaguan and others, beg Your Majesty to stay. The corpse of the Censor Niu is the whole body, His Highness is the direct son, and is deeply favored by His Majesty, if His Highness is willing to intercede, the lower officials and others will be grateful!"

The wrong the emperor!

It's royal!
They are ministers, and they can only ask the emperor and the royal family!
It would be fine if the emperor was Ming Jun.

Such a timid emperor, who is narrow-minded and does not distinguish between public and private, bowed his knees and begged, Xie Yunchu... felt aggrieved and disgusting.

Xie Yunchu's words were both a plea and a threat, and the third prince could understand.

"My lords..." Niu Yushi's son held his father's body in his arms, looked up at the censors who were standing in front of him to save his father's whole body, and choked with tears, "Today, my father is fortunate to have you all Protecting each other, in the next five senses, even though my father is dead, the Niu family will not forget your great kindness! You adults have protected this step, it is enough! Don't... For my father, fight for your life and future! Da Ye Chaotang ...I still need honest ministers like your lords!"

Niu Yushi's son looked down at his father, who had lost his breath in his arms, with tears streaming down his face: "My father is already dead, just behead one more time...what's there to be afraid of? As my father said, may my father's death... To be courageous for the officials, guide the right way for the colleagues, build up the bones for the courtiers, and keep the breeze for the temples! Let all the courtiers who are upright... not afraid of death, just ask Qing Shi to keep the name of loyalty behind him."

"I can't retreat! This is the bottom line..." Xie Yunchu gritted his teeth in the rain, his voice more deafening than the sound of thunder, "This is the bottom line of the dignity of the officials of Da Ye Qingzhi! If the dignity is gone, how dare you talk! Bone!"

Seeing that Xie Yunchu insisted on protecting the corpse of the Censor Niu, the third prince's gaze fell on Eunuch Gao again.

"Eunuch Gao, Xie Yunchu from the Censor Station is holding a knife to stop it..." The third prince was respectful to the emperor's cronies, "Look at this matter... Do you want to report it to the emperor?"

Just as the third prince said, the emperor's decree was to beheaded, and the Censor Niu committed suicide... This is also a serious crime.

Eunuch Gao glanced at Xie Yunchu, remembering that King Yan had warned him to take more care of Xie Yunchu, Eunuch Gao bowed to the third prince: "This old slave will return to the palace to report to Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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