Chapter 350

Especially for the mother Lu, what Lu was most worried about was that the identity of Xie Yunchu's daughter's family would not be revealed until after her death. At that time... no one could protect Xie Yunchu.

However, Erye Xie intends to hide the identity of her daughter's family for the rest of his life. He is just worried that he will not be able to sit firmly in the position of the suzerain of the Xie clan of Chen County in the future, and he is reluctant to be so excellent... It can make him proud in front of the world." son".

"Father doesn't have to worry about this." Xie Yunchu said, "At that time, I was injured and so many people watched. Saying that I can't have children in the future will make people doubt my identity! I am a woman, I know that women are difficult, and I will never harm the innocent little lady of other people."

After speaking, Xie Yunchu saluted again: "It's late at night, and if your father came overnight, let's rest here! Liulang asked Yicheng to clean up a room for his father."

Saying that, Xie Yunchu withdrew from the house and called out the ingot lying under the window listening to the corner of the wall: "Yuanbao..."

Yuanbao didn't hear anything, he was just worried that Erye Xie and Xie Yunchu were alone and would beat Liulang. Their family's Liulang was weak, and this time he was injured just now and still hasn't recovered!
Yuan Bao carefully glanced inside the house, and then saluted: "Rokuro..."

"Let Yicheng clean up a room, and father will stay here tonight."

"Yes!" Yuanbao asked Xie Yunchu in a low voice after responding, "Rokuro, are you alright?"

"It's okay, let's go!" Xie Yunchu raised his hand and touched Yuanbao's head with a smile.

At this time in Bianjing, Xiao Linwu's family had been besieged in the mansion for many days.

In fact, since returning to Bianjing, his wife was detained in the palace, Xiao Linwu knew that the Xiao family was going to be in great trouble.

Even the queen noticed something was wrong, but now that the third prince is in the limelight, he has begun to replace the emperor in the court, and the queen has to believe that the emperor is trying to test the loyalty of the Xiao family for the third prince.

It was not until the news that Xiao Jinsheng from Yinchuan was leading his troops to kill King Yan did the queen suddenly wake up and know that the emperor was going to clean up their Xiao family.

But it was too late to say anything at this time, the queen could only ask the third prince to save the Xiao family...

However, the third prince reprimanded the queen for being unclear: "Why did my cousin Xiao Jinsheng want to kill the King of Yan? The officials who went to Yinchuan wrote clearly in the statement that he wanted to bring troops to Bianjing, and then forced the emperor to abdicate and help me to become a leader. Puppet emperor, so that you can be the master of my Xiao family!"

Xu is because he is convinced that he is the only heir that the emperor can choose.

The emperor said that the third prince is the emperor's own flesh and blood. In the future, the emperor will entrust the people of the country, and now the Xiao family army is the support of the third prince. In the future, it will become Xiao Linwu's confidence to turn him into a puppet.

The third prince seemed to be bewitched, thinking of what the mother and queen said before... Uncle Xiao Linwu is the most powerful support for the third prince to compete for the throne, because the Xiao family army obeyed Xiao Linwu's words, and even the emperor was afraid, and it was like a throat.

The third prince placed himself in the position of the emperor, and it was inevitable that he would feel conflicted with the Xiao family.

The queen looked at her son in disbelief, thinking about how close her son was to the emperor these days, and knowing that both mother and son were deceived by the emperor!
At the same time, the queen also understands that her son cannot be counted on...

The current third prince may even hate her.

But now it's too late to say anything, his nephew is dead, and the military power is in the hands of others.

The emperor cleaned up her mother's house, just like cleaning up the mother's house of the first empress, and it was still as neat and tidy.

Unexpectedly, when Gao Jiaojiao died, the emperor looked like he was going to die, but he still had the heart to plot against their family!

"Empress mother, although my uncle is your elder brother, Xiao Jinsheng is your nephew, and Ke Erchen is your son, only sons can respect you as the queen mother in the future! I also hope that the queen mother understands the difference between closeness and distance!"

After speaking, the third prince walked away.

Sitting on the phoenix seat, the queen looked at the back of her son leaving angrily, and suddenly laughed...

"Mummy, you did I give birth to such a stupid thing!" The queen held the armrest of the phoenix seat tightly, "Xiao Jinsheng is dead, the next step the emperor will kill his uncle's family! And's us Mother and son!"

"Niangniang, don't think about it! Our Dalang has guarded the frontier for Da Ye. For all these years... there is no credit and hard work! The emperor would not kill our Dalang so ruthlessly!"

The big man in Mammy's mouth is Xiao Linwu.

"I really thought...the emperor's heart was given to that bitch Gao Jiaojiao, so he was so cruel to others! I really thought that the emperor didn't want to live anymore because of Gao Jiaojiao's death!" She slid down the corner of her eyes, raised her hand to wipe away the tears, her eyes showed a ruthless look, "I didn't expect... I'm the joke!"

"Niang Niang, relax your heart, the third prince is your Majesty's son after all, and now that His Majesty's body is not as good as the day, our third prince is a well-deserved crown prince, whether it is his birthright or his age! His Majesty, he has no choice! The eldest son of our family is the uncle of the third prince, don’t you know the third prince? It’s just a stubborn tongue… He will definitely plead for His Majesty!”

Mammy didn't know if she was lying to herself or the queen.

"No, the third... I was fascinated by the emperor. I am afraid that I thought that the emperor's father and emperor were all for his own good! My mother... But I want to drag him, the third prince, to strengthen my mother's family!" It was extremely chilling, "In this Bianjing city... our mother and son have been dependent on each other for so many years, but in the end, it can't match the little power that the emperor gave him."

The queen closed her eyes and could even foresee the future of her son.

In order to save face, the emperor estimated that after his mother and family died, he would still let the third child supervise the country for a period of time, and then find an excuse to pull the third child down.

"Mommy, I have to think of a way!" The Queen suddenly said.

Although the third child doesn't believe her anymore, the third child's mother after all!

She has only one child like the third child!
Now that the ending of her mother's family is powerless to change, she has to make plans for the future of the third child!
She can't be like the first queen, because she gave up on the emperor, she broke the jar and begged for death, leaving her young son alone and bullied.

Now that the emperor has let the third child supervise the country, although he does not have the title of prince, the third child does what the prince should do.

Then... as long as the emperor dies, the third child should ascend to the throne, whether in terms of the descendant or the current emperor's value.

The Queen made up her mind...

This time, it was a desperate fight.

(End of this chapter)

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