Chapter 362
Yun Wenyu deliberately mentioned Yun Zhao's grief because he knew... Yun Chu and Yun Zhao had always had a deep relationship.

And back then, Yun Zhao treated Yun Chu very well, even Yun Chu himself said that his sister treats her best.

"That's why Yun Zhao heard that Yun Chu might have been born from the body. He was so happy that he immediately recruited me into the palace and asked me to come in person. If..." Anpinghou looked at Xie Yunchu, wanting to ask Xie Yunchu from him. There was a trace of different emotional fluctuations in those beautiful and clean eyes, "Master Ruo Xie is really Yun Chu, let me invite Master Xie back no matter what! She wants to meet her sister..."

"Sorry, I have disappointed the imperial concubine." Xie Yunchu nodded lightly, and there was no strangeness in his eyes, as if he was listening to someone else's story.

Even Marquis Anping deliberately said something untrue, but could not see a trace of disdain or coldness in Xie Yunchu's eyes.

Maybe... Really isn't it?

Ji Jingci, who is backed by the King of Langya, refuses to go back to help Yun Zhao, and now it's not easy... I thought that Yun Chu had become the grandson of the Xie family in Chen County, and I thought that as long as I could impress the family that Yun Chu yearned for the most, He could let Yun Chu go back to the Northern Wei Dynasty with him, and use the power of the Xie clan of Chen County to help his younger grandson to stabilize the country and help Yun Zhao to control the power of the government.

In this way, this Northern Wei Jiangshan... is equivalent to their Shu Kingdom!

This... is also another way to restore the country.

"However, Mr. Xie's name is Yun Chu, and it can be regarded as... having a relationship with our Yunchu, and a relationship with the imperial concubine!" Anping Hou pursed his lips and said with a smile, "I wonder if Mr. Xie would like to recognize the imperial concubine as your sister?"

Xie Yunchu raised his brows when he heard this, and looked at Marquis Anping with a smile: "So this is Marquis Anping's purpose, Marquis you want to invite my Chen County Xie Clan to enter the Northern Wei Dynasty? want me as Chen County. The grandson of the Xie clan has no place in Da Ye?"

Da Ye courtiers recognized the noble concubine of the Northern Wei Dynasty as their elder sister?

How could the Great Ye Emperor dare to reuse it?

"Master Xie misunderstood, I really feel that I have a good relationship with Master Xie, and the word Yunchu in Master Xie's name is the same as my eldest daughter, so I just mentioned it, thinking that the identity of the concubine is not a disgrace to Master Xie... "

"That's why the Marquis of Anping bullied me when I was young, thinking that I couldn't tell the difference, and as soon as I heard that I could become the younger brother of a noble concubine, I agreed to it?" Xie Yunchu took out the noble aura that a noble family should have, and straightened his cuffs. " I am the grandson of the Xie clan of Chen County, a court official of Daye, and a concubine of Daye... Considering that no one can recognize relatives, let alone a concubine of the Northern Wei Dynasty."

What Xie Yunchu said was to tell the Marquis of Anping that in the eyes of the nobility... the royal family is really nothing.

Even if the Xie Clan in Chen County is no longer as brilliant as it was in Wuyi Lane, there is still some background.

Xie Yunchu turned his eyes to Marquis Anping: "I'm not afraid to offend Marquis Anping, whether Marquis Anping is here to talk about rebirth, or to say that he has a destiny to want the imperial concubine of the Northern Wei Dynasty to be recognized as his sister, because...but... It's my uncle Xie Taishi of the Northern Wei branch of the Northern Wei branch of the Xie family of Chen County, who supports the imperial concubine?"

The Marquis of Anping looked at the icy muscles and jade bones that were born in front of him, and the smiling Xiao Langjun only felt that this little Langjun was indeed sharper than the usual Xiao Langjun of his age, and... very difficult to deal with.

In the end, he is the grandson of the Xie family in Chen County, and is naturally different from the little princes of other families.

I heard that in Daye, the Xie clan of Chen County has begun to rise gradually. This time, Xiao Langjun of the Xie clan of Chen County in Da Ye is almost in the top [-], and there are countless students from Yunshan Academy.

"It was me who didn't think carefully, this thought was rash, but... it was indeed because of the two characters in Xie's name, and this time... I came because of my eldest daughter again, and I didn't want to... leave disappointed!" An Ping Hou shook his head, stood up, and apologized, "For the offense, please thank the Lord for understanding and understanding my father's heart, Haihan!"

"It's easy to talk!" Xie Yunchu also got up with a smile, "Maybe you are thinking too much, and if you offend with your words, please also ask Anping Hou Haihan."

Xie Yunchu smiled and sent Marquis Anping away, and the smile in his eyes sank.

The Marquis of Anping really wanted to make the most of her "dead daughter".

However, she said it very clearly in her previous life in Wuwang Mountain, dying for Yun Zhao... also paid off the friendship they once gave her a life!
I am willing to use my flesh and blood to repay my kindness.

They must have forgotten about this...

He even thought that if she was reborn, she would return to the Northern Wei Dynasty and use the strength of the Xie Clan in Chen County to do her best for their family.

The abacus was separated by thousands of miles, and she heard the sound.

Now she is no longer Yunchu, she is Xie Yunchu...

He is the grandson of the Xie family in Chen County, and has a mother... an eldest sister and a younger sister!Even...there are brothers in the clan.

The Marquis of Anping returned to his room and closed the door with a sullen face, remembering the explanation from his wife before leaving.

If this Xiao Langjun of Xie's family in Chen County is not Yun Chu, can't stay alive.

Otherwise, after the death of the Northern Wei Emperor, if the Xie Clan of Chen County had other thoughts and attacked Yun Zhao as Yun Zhao, maybe... Yun Zhao would have to be buried to accompany the Northern Wei Emperor!
In this way... their grandson might become the puppet of Master Xie.

Thinking of this, Anpinghou carefully recalled Xie Yunchu's reaction and expression when he talked about Yunchu with Xie Yunchu...

Xie Yunchu didn't have any trace of Yunchu on him, even if he told the story inconsistent with the facts, Xie Yunchu didn't show the slightest feeling of anger or anger.

Totally, listening to a stranger's story.

The Marquis of Anping tightened their fists, but... this is the grandson of the Xie Clan of Chen County. If they were found to have killed Xie Yunchu, they would be enemies of the Xie Clan of Chen County.

Moreover, what if this Xie Yunchu did not die and became angry?

Seeing that this Xie Yunchu was not a gentleman like Ji Jingci, he would keep his mouth shut about this matter, and it would be unreliable to ask for a guarantee.

Therefore, after thinking about it, it is only the most appropriate to kill Xie Yunchu.

But... how to kill, still has to be designed, even if something goes wrong, they will not be angered by Chen Jun Xie's anger.

Anping Hou frowned and sat on the seat, deciding to first find an opportunity and ask this Xie Yunchu a guarantee, so as to separate himself.

Today, it is impossible to visit the door frequently.

At night, Xie Yunchu, Xiao Wulang and Gu Xingzhi gathered together for dinner.

Xiao Wulang was extremely happy, holding the wine glass and asking Gu Xingzhi to punish himself three times: "You said that you didn't write to us when you won the champion. Is this your fault! This wine should not be punished properly!"

Gu Xingzhi didn't refuse, he drank three glasses of wine, and then turned his head to look outside.

Xiao Wulang understood: "Everyone outside is farther away. Our brothers and sisters have a difficult time together. Are you here to listen to the corner? Staying one night is enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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