Great Ye Empress

Chapter 367 Escort

Chapter 367 Escort
Today's King Yan is a sinner to Da Ye.

In Bianjing, all the evidence points to King Yan. This time, General Wang, who accompanied Xiao Wulang to welcome Princess Anyang's wedding car, was discussing with several colleagues how to arrange King Yan when he saw Xiao Wulang hurriedly walking towards the tent. .

Several people quickly intercepted Xiao Wulang, and told Xiao Wulang about the doubts in their hearts.

"Why, you still want to use the prison car to take my second brother back to Beijing?" Xiao Wulang was annoyed at once, "My second brother was seriously injured, and even if the evidence is conclusive, it is my father's final decision on how to convict! He is still Prince... how do you treat my second brother?!"

Xiao Wulang lost his temper in anger, and fluttered his sleeves towards the tent.

General Wang, you look at me, I look at you...

"Yes! I told you not to ask, but you want to ask... Who doesn't know that King Huai listens to King Yan's words the most on weekdays!" General Wang spread his hands, "Don't be stunned, go find the carriage!"

When Xiao Wulang rushed into the tent, the doctor had already pulled out a dagger for Xiao Zhiyan and bandaged the wound. The imperial physician of the Northern Wei Dynasty was cleaning up the carrion for Xiao Zhiyan.

Xiao Zhiyan sat there with his eyes closed, beads of sweat dripping down his temples and chin, and he gritted his teeth silently.

Xiao Wulang was full of anger, and when he saw his second brother's appearance, he couldn't bear it.

Until the imperial doctor of the Northern Wei Dynasty bandaged Xiao Zhiyan's wound properly and went to prescribe a prescription, the King of Guang'an and others also left...

Xiao Wulang ordered someone to take Xiao Zhiyan clean clothes. Seeing him change his clothes calmly and calmly, he asked, "Where's Bai Tang? Why didn't you follow the second brother?"

"Bai Tang is dead..." Xiao Zhiyan's voice was calm, without any hesitation.

Xiao Wulang clenched his fists. He didn't expect Xiao Zhiyan to use such an understatement to say that Bai Tang was dead!
Bai Tang has followed his second brother since he was a child, and has sacrificed his life for the second brother many times...

"Bai Tang is dead, is the second brother sad?" Xiao Wulang asked through gritted teeth.

"It is their fate to give up their lives to protect the Lord, what is there to be sad about!" Xiao Zhiyan turned around, tying his clothes and looking at Xiao Wulang, "Don't have too many women's benevolence. ."

"Then if one day, it's me who will die? Does the second brother not care?" Xiao Wulang asked.

Xiao Zhiyan's eyes sank: "What did Xie Yunchu tell you?"

"Second brother, what did Liu Lang say to me?" Xiao Wulang stared at Xiao Zhiyan with red eyes, "Second brother, before my mother-in-law went, she told me that the first kind to my mother-in-law, If the second brother can return to Da Ye in the future, let me be good to the second brother! Don't alienate the second brother because of the birthmark on the second brother's face. The second brother must be a gentle person like the first queen! But the second brother ...are you a kind person?"

Xiao Zhiyan's eyes narrowed, looking at his brother who was clenching his fists in front of him, calmly said: "I'm not..."

Xiao Wulang's throat choked, and he asked again after a long while, "If one day, I prevent the second brother from ascending the throne, the second brother...will he remove me without hesitation?"

"Yes..." Xiao Zhiyan nodded in response.

Xiao Wulang clenched his fists.

Xiao Zhiyan's current situation in Bianjing should be clear in his heart. At this time... no matter what he says, he should be surrounded by the fifth prince. Why should he answer the words so decisively?
It's that he doesn't care about his younger brother at all, nor does he care about his help, and he doesn't even bother to lie to him.

Or... get angry with him?
"Second brother, do you have any brotherly love for me... in the end?" Xiao Wulang seemed to be struggling to the death. If he didn't have the slightest brotherly love, why would he take away the doll with the father's birthday written on it? He died... ...isn't the situation more favorable for him?

"Brotherhood?" Xiao Zhiyan raised his lips, "I lived in the Northern Wei Dynasty for more than ten years, what kind of life did you live in? You were in Da Ye... What kind of life did you live in, between you and me... Where did the brotherhood come from? Affection?"

"If that's the case, why did you use me to negotiate terms with the Northern Wei Dynasty, why did you send someone to protect me? I'm dead... it's not better to negotiate terms!"

"It's not to protect you, I sent someone... for Xie Yunchu."

Xiao Wulang opened his round eyes, only to feel a stream of heat hit his eyes instantly: "So, you are cold to me, not cold outside and hot inside... You are an ice bump from beginning to end!"

"Xiao Zhiyu, after returning to Bianjing and marrying Princess Anyang, go back to your fief! While... I don't have any thoughts of killing you yet." Xiao Zhiyan had already dressed her clothes neatly, and straightened her sleeves. , "I will not tolerate anyone who argues with me!"

Xiao Wulang's tears were almost uncontrollable.

He always felt that the second brother was his only relative in this world besides his father.

But the father has too many sons, and the second brother... has only one younger brother!
Now, it seems that he is self-indulgent.

Xiao Zhiyan looked at the back of Xiao Wulang who turned and decided to leave. He didn't care that the movement of arranging his sleeves finally stopped. He looked up at Xiao Wulang running away, his lips twitched, but he finally pursed his lips.

Later, on the way back to Bianjing, Xiao Wulang never went to see Xiao Zhiyan again, and never surrounded Princess Anyang's wedding carriage. He sat quietly in a carriage alone, and only crowded Xie Yunchu when he was having meals. In front of him, he dined with Xie Yunchu.

It was not until Princess Anyang's maid came to ask if Xiao Wulang was unwell these few days, and Xiao Wulang didn't want to worry Princess Anyang, so he rode and escorted Princess Anyang next to the wedding car.

Xiao Zhiyan didn't know if it was because of his serious injuries or if there was another reason. Since that day he had bandaged his wounds and got into the carriage, he seldom showed up...

Occasionally I met Xie Yunchu in the inn, and seeing Xie Yunchu respectfully saluting as before, Xiao Zhiyan's eyes were as gloomy as murder.

The killer who had been with the Da Ye welcoming team all the way, had no way to do it when he was in the inn, so he could only plan to do it when the motorcade was on the road for noon repairs. Seeing that Xiao Wulang was finally crowding with Xie Yunchu every day, they didn't. Dare to delay.

The leading killer said: "The official road in front of you is flat and there are tall trees on both sides. They will definitely camp here. We are in the shadows on both sides. First, we will shoot a few arrows at Princess Anyang's wedding car, and wait for the soldiers to be surrounded by them. When Princess Anyang got married next to the car, it was when we killed Xie Yunchu, there were many dead beside him, we must...

"Yes!" The killer responded.

At noon that day, the carriage stopped in the shade of lush trees, Princess Anyang was helped by the maid and just got off the carriage...

The sound of arrows breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Several feathered arrows pierced heavily on Princess Anyang's luxurious carriage decorated with copper bells and shells.

The guards of Princess Anyang turned back suddenly, drew their swords and protected them in front of Princess Anyang, and kept stepping back, shouting, "Escort! Escort!"

(End of this chapter)

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