Chapter 443
After Ji Jingci considered his words, he opened his mouth warmly: "Yun Chu, this world... has its own order, and this order will definitely change with the passage of time, but right now... if you want to To break is to impose suffering on Li Shu in the world."

Seeing that Xie Yunchu was unmoved, his voice became even more serious: "The road you want to walk, there is almost no room for you to become a sinner for the ages! Yunchu... You implement a new law for the people, this is a matter of benefit to the people. , you shouldn't be allowed to do it by stigmatizing it, let's go slower... be safe, it's not impossible."

"The order changed because someone broke it. I dare to be this person, and I am willing to be this person." After Xie Yunchu retorted, he felt that his emotions became more and more uncontrollable, as if there was a beast in his heart that was about to break out of the cage, "Aci, previous life... All my strength is used to love my so-called blood relatives, to... desperately restrain myself from expressing my love for you, in this life... I just want to live according to my heart, including to you."

Ji Jingci looked at Xie Yunchu for a moment, as if shocked by Xie Yunchu's words, his eyes were so deep that he could only accommodate Xie Yunchu alone.

The fists on her side tightened. She didn't know if it was because of the sweet brew she drank just now, or because of the spice that helped her love.

Those eyes that looked clear at first glance, but were actually bottomless, trembled slightly.

Desires surged in her body, but she still didn't restrain herself and asked, "Aci, have you ever had...the idea of ​​kissing me?"

As soon as Xie Yunchu's voice fell, Ji Jing couldn't hold back the desire in his heart because of his reason. He clenched his fists tightly and said slowly: "I have..."

More than ever.

"But I don't dare." Ji Jingci frankly confessed the desire for Xie Yunchu in his heart, "The human **** is difficult to fill, as long as you cross the border in the slightest, you will want more, and your reason will be swallowed by desire, you Now that women disguise themselves as men like walking on thin ice, I can't let you make the slightest mistake."

When Xie Yunchu heard this, his ears also became hot, and people seemed to be floating.

She said in a very low voice: "Xiao Wulang saw what I thought about you and advised me to get married as soon as possible. After the last meeting, he sent someone to give me a book called "Dong Xuanzi", which is about men and women. I miss you..."

Ji Jingci tightened his palms, he naturally knew what book it was...

His reason collapsed, he raised his hand and grabbed Xie Yunchu's hand on the table, dragged the man forward, and leaned forward.

Xie Yunchu noticed Ji Jingci's intentions, and his pupils trembled slightly, with some expectation and some fear in his heart.

Inside the bumpy carriage, it was just the breath that was entangled, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on Xie Yunchu's skin.

She lowered her eyelashes and looked at the hand Ji Jingci was clasping tightly, the tip of her nose touched Ji Jingci's nose lightly, she subconsciously held her breath...

Ji Jingci's warm thin lips gently pressed against her lips, and Xie Yunchu only felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Tonight, she talked to Ji Jingci a lot, including a lot... She was afraid that Ji Jingci would look down on her and hide it in her heart, and she didn't dare to say it, for fear of taking Ji Jingci's words lightly.

After watching "Dong Xuanzi", the long-awaited kiss came unexpectedly. Xie Yunchu, who had the ability to never forget, only felt that his mind was muddy at the moment, and he completely forgot what was recorded in the book...

What she remembered was...the two swallowed each other, the man contained the woman's lower lip, and the woman contained the man's upper lip.

Without waiting for Xie Yunchu to make a move, Ji Jingci had already dragged Xie Yunchu from the other side of the table, held him down in his arms, grabbed the back of Xie Yunchu's head strongly, and deepened the kiss...

Xie Yunchu's eyelashes trembled, and he just remembered the phrase "suck each other for a while, let the body fluid", his teeth have been pried open, and he was forced to lift his head to bear Ji Jingci's kiss, his hands from slightly curled... Ji Jing quit the clothes in front of his chest.

The familiar and heart-warming aura wrapped her whole body inside, aggressively invading her heart and lungs, and the sound of intense kisses in her ears made her tremble.

Because Xie Yunchu couldn't breathe, his mind was a mess, and he couldn't think at all, and he didn't even know that this was the...

The wheel of the carriage ran over the pothole and jolted violently. Xie Yunchu woke up like a dream. He pushed Ji Jingci's chest with both hands, but was grabbed by Ji Jingci's hot big hands, cut her hands behind her, and wrapped her slender waist with big hands Wrap the person in the arms, kiss deeper and harder.

The sequelae brought by Zhi Qingxiang seemed to be dissipating. Xie Yunchu was sweating all over, unable to withstand Ji Jingci's strong offensive, and a sense of shyness arose in his heart, afraid that Ye Chen and Qing Feng, who were following the excellent hearing outside the carriage, would find out and struggle. But the more you struggle, the tighter Ji Jingci's imprisonment becomes.

Ji Jingci, who has always been elegant and gentle, as immaculate as a saint and a fairy, seems to have no desire or desire, has already sunk into this kiss...

Want even more!

For a long time, Ji Jingci, who can always restrain people's desires and has a clear and pure mind, seems to be led by Xie Yunchu's sentence, and he is willing to enter hell, indulging in it and unable to extricate himself.

Xie Yunchu's words, I just want to live according to my heart in this life, including to him, has made Ji Jing resigned and is willing to give everything to her.

The carriage turned and was about to reach the gate of Xie's house. Ji Jingci finally restrained himself. He was breathing heavily...

Wiping the body fluid from the corner of Xie Yunchu's lips with his thumb, looking at Xie Yunchu who could not be calm, he asked in a hoarse voice, " it similar to what you think?"

Ji Jingci's mellow voice was stained with lust, and scraped from Xie Yunchu's auricle like a feather, making her white jade-like ears bright red.

Xie Yunchu shook his head and nodded again.

The shyness of hindsight made Xie Yunchu feel hot...

She never thought that the gentleman Fang Duan, who was as gentle as jade and as cold as jade, would be so arrogant when kissing, like a wild animal, trying to swallow her.

Nodding, because... the book says it's a happy thing.

Being so close to Ji Jingci, she is happy, and she even wants to be so happy with Ji Jingci all the time.

Thinking of this, Xie Yunchu's breathing became rapid again.

Seeing Xie Yunchu's shy look with his eyes lowered, Ji Jingci couldn't help kissing her lips gently.

When the carriage stopped in front of the Xie Mansion, Xie Yunchu, who had straightened his clothes, fled from the carriage, for fear that the wrinkles on his body would be suspected and dragged again and again.

After walking up the steps, Xie Yunchu bowed a long bow and sent Ji Jingci's carriage.

The steward who had just been greeted by the mansion also stood behind Xie Yunchu and saluted. After seeing Ji Jing resign from the carriage, the steward hurried forward.

(End of this chapter)

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