Great Ye Empress

Chapter 441 Uneasy

Chapter 441 Uneasy
Xie Yunchu loosened the clenched fist in his sleeve, and said with Ji Jing: "Aci, today is the first time you and I meet after half a year of separation. I don't want to break up like half a year ago, and the seventh prince wakes up. What will happen after that is still unknown, and it is pointless for us to argue here, and I will stop arguing, we will discuss it when the Seventh Prince wakes up."

Maybe, God's mercy will make the seventh prince safe and sound.

After speaking, Xie Yunchu saluted again and came out of the private room...

The carved partitions were opened, and Ye Chen, who was standing at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor, turned aside to open the gauze curtain that was half hanging at the private room on the third floor, and greeted Xie Yunchu two steps: "Liulang..."

Qing Feng followed Ye Chen and also greeted him.

Xie Yunchu just walked to the stairs and asked Yechen to call the carriage to the door of the restaurant, when he saw Ji Jingci also stepped out of the elegant room with his robes up, long legs took three steps and took two steps to catch up with Xie Yunchu. Hold her thin wrist: "You wait."

Seeing the face of his master, Qing Feng also hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen.

She looked back at Ji Jingci, her expression a little stunned.

"Go and let the carriage wait at the entrance of the restaurant." Ji Jingci raised his eyes and said to Qingfeng and Yechen.

Yechen was about to step forward, but was dragged downstairs by Qingfeng.

This is an elegant and quiet restaurant without wine, music and dance, and the third floor is even less crowded...

There was only one lamp standing on the outside of the corridor on the third floor.

Ji Jingci misses Xie Yunchu very much, all the time...

Otherwise, they wouldn't be rushing back non-stop to settle things in the palace when they shouldn't be in a hurry to come back.

Knowing that Xie Yunchu had left, he ordered people to turn around and chase after him.

Just to... see her.

I don't know why, the two of them were going to quarrel again to the point of unhappy parting.

Perhaps, because Yun Chu became his disciple later, he was used to preaching...

Perhaps it was because he understood that Yunchu had to take a path, the path that a loyal and upright minister should not take. He saw Xie Yunchu's persistence and extremeness in the New Deal, and he eagerly hoped to prevent her from using the most radical way to complete the implementation of the New Deal.

"It's my fault, I haven't seen each other for half a year, and I'm lecturing as soon as we meet." Ji Jingci couldn't help but rubbed Xie Yunchu's wrist with his fingers, "The incident of the seventh prince happened suddenly, no one could predict, you and I are both I hope the seventh prince is safe and sound."

The situation that the two of them preset just now may not happen...

Even if it happened, why bother to argue at this time?
It was obviously a reunion after a goodbye, at least both of them should be happy at this time.

"Before I left Bianjing, I told you that I was actually an unscrupulous person, Aci..." Xie Yunchu looked up at Ji Jingci, who was standing in front of him, "I came to see you today because I actually wanted to ask you. I want to be closer to you and imitate you, the Wenliang of Yunchu who once made you admire, can you still accept such a Yunchu, like this kind of Yunchu?"

As soon as Xie Yunchu finished speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

Xie Yunchu looked at the stairs, and saw that the former Dali Siqing, He Yufeng, who was currently in the Shangshu Province, went upstairs and carefully checked to see if anyone was following him, but there were no restaurant second and long accompanying guards following him.

Without waiting for Ji Jingci to answer, she took Ji Jingci's hand instead, pulled Ji Jingci away, pushed open a nearby unlit room, and closed the door, only saying: "It's He Yufeng. …”

Xie Yunchu left a gap in the door and looked out.

It was too late to return to their private room from here, He Yufeng was so sneaky, Xie Yunchu felt that it was not a good thing, so he didn't want him to see Ji Jingci with her.

Ji Jingci stood behind Xie Yunchu, looking at He Yufeng who climbed the steps and pretended to look at the landscape painting on the half-draped gauze curtain through the gap where the dim light shone in, but in fact his eyes were looking back downstairs.

Ji Jingci was also puzzled, why was he so cautious?

The laws of the Great Ye are actually relatively loose on officials, so members of the restaurant don't have to be so cautious, even if they are prostitutes... They almost always turn a blind eye, and He Yufeng's behavior is indeed a bit abnormal.

After seeing He Yufeng observing for a while, he actually walked straight to the elegant room where Xie Yunchu and Ji Jingci were temporarily hiding.

Xie Yunchu was quite surprised, grabbed Ji Jingci's hand and stepped back, hiding behind the screen.

Ji Jingci lowered his eyes and looked at Xie Yunchu, who was very close to him, kept him behind him and kept retreating, tightly clasped her hand and intertwined her fingers.

The private room door was pushed open, and the two held their breaths.

He Yufeng skillfully lit the candle on the table, covered the lampshade, took out the spice box from his sleeve, opened the lid of the white jade Fushan incense burner, lit the incense, and sniffed gently, his eyebrows stretched. With a smile, he sorted out his clothes and sat at the round table as if waiting for someone. During this interval, no shop assistant came in, and no one even brought a cup of hot tea.

There was only the rustling of fine sand in the house.

Xie Yunchu's expression was focused, and he was full of curiosity about the person He Yufeng wanted to see. He felt as if he had inadvertently bumped into some secret.

Not long after, the private room door was pushed open.

Xie Yunchu unconsciously wanted to take a step forward, but Ji Jingci held her shoulders and shook her head with her.

The first person to step into the door is an embroidered shoe with Nanzhu and Suzhou embroidered peony. On top of the aqua blue skirt, is a black cloak.

The person who came was wearing a hood, and his face could not be seen clearly, but the pace between the movements and the almost motionless skirt made Xie Yunchu see that the person who came was from the palace.

I saw He Yufeng stood up excitedly and walked forward: "Miaomiao..."

The man turned around, his fingers like white jade were boneless, and the moment he closed the door, Xie Yunchu saw the jade bracelet that slipped from her slender wrist into the sleeve of the same body, and immediately understood the identity of the person who came. Jing Ci's hand.

The visitor took off the hood, and a beautiful and delicate facial features were illuminated by the dim yellow candlelight, making it more delicate.

He Yufeng couldn't bear to go forward and hug the person tightly, and couldn't bear to kiss the person's face, neck and neck, he couldn't bear to pull on the princess' belt: "Miaomiao, my good Miaomiao, my long Princess……"

Xie Yunchu frowned, it turned out to be the eldest princess!

It is said outside that the eldest princess and Yanhou Ye are very affectionate. When Xie Yunchu was still in Bianjing two years ago... Yan Xiaohou Ye suddenly left Bianjing to join the army. I heard that the eldest princess and Yanhou Ye had a disagreement over this matter. , the feelings are not as good as before.

But Xie Yunchu never thought that the eldest princess would end up with He Yufeng.

The eldest princess didn't hesitate, wrapping her arms around He Yufeng's neck, her breath was short of being kissed...

The outer garment slid down, and He Yufeng picked up the eldest princess and walked towards the soft couch.

The lights in the room were dim, and after the two of them were stripped of their clothes one by one, Xie Yunchu felt uneasy afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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