Great Ye Empress

Chapter 323 Unwilling

Chapter 323 Unwilling
After finishing speaking, Li Shaoqing came out of the cell with a bow and told the jailer to take good care of him.

Seeing Li Shaoqing leave, Yu Qianchao, Li Yun and others took off their outer robes and slammed the water.

Although they were not able to save the life of Censor Niu today, although the officials of Censor Terrace were saddened in their hearts, at least...the whole body of Censor Niu was saved.

Xie Yun saw Xie Yunchu sitting quietly cross-legged in a corner of the cell, in the gloom, eyes closed, water droplets dripping from her messy temples.

"Liulang..." Xie Yunwang walked to Xie Yunchu's side, "You escaped, I'll screw it for you."

Xie Yunchu shook his head.

Without waiting for Xie Yunwang to speak again, Li Shaoqing left and returned, and the prison door was opened again...

"Sir Xiaoxie." Li Shaoqing stood at the door.

Xie Yunchu opened his eyes and saw Qingfeng standing beside Li Shaoqing, bowing and salute with her.

She got up.

"Master Xiao Xie, please..." Li Shaoqing made a gesture of invitation to Xie Yunchu.

"Thank you sir!" Yu Qianchao was a little worried and stepped forward to stop Xie Yunchu.

"It's all right!" Xie Yunwang patted Yu Qianchao's hand, "That's the guard of Mr. Ji, the master of Liulang."

Yu Qianchao suddenly let go of Xie Yunchu's arm.

When Xie Yunchu came out of the cell, A-Xia was also standing at the door, holding the wound medicine brought by Qingfeng in his hand.

Ji Jingci was waiting for Xie Yunchu in the vacant cell.

Xie Yunchu thanked Li Shaoqing and entered the door.

The prison door is closed again...

She stood at the door of the cell, looking at Ji Jingci in a dark loose green wide-sleeved shirt, her eyes were slightly red.

Ji Jingci walked to Xie Yunchu's side, gently grasped Xie Yunchu's thin wrist, pulled the person in front of him, and wiped the rain on Xie Yunchu's head with a handkerchief.

"You did a great job! The Censor Niu has a spirit in the sky... I will definitely be pleased!" Ji Jingci said softly, "First take off the wet clothes on your body!"

Ji Jingci has been watching what happened today.

Watching Xie Yunchu lead the officials of the Censor Station to protect the Censor Niu, watching Xie Yunchu leading the officials of the Censor Station to kneel and beg, and keep the whole body of Censor Niu.

Ji Jingci took out the clothes from the box set aside, led Xie Yunchu to a corner that could not be seen from the door of the cell, and said to Xie Yunchu, "Change clothes first."

Xie Yunchu took the clothes with both hands, and Ji Jingci turned around and covered her with his body.

This is in Dali Temple Prison, with limited conditions.

Ji Jingci then thought of a speech, and asked Li Shaoqing to bring Xie Yunchu up alone and give Xie Yunchu space to change his clothes.

Xie Yunchu glanced at Ji Jingci's broad back, lowered his eyes and put his clothes on the wooden box, lifted the tie of the official uniform, and changed his clothes.

"I didn't do it well." Xie Yunchu lowered his eyes, put on his clean middle clothes and tied his eyes, "Although the students of Guozijian can put pressure on the emperor, their youthful spirit is the easiest to take advantage of. , The Seventh Prince is too young... I can't hold it back, because I didn't think carefully."

It was impossible to save the Censor Niu.

Hearing this, Ji Jingci turned his head slightly: "Yushi Niu died of loyalty and integrity."

"Loyalty and integrity! Isn't this stupid loyalty? Human nature... is all about survival, ants still steal their lives, let alone people?" Xie Yunchu bent down and picked up his robe and put it on, his red eyes were calm, " I'm someone who has died once...I know what it's like to die, how terrifying it is! When a person dies...there's nothing left!"

"Yu Zhong, it's because the Censor Niu has hope and belief!" Ji Jingci turned around and fixedly looked at Xie Yunchu whose eyes were red, "It's because Censor Niu saw hope in you. , he saw your ability to lead the censors of the censors, the chief clerk, and the ability to respond to every call. He didn't want to cut off your future because of him! You come from a famous noble family. The poisoning case is not as good as the weak crown... Ranked as the imperial censor, temporarily serving as the imperial censor, and is deeply favored by the emperor! Looking at the world... Which scholar-official can do something like you at your age?"

"Yushi Niu committed suicide because the monarch wanted his subjects to die, and he also understood that he was old... and you are just the beginning of the rising sun, and you are full of vitality. If he dies today, you will immediately become the new cohesive force of the Censor Tai. As long as you have a stable career, you will be able to gather hundreds of officials, Niu Yushi... I have high hopes for you, I hope you can become a model for scholars in the world, a role model for officials, so that scholars all over the world can follow suit, and let them understand that walking the right way is not only The career is bright, and it can also be famous in history, so as to correct the atmosphere of the world and the atmosphere of officialdom."

"Yushi Niu, before I go to death, I said... I will go to death calmly, and I hope that my righteousness and strength will remain long, not for the fame behind me, but only for the courage of the officials, to lead the right way for my colleagues, to be strong for the courtiers, and to keep the breeze for the temple. Yes. I'm telling all the upright and upright courtiers that he is the role model of their name! Censor Niu...did what he could do, and I hope a gentleman in the court and be a role model for their former name!"

Xie Yunchu clenched his fists tightly, and for the first time disagreed with Ji Jingci's words: "The ruler is the source, the minister is the stream, the source is turbid... How can we talk about Qingliu? Whether it is a minister of the Qing Dynasty or a treacherous minister, they are all royals. A pawn for power."

Ji Jing walked two steps closer to Xie Yunchu, and continued to wipe her hair with a handkerchief. He fixed his eyes on Xie Yunchu: "So, you are going to teach the future king! Don't be a chess piece... Be a chess player."

Looking at Xie Yunchu's black and white tough eyes, Ji Jingci couldn't help but stepped forward and pressed Xie Yunchu's shoulder armor: "Yunchu, I know what you are thinking."

Ji Jingci's dark eyes stared at Xie Yunchu, and slowly shook his head: "Teach the new king, establish a new style of court and the world, this... is the easiest way, and also the least harm to the innocent people in the world..."

He squeezed Xie Yunchu's shoulder tightly, and said in a low voice, "The royal family fights for power, the strife is in the court, and the two surnames fight for the world... The killing is in the common people."

Xie Yunchu clenched his fist tightly.

Ji Jingci lowered his eyes, the big hand holding Xie Yunchu's shoulder moved down, and the slender hand with clear joints wrapped Xie Yunchu's fist: "Yunchu, I once... have the same thoughts as you, and I understand your grievances and unwillingness. "

Xie Yunchu's pupils trembled slightly.

Thinking of what she said to Ji Jing before, have you ever thought that Da Ye is completely rotten from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, it is better to replace it instead of bothering to reform?
Ji Jingci said that he had thought about it and said...he met her.

"But I met you! This matter is dangerous, and the whole family will be in trouble if there is a slight difference. You are my wife, how can you be spared?"

At that time, Yun Chu, who had just come out of the small world, was full of curiosity about everything in this world...

At that time, he just wanted to use more time and life to take her all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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