Great Ye Empress

Chapter 386 Guo Zidu

Chapter 386 Guo Zidu

On this day, Xie Yunchu gave a lecture with the seventh prince.

The seventh prince absentmindedly looked out of the carved window lattice, looking at the snow that was pressing down on the branches.

"His Royal Highness?" Xie Yunchu whispered, but he did not criticize, only said, "These articles are selected by Wei Chen from the top names in the local examinations over the years. Please read them within three days, Your Highness. Picked out my articles that are beneficial to the state affairs of Da Ye."

The seventh prince's face turned slightly red, and he got up and saluted Xie Yunchu: "Yes..."

The first month has not yet passed, and the spring has not yet arrived. The snow in Bianjing is heavy, and it is still cold.

"I heard that the teacher didn't come a few days ago because I was cold when I responded to the ancestor worship, but I'm fine?" The Seventh Prince asked with concern.

"Thank you for the question, Your Highness. It's already fine. I dragged him a few days ago, because I was worried that I had passed the sickness to Your Highness, and that it was Wei Chen's fault that made His Highness worry." Xie Yunchu nodded lightly, and his voice made people feel like a spring breeze.

Xie Yunchu, who had been infiltrating the court for several years, became more and more calm and steady, with the same calmness and elegance as Ji Jing's words.

It's just that Xie Yunchu now has less of the bookish atmosphere of reading and governing scholars, and more of a long-standing high-ranking position, a natural awe-inspiring power, and a bit of shyness.

The seventh prince and Xie Yunchu had been together for a long time, so he understood why he secretly came to Ji Jingci to accept his apprentice, but Ji Jingci mentioned Xie Yunchu with him.

Ji Jingci was trapped in the rules of a gentleman, but Xie Yunchu did not...

Xie Yunchu was different from the teachers that the seventh prince had been in contact with, and he was also different from the old and prudent imperial teachers. Those teachers or imperial teachers who taught the prince, no matter how inferior their character was, but... when teaching the prince, it was necessary to Bind the prince and future monarch in the grid of righteousness and gentleman.

The Seventh Prince understood that this was the perseverance of a scholar. No matter how rotten he was, he hoped that the path of the latecomers... would be clean.

And only the king and the prince who may succeed him are clean, and the scholar's career will be clean in the future.

But they forgot to teach four words by words and deeds.

They are dirty, how can they teach clean kings and princes.

But Xie Yunchu is not so...

She will analyze the conspiracy, tricks, and monarchical powers contained in the allusions handed down for the seventh prince.

What kind of imperial wisdom is hidden behind those seemingly simple and absurd things.

Even Xie Yunchu intends to bring up the New Deal with the Seventh Prince, revealing his intention to retire and let go of power after the successful implementation of the New Deal.

Over time, the seventh prince realized in his heart that Xie Yunchu wanted to nurture him into a future emperor, not a vassal king.

The Seventh Prince is undoubtedly wise...

He could even sense that over the past three years, Xie Yunchu had broken the arm of the third prince... The reason why the father could condone and even look up to him was that there was an unspoken tacit understanding between the father and Xie Yunchu.

That is, before the father emperor will pass the throne to the next monarch, he will leave a clean and easy-to-control new court for the future new monarch.

And Xie Yunchu told him that after the new policy, he was able to retire, and he was also telling him in advance... There is no need to make a bad reputation, just a glass of wine to release the military power... Just let Xie Yunchu leave.

The seventh prince understood in his heart, and had a tacit understanding that he had never broken it in front of Xie Yunchu.

For the Seventh Prince, if one day he can ascend to the throne, he will not let things like birds do their best.

Xie Yunchu had just packed up and said goodbye to the seventh prince, when Eunuch Gao, who was beside the emperor, came to invite Xie Yunchu over.

On the way, Eunuch Gao talked about King Huai and Princess Huai, and said happily: "Now Princess Huai is pregnant again. Your Majesty just received the news last night, and he was so happy that he used two more bowls of rice. I just hope that this child of Princess Huai will make your Majesty have a baby. grandson."

Since Xiao Wulang took Princess Anyang back to the fief, Xie Yunchu received a letter from Xiao Wulang within a few months, saying that Princess Anyang was pregnant.

In the first child, Xiao Wulang got a small county master. He was so happy that he didn't know what to do. The name was Biyun given by the emperor, but in private, Xiao Wulang always called with palm beads and palm beads.

Said his daughter was his apple of the eye.

Xiao Wulang, who went to the fief, was the same as Princess Anyang who had promised Princess Anyang. Even if Princess Anyang was pregnant, the emperor had given a few people to serve, but Xiao Wulang would never touch them and give them away. She made Princess Anyang as her maid, and later, Princess Anyang was the master, and she was assigned to the young generals of Princess Anyang's dowry personal soldiers.

To say that among the princes, who has the most comfortable life now is Xiao Wulang.

Xie Yunchu entered the hall to salute, and looked up to see the emperor taking a nap in his fox fur.

The emperor was getting older, and he was more and more afraid of the cold. The fire in the hall was vigorous, he was dressed in fox fur, and he stepped on the incense burner under his feet.

"Wei Chen has seen His Majesty! Long live His Majesty, long live, long live."

Seeing Xie Yunchu who was leaning over to salute, the emperor opened his eyes, covered the hand stove with the stove cover in his hand and said, "You are here, there is a case... The household department has sent it to me, I want to give it to you to investigate. ."

Saying that, the emperor pointed to the booklet on the small table beside him.

Eunuch Gao quickly handed it to Xie Yunchu.

Xie Yunchu respectfully took the book and opened his eyes.

Seeing Guo Zidu's name, her eyes tightened.

Guo Zi is a student of Yunshan Academy, the champion of the year...

It is written in the booklet that Guo Zidu embezzled 3 taels of fire consumption and 7000 taels of silver with salt and post stations.

But where the money went, I don't know.

Guo Zidu's home was not copied.

"Someone... don't want me to know where the money went!" The emperor said slowly, "It was said that Guo Zi spent it all, and now that Guo Zi is dead without any evidence, I'm looking at whether the money will come back? I... I just don't want to get used to them. These bugs!"

"Silver is such a useful thing, naturally it has a place to go. Your Majesty can rest assured... Wei Chen will definitely chase the silver back for His Majesty!" Xie Yunchu solemnly kowtowed.

The emperor nodded: "It's still in the middle of the year, so don't worry too much about it. After the Lantern Festival on the 15th Lantern Festival is over, let the Ministry of Households hand over a supply of confession files to you, and then check them carefully. Let's have a good New Year." .”

"Yes!" Xie Yunchu saluted again and came out of the hall.

Eunuch Chen personally sent Xie Yunchu out of the palace, and asked Xie Yunchu to ask Xie Wenman to be well. Before parting, he said to Xie Yunchu: "Master Xie and His Highness have had a long-standing grudge, and the one who is ranked 21st in the same subject as Lord Xie, The lord named Chen Wenjia who works in the Ministry of Industry heard that he has followed the Third Prince's footsteps and will be transferred to Yushitai next month."

Xie Yunchu heard the words and thanked Chen Gonggong, then got on the carriage and turned to go to the Ministry of Household.

Xie Yunchu had never met Guo Zidu, but heard from Mrs. Xie.

(End of this chapter)

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