Chapter 390
Xie Yunwang and Yu Qianchao heard about the cause and effect, just like when Xie Yunchu heard Tian Ping'an talk about it, they were shocked.

Even coincidentally, he thought of the Censor Niu who died at the time.

The two of them were silent, for a while they didn't know what to say, they only fixed on Xie Yunchu.

"As soon as Guo Zidu died, the river embankment has also been suspended. I went to the river embankment to see it just now, and happened to meet three foremen who were in charge of repairing the river embankment. They lived in the wool shed to guard the stone materials. I asked about the situation." Xie Yunchu said softly, "I heard that both the foreman and the material merchant have account books, which are meticulously recorded, and this pair of accounts came out."

The two nodded.

"Tomorrow I will personally go to Ningtong Judgment's Mansion." Xie Yunchu wanted to get the ledger book left by Guo Zidu, "You two will take people to the foreman and the material merchant, and you will also ask for the ledger! I think they won't let it go. Give."

Xie Yunchu understood Tian Ping'an's words. Although Guo Zi used the embezzled money to build the river embankment, the process that can be followed is the process that the government should follow to ensure that every cent of the money is used on the edge of the knife.

Yu Qianchao was in a very bad mood when he heard about this, Xu was drinking some wine and couldn't help but sigh: "What kind of world is this, a parental official who is forced to be the master of the people must use such means as greed for ink... People do something real."

"It's mainly due to the atmosphere of the court. If you want Da Ye to be good, Da Ye's national policies and policies need a very powerful reform." Xie Yunchu said so smoothly, and then said, "You two are too tired, we will have to do this tomorrow. Busy, go and rest!"

Yu Qianchao and Xie Yunwang bowed and said goodbye.

After coming out of Xie Yunchu's residence, Yu Qianchao looked at Xie Yunwang and asked, "What Mr. Xie just said...a very powerful reform, don't you already know it?"

Xie Yunwang pursed his lips: "Did you forget the article that Liu Lang was the champion in the palace test?"

Yu Qianchao was suddenly stunned.

It was he who forgot that Xie Yunchu had expressed the idea of ​​reform in the article in the palace exam that year. He seemed to be able to understand in an instant why the emperor regarded Xie Yunchu so seriously. talent in governing the country.

When Xie Yunchu turned off the lights and lay down, Guo Zidu was still on his mind.

Although she didn't have the honor to really know this senior Guo Zidu, she couldn't let Guo Zidu die in vain.

This time, she wanted Guo Zidu's name to sway the entire Great Ye dynasty.

On the second day, Xie Yunchu got the ledger from Ning Tongshang, and got Ning Tongshang's words.

Before Guo Zidu's death, he repaired the embankment, so that everything was done according to the process. Only the silver part did not wait for Bianjing's approval, but went from him. Ning Tongju actually knew about it, but in the future... Ning Tong Sentenced to court, Ning Tong still only said that he did not know, everything was in accordance with the rules.

When Guo Zidu did this, no one concealed it, but Guo Zidu didn't want any other officials with conscience to touch them.

That is to say, before doing this, Guo Zidu had already made up his mind... to sacrifice himself to the law, and to enjoy the breeze.

Censor Zhongcheng personally came to Chuzhou to investigate this corruption case, but Ren arrived... and accepted the filial piety money, but Ren did not come to their reception banquet, and the case did not come to their officials to ask about the case, but they visited first. The strings in the hearts of the officials of Chuzhou were tense.

In particular, Guo Zidu was born in the Yunshan Academy of the Xie Clan in Chen County. This time... the emperor sent the grandson of the Xie Clan in Chen County to try the case. They guessed what was the connection.

The official who received the money from the relatives of the minister of household affairs immediately felt that the money was hot.

On the third day that Xie Yunchu arrived in Chuzhou, it was finally time for the trial.

Xie Yunchu, an official of Chuzhou, was invited over and tried together with Tian Pingan, a prisoner of Chuzhou.

Some consciences did not fade away, and they told the matter of the river, saying that Guo Zidu spent every penny on the construction of the river.

There are a few... officials who received money from the relatives of the Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the moment they stepped into the court, they were already in a cold sweat.

Although Xie Yunchu, the imperial censor sent by the imperial court, later became a teacher of Mr. Ji, he was actually from Yunshan Academy, and the judge of the Chuzhou jury was also from Yunshan Academy...

They all thought wrong before, this Guo Zidu is not without backing.

Guo Zidu's backer... is the Xie Clan of Chen County!
Now Xie Jinyuan of the Xie family in Chen County has already entered the cabinet with one foot, and he is still the minister of officials in charge of the promotion of officials in Daye.

Although Xie Yunchu was young, he was highly regarded by the emperor and was a royal censor who could compete with the third prince in the ring.

On a cold day, a few restless local officials kept wiping their sweat with their handkerchiefs. In the end, they didn't dare to step on Guo Zidu's body, and they didn't dare to pull out the relatives of the Minister of the Ministry. He left everything clean and praised Guo Zidu from time to time without a trace.

Fortunately, in the documents they gave to the Ministry of Household before, they just avoided the important and ignored the confession and did not fabricate it. Now they only need to hold a handful of Guo Zi.

It was probably Chuzhou officials who saw the wind clearly, and the case was reviewed very quickly.

Three days later, Xie Yunchu set off to return to Bianjing with a confession from the official.

On the way back, Xie Yunchu, Yu Qianchao, and Xie Yunwang took the confessions of Chuzhou officials repeatedly in their hands.

"I've been pondering for the past few days. Does His Majesty want Liulang to come to Chuzhou to investigate this case, is there any other meaning?" Xie Yunwang turned to look at Xie Yunchu, who was leaning on the pillow to read the confession.

Xie Yunchu looked at Xie Yunwang, who turned to look at her, and nodded: "The emperor, he wants to use Guo Zidu's affairs to give corrupt officials in the DPRK a slap in the face."

When the emperor asked Xie Yunchu to investigate the whereabouts of the money in Guo Zidu's corruption case, Xie Yunchu felt strange.

Later, when I got a document from the Ministry of Housing and saw Tian Ping'an's name, Xie Yunchu knew it...

The emperor should already know the whereabouts of Guo Zidu's silver, so let her check this time, or to test Xie Yunchu's friendship with Yunshan Academy's classmates, and whether he can still be loyal to the emperor.

Or, there is another purpose.

After seeing Tian Ping'an, Xie Yunchu knew...

The emperor wanted to fulfill Guo Zidu, who was fighting for his life, and also took this opportunity to alert those officials who were secretly corrupt and let them restrain themselves.

On February 26, Xie Yunchu and his party arrived in Bianjing.

Grandpa Xie was also very concerned about the corruption case of Guo Zidu, and when he learned the cause of Guo Zidu's death, he was silent for a long time, and his eyes were finally red, and he only choked up: "Jieyun... In the mud, I actually... don't know whether to call him a role model, or teach students not to follow suit."

(End of this chapter)

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