Chapter 388
Because the fifteenth was not over yet, Xie Wenman returned to Yingtian, and accompanied Mrs. Xie, Second Master Xie and Mrs. Lu before returning to Bianjing to accompany Xie Yunchu after the New Year. Xie Yunchu said something to Xie Yunzhi...

"It's not convenient for me to go to the uncle's house now. I would like to ask the fourth brother to speak to the uncle for me, so that the uncle doesn't have to worry, and see if the uncle has any other instructions."

Xie Yunzhi nodded after hearing the words: "Tomorrow morning, I will go to the uncle's house."

Three days later, Xie Yunchu took Xie Yunwang and Yu Qianchao to Chuzhou and arrived in Chuzhou in mid-February.

All officials from Chuzhou, big and small, greeted him at the pier and prepared a welcome banquet for Xie Yunchu, but Tian Ping'an did not arrive.

Xie Yunchu resigned from the reception due to her physical discomfort, and asked Xie Yunwang and Yu Qianchao to go instead of her. After she settled in the inn, the golden crow sank and the sky darkened.

She asked Yuanbao to stay and pack her luggage, changed her clothes and took Yechen to Tian Ping'an's residence.

In mid-February, the cold air had not dissipated, and the night had enveloped the city of Chuzhou in a thin layer of mist.

At the foot of the stone steps by the river, the old woman hunched her back, her frozen, red and swollen hands came up slowly with a pot of clothes, and pushed open the two doors that had fallen out of black paint.

Yechen glanced at the house that didn't even have lanterns at the door, and helped Xie Yunchu get out of the carriage: "Master, this is it..."

Xie Yunchu got off the carriage and walked to the door. Before he reached out and knocked on the door, he heard a woman shouting curses from inside.

"Tell me about you, when others are officials, they take tens of thousands of dollars to their homes! Just before the last criminal officer left, the money in the family was not finished after several days and nights. I heard that the first one This is the high gate compound where I lived in the past year! I married you... I was hoping to enjoy happiness, but you are better... If someone else gave you a house, you rejected it, and you don't want to give you money! You don't want someone who sent you to serve. They didn't ask you to do anything, so who do you do with your accent!"

"In such a cold day, your mother has to carry clothes for you to wash in the river! Wang Laozi was in Bianjing that day! You have no background, and you are unwilling to invest in the poor and sour goods of other adults, don't even think about it in this life. Come on! I've been down for eight lifetimes to marry a coward like you! If I knew earlier... it would be better to choose Xu Chengcai in the first place!"

Tian Ping'an got married three years ago and married the daughter of a merchant in Yongjia.

In those days, Grandpa Xie sponsored Tian Ping'an to enter the Yunshan Academy. His mother was seriously ill thanks to the care of the neighboring businessman's family. Therefore, after high school, Tian Ping'an did not agree to arrest his son-in-law even if he was on the list of wealthy businessmen.

Hearing this, Xie Yunchu had a rough idea.

"Knock on the door!" Xie Yunchu said with Yechen.

Yechen knocked on the lacquered black door, and the woman's scolding stopped. As she walked towards the door, she raised her voice and asked, "Who is it?"

With a creak, the black door opened...

Inside stood a thin-faced woman, who suddenly saw a tall, straight-minded man, like a white jade carving, standing in front of the door, and behind him was a luxurious carriage made of elm wood. He immediately weakened and asked, "Dare you dare? Ask who Lang Jun is looking for?"

"Is Tian Ping'an here?" Xie Yunchu asked.

The clear voice sounded, and the woman nodded again and again: "Here! Reading in the back room..."

"Is it convenient to disturb?" Xie Yunchu asked again.

The woman hurriedly stepped aside to open the door and shouted, "Tian Ping'an!"

Tian Ping'an came out of the dimly lit room, and the figure was stretched out in the dark yard. Seeing Xie Yunchu, Tian Ping'an was startled, as if he did not expect Xie Yunchu to come.

He thought that Guo Zi was dead in vain...

But if it was Xie Yunchu, the third and third young censor, who had solved strange cases, maybe Guo Zidu could really die this time.

It was Xie Yunchu who called out first: "Senior Tian..."

Tian Ping'an hurriedly greeted him: "Xiaguan has seen Mr. Xie!"

"Senior, you're welcome." Xie Yunchu returned the salute, straightened up and said, "This time, I'm here to learn about Guo Zidu's corruption case from Senior Tian. The official document presented by the Ministry of Household is that Senior Tian has tried the case, so I came to disturb him at this hour. ."

The surname is Xie, and I also call Senior Tian Ping'an...

Tian Ping'an's wife Qi's eyes rolled, and he guessed that Xie Yunchu was the son of Chen Jun's Xie's. He was shocked, looking at the popularity in front of him, hesitating and not knowing how to entertain.

Seeing that Tian Ping'an invited Xie Yunchu into the room, Qi shivered for a long while to serve Xie Yunchu tea, and then lit a few bright lights before exiting and closing the door.

Tian Ping'an talked about Guo Zidu, his eyes were red: "Senior Guo settled his family and told me... let me use him to worship the law."

Under the flickering candlelight in the room, Tian Ping'an talked about the case of Guo Zidu.

"The officials of a river in Bianjing seem unimportant, as long as hundreds of thousands of people don't die, dozens of people die a year... The court doesn't care at all, the river embankment is on both sides of the people's lives and the people's fields, right What does it count for the imperial court? Senior Guo has been playing since he arrived in Chuzhou... and asked the imperial court to repair the river embankment, and which time did he hand over to the Ministry of Industry?"

Tian Ping'an shook his head: "I found out later that it wasn't that I didn't hand over the book for repairing the embankment, but I just handed it up... the money was all greedy for ink."

"Seeing that the flood season is approaching every year, the people have no grains, and even many people have lost their lives, but the Ministry of Industry has been slow to approve the approval. The idea of ​​the station."

Tian Ping'an's voice choked: "Sir, you said... We scholars who studied poetry and books in Yunshan Academy and were taught by the mountain chief to serve the country and the people were transferred to other places... It is not the ability and talent of officials who want to stand firm. , actually relying on relationships, whether you are willing to join forces with them, whether you are willing to join your boss!"

In the dimly lit room, Tian Ping'an became more and more excited as he spoke: "If you want to do something for the people, you have to deal with the upper and lower levels of the camp! This turbid officialdom and the world, which cannot tolerate clarity, force people to jump into the mud, Only then can we make plans for the livelihood of the people, and only then can we take on the responsibility of being a parent!"

Xie Yunchu nodded: "So, Guo Zidu is really greedy for ink. He pleaded guilty and was put to death, but the silver... It's not that Guo Zi used it for himself, but to repair the river dams?"

Tian Ping'an nodded.

Xie Yunchu rubbed his fingers slightly: "This document is not written in the koan!"

"Naturally it wasn't written." Tian Ping'an's voice fell in a low voice, "Senior Guo ordered the repair of the river, and Senior Guo took the money, but some people are still thinking of making a profit from the middle, entanglement... The nephew of the household servant under the prince's family stumbled and fell into the water, and Senior Guo protected the lame worker who was beaten by the household servant's nephew, and this was a big problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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