Chapter 329
Qingfeng accompanied Ji Jingci to send the emperor to the door, and when he saw the car carrying the emperor driving away, Qingfeng said slowly: "Qingfeng is bold, I vaguely heard that His Majesty wanted the master to enter office, and said... When the fifth prince ascends the throne and asks the master to help the country, the master will really not be moved?

Qing Feng was a little moved.

Although this Xiao Wulang looked perverse, he always obeyed the words of their master.

If Xiao Wulang ascends the throne in the future, their master will be able to help Xiao Wulang better manage Daye and become the uncrowned king of Daye.

Ji Jingci stood under the door lamp, with a very light smile on his face: "The emperor's words are true and false, false and true, it is difficult for people to distinguish and unbelievable."

Perhaps, it is true that the emperor wants to establish Xiao Wulang, but let him assist the country...

Not so.

Ji Jing turned around without hesitation, picked up the hem of his robe and stepped into the door: "No one who can be an emperor is easy."

Ji Jingci never forgot that the biggest reason for the emperor Daye ascending the throne was his good acting.

The emperor, who has been in a high position for many years, is acting again today because he feels that... the court situation is no longer in his control.

If you really think that the emperor came to "heart and lungs" to say so many "truthful words" today, in order to let him help the country, then Ji Jingci is stupid.

The emperor said that he would not consider the seventh prince, because he was worried that the minister of the auxiliary country would pinch the seventh prince...

Then, even Qingfeng knew that the fifth prince Xiao Zhiyu always obeyed Ji Jing's words, how could the emperor allow such a minister to help the country?
In terms of the position of the minister of the auxiliary country, in addition to using the power of the King of Langya to deal with Xiao Linwu, it was also to test whether he used the power of the King of Langya to help the police stone of the Xiangguo Temple. Xiao Wulang was released from prison.

Now that the emperor is borrowing strength from him, the temptation fails, and he wants to come and see Yun Chu...

Thinking of Yun Chu, Ji Jingci's lips curled into a small smile.

Ji Jingci was not worried at all, Yun Chu... has always been more sober than anyone else.

As Ji Jingci walked back along the veranda, he asked Qingfeng, "Have you found out about the giant stone in Xiangguo Temple?"

"Not yet." Qing Feng said, "The rain was so heavy that all traces were washed away, so I couldn't find it, but my subordinates have already sent people to start with the masons in the city."

Ji Jing nodded.

After thinking about it, Qing Feng said, "Master, do you think King Yan did this?"

Ji Jingci shook his head: "As long as Xiao Linwu is there, it will not be time for King Yan to show his brilliance. Now the fifth prince has been demoted to a commoner, and the seventh prince has no such strength when he is young, and he is the only one who can take advantage of this matter. It's King Yan, do you think... King Yan, like such a stupid person, would reveal his ambitions so early?"

Qing Feng nodded.

Ji Jingci walked to the door of the room, turned his head to look at the wind and rain, and inevitably missed Yun Chu in his heart...

I don't know what happened to Yun Chu in prison.

However, Yun Chu will be able to come out soon.

Xiao Wulang, whose fever persisted, had moved out of the cell next door. The cell where Xie Yunchu was sitting was empty to the left and right, and he could only hear the sound of pouring rain.

Xie Yunchu was already aware of the fact that the police stone was dropped at Xiangguo Temple today.

This is thanks to the heavy rain, and thanks to Senior Brother Xiao who also fell ill in time...

I heard from Li Shaoqing that many courtiers were convinced that the boulder came to Xiangguo Temple as a warning from heaven.

The emperor handed the matter over to the Dali Temple to investigate.

Li Shaoqing went to Xiangguo Temple, but the rain was so heavy that he couldn't climb the mountain at all, and couldn't check anything...

The Dali Temple only checked in the temple, and the huge rock was indeed descended along with the mud flow, not by human beings.

And the monks of Xiangguo Temple also said that this huge rock has always been on the mountain.

Therefore, many officials including Dali Temple now believe that if it is human...then the characters on this huge stone should be engraved early, but if it is human, even if the person who wrote the inscription knew that Niu Yushi would die, how would he know the five The prince is seriously ill.

When Xie Yunchu explained Yechen, what he wanted was to be natural.

Everything is done on the mountain, chopped rocks by the sound of thunder, chiseled words by the sound of thunder, and moved the boulders to the place where the mud flow is slippery in the rain.

In addition, Xie Yunchu used Buddhism, Taoism, and the incense battle between the two. I believe that the host of Xiangguo Temple will definitely say that this is a warning from God for the incense of his own temple.

The words of the eminent monks, such prestige, will make more people have to believe.

Today, when Xie Yunzhi came to deliver medicine to Xie Yunchu, he also said... The people have been spreading rumors about this matter, and the people felt that it was a warning from God, saying that His Majesty should kill the demon.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the door.

Xie Yunchu opened his eyes, the prison door opened, and Li Shaoqing walked in.

"Lord Xiaoxie, Your Majesty is coming down and wants to see you..." Li Shaoqing said.

The emperor is in the cleanest discipline room in Dali Temple.

The discipline room, which was originally dimly lit, is now brightly lit.

When Xie Yunchu entered the door, he saw the emperor sitting behind the table in his uniform, holding a teacup in his hand and slowly blowing into the teacup...

She hurriedly strode forward, and as always, respectfully gave a big salute: "Wei Chen sees His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live!"

The emperor put the teacup aside and motioned for Li Shaoqing to take everyone out. Then he looked down at Xie Yunchu, who was kneeling properly, and asked, "Do you know about the warning from the giant stone in Xiangguo Temple?"

Xie Yunchu moved his fingers on the ground, wondering if Ye Chen had left any traces and was discovered by the emperor and came to test her, or if he really just came to ask her what to do.

She calmed down, stood up and bowed her head again before replying: "Reporting to Your Majesty, although Wei Chen is in prison, but fortunately His Majesty has granted permission for his family to come to deliver the soup and medicine. Now that the warning about the giant stone in Xiangguo Temple is rumored, Wei Chen naturally also has it. heard."

Xie Yunchu spoke calmly.

Hearing this, the emperor stared at Xie Yunchu, leaned lazily on Yinji, rubbed the armrest of Yinji, and asked, "Do you think this it really God's will, or is it man-made?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Wei Chen has always been in awe of God, Buddha and Heaven, just like Wei Chen is in awe of His Majesty, so... I have never visited Xiangguo Temple and dare not speculate."

The emperor laughed when he heard Xie Yunchu's words, how could he hear Xie Yunchu's words, how could he feel comfortable...

"The old five was imprisoned for witchcraft, and some people used the Heavenly Dao Police Stone to force me to execute the True Yuan Daoist... Dispose of the third prince, after all... The five princes were all dealt with for witchcraft, and the Heavenly General Police Stone was so sensational, How can I make sense if I don't kill the Daoist Zhenyuan, and I don't deal with the third prince? Such a wonderful strategy... You really didn't come up with this brain?"

Xie Yunchu's pupils tightened slightly.

She was sure that the emperor did not get the handle, this was testing her.

(End of this chapter)

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