Great Ye Empress

Chapter 438: Dignity

Chapter 438: Dignity
"With this thing, when King Yan ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely use his grandson to reform the government. A high-ranking official cannot escape."

For this reason... it's quite plausible.

But this is too risky for King Yan!
"King Yan thought that what his grandson cared about most was the implementation of the New Deal, so he wrote such a document to express his sincerity. Putting these two handles together, for the Xie Clan of Chen County, naturally...they would choose to use King Yan. This is given."

Xie Yunchu observed Grandpa Xie's expression and said, seeing that Grandpa Xie was still a little skeptical, and said, "Of course, grandson has to show sincerity to King Yan, so he left the guard sent by King Yan, ready to destroy this thing at any time, or ...killed my grandson."

The Xie Clan of Chen County is a gentry, and the new law outlined by Xie Yunchu has some content, which is not a good thing for the gentry...

At the beginning, Uncle Xie also asked Xie Yunchu.

Grandpa Xie attaches great importance to Da Ye, and he also pays attention to the Xie Clan of Chen County. He is also a clan of the Xie Clan of Chen County. Naturally, he does not want the new law to be implemented, so Xie Yunchu can only tell Grandpa Xie temporarily, it is just an excuse.

Therefore, Xie Yunchu used the word "thought".

Grandpa Xie raised his eyes and looked at Xie Yunchu: "But I still feel that this matter... is a bit strange, His Royal Highness Yan gave this handle too easily, think about it carefully, is there any handle in the hands of Yan Wang, no Know yourself?"

"Grandfather didn't know that this King Yan was hostage in the Northern Wei Dynasty since he was a child, and he was humiliated. Fortunately, the Lord Yunzhao defended him. He was able to give everything to the Lord Yunzhao! Including his life!" Regarding matters related to Yunzhao County Master, our Royal Highness King Yan… does not care about all consequences, and the incident in Yinchuan is an example."

Seeing that Xie Yunchu's eyes were clear and tenacious, and his tone was very calm, Mrs. Xie frowned and looked at Xiao Zhiyan's writing: "This guard can be kept for now, but you must be vigilant! King Yan is here... ...I have to check, check to see if King Yan is holding on to our Chen County Xie Clan for some reason, hiding it, and putting this thing with grandfather first, okay?"

"Give something to grandfather, which means to give it to grandfather." Xie Yunchu nodded.

"Since we have double security now, we don't have to worry too much about the attack on the seventh prince! But...even so, you still have to pay attention to the situation of the seventh prince." Mrs. Xie took Xiao Zhiyan's advice. The handwriting was folded, and he said, "You just came back, no matter what, you should go to see Huaizhi, he is your master!"

Xie Yunchu tightened his palms and nodded.

"In addition, you have been gone for half a year. Although Huaizhi told us not to worry, Gu Shenyi has always sent prescriptions, but... After half a year, your body will definitely change, so let Gu Shenyi diagnose your pulse and adjust your pulse. Grandfather can rest assured once he adjusts the prescription!" After Grandpa Xie finished speaking, he smiled and said, "Taking advantage of this opportunity, by the way, ask Divine Doctor Gu if you can marry a wife in your current state! I haven't discussed my relatives until now, but I've been waiting for your news!"

Xie Yunchu is the grandson of the great sect after all. Second Master Xie was already married when he was so old, but Xie Yunchu is not engaged yet, so many people are staring at Xie Yunchu's marriage.

Grandpa Xie also hopes that Xie Yunchu can quickly marry a wife and come back, and let him carry his great-grandson as soon as possible.

"Grandson understands!" Xie Yunchu nodded, "However, if Gu Shenyi said that it is still not possible, it would be better for grandfather to make it clear to the Wang family of Langya as soon as possible, so as not to delay the little lady of the Wang family and turn back to the two clans to quarrel with each other, which is useless. for the bigger picture.”

Although I knew what Xie Yunchu said was good, Mrs. Xie still reported hope: "Grandfather sees that your situation is much better now, don't say such depressing words."

"Speaking of marriage, there is one more thing that grandson wants to ask for help from steward Wei next to his grandfather." Xie Yunchu mentioned Yuanbao's marriage, "Yuanbao has followed his grandson for so many years, and he is not too young. Now, my mother died prematurely, and she has followed me around all these years, and there has been no one to help me with my marriage, so I would like to ask Steward Wei to help me manage it!"

Grandpa Xie nodded: "This is what it should be!"

After coming out of Mrs. Xie's place, after Xie Yunchu went back to change clothes, he asked people to take the guqin that she valued and finally begged for on the way back to Jifu.

Xie Yunchu caressed the guqin resting on his lap. Since the last time he and Ji Jing parted ways in Ji Mansion, although the two always exchanged letters afterward, always felt like something was separated.

She didn't know how to describe this feeling, but seeing each other again after half a year, Xie Yunchu had a feeling of being separated.

Not long after, the carriage slowly stopped in front of the Jifu gate.

"Rokuro is here!" He jumped out of the carriage and looked back at Xie Yunchu, who was sitting motionless in the carriage, "Rokuro hand over the qin to Yuanbao!"

Xie Yunchu pulled the cover and said, "It's okay, I'll get it."

With that said, Xie Yunchu got up with Qin in his arms and got off the carriage...

When Qing Feng got the news that the carriage of Xie's house was parked in front of the house, he hurriedly greeted him and saw that Xie Yunchu was bending over to get out of the carriage.

Xie Yunchu nodded lightly: "Is the master back?"

"The master is still in the palace, I am worried that Liu Lang is in a hurry, so let the subordinates come back to talk to Liu Lang about the situation in the palace." Qing Feng said.

Xie Yunchu walked in with Qin and Qingfeng in his arms, and listened to Qingfeng saying: "Doctor Gu went to see the seventh prince in person and said that the seventh prince had been drowning in the water for too long. When the prince wakes up, he is afraid that... he will be stupid."

She paused and turned to look at Qingfeng.

"Shen Doctor Gu said that he had rescued a drowning child before, but that child became a fool after being rescued." Qing Feng whispered, "Seventh prince... probably will be the same as that child. Doctor Gu asked him to make a choice, and it was for the seventh prince. The prince left his dignity, and let the seventh prince go like this, or do not believe the words of the genius doctor, and have to fight."

"What did the emperor say?" Xie Yunchu asked.

"Your Majesty's meaning... If the seventh prince will become a fool, it is better to let the seventh prince go with dignity."

Xie Yunchu pursed his lips and did not speak, wondering if all the fathers in the world were so cruel.

If it's a mother, no matter want to save the child's life.

Seeing that Xie Yunchu's face was not looking good, Qing Feng said, "However, the master has already asked the divine doctor Gu to keep the seventh prince's life! He is taking the imperial army to investigate the case of the seventh prince falling into the water. The master said... Let Liulang stay in the study later. , He will come back as soon as possible. After more than half a year, Doctor Gu has never checked Liu Lang's pulse, so he still has to take a look, and then adjust the prescription. "

(End of this chapter)

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