Chapter 455
"After sending my mother to the carriage, I will go with my father-in-law to meet His Highness." Xie Yunchu said.

The father-in-law relied on his back to follow the forbidden army, and he was not worried that Xie Yunchu would run away, so he turned sideways to make way.

"Aren't we going home together?" Mrs Lu refused to leave.

"Auntie please..." Xie Yunchu said to Mrs. Xie.

Madam Xie nodded, and walked out first, holding the hand of her personal maid.

Xie Yunchu helped the Lu family walk slowly behind, and the third prince's personal eunuch also followed behind with the forbidden army.

"Mother, listen to me..." Xie Yunchu took out the Heli book from his sleeve and put it in Mrs Lu's hand, with a very low voice, "This is Heli book, mother got on the carriage and went directly back to the newly bought yard. , waiting for me at home, my mother believes in me... Within five days, I will definitely come back safe and sound. During this time... no matter what news my mother hears, don't make a big mess! Take good care of the eldest sister and sister! Our family... Also For a lifetime!"

"Liulang! Liulang..." Mrs Lu squeezed Xie Yunchu's hand tightly, unable to utter the words she was full of.

"Mother knows, as long as it's what Liu Lang wants to do, it's never been possible. Keep an eye on the door during this time! If mother believes in me, don't listen to any news from outside. Please remember that you are messing around. It's just making trouble for me." Xie Yunchu warned.

After a long while, Mrs Lu choked up and responded, "Okay! Mother believes in you!"

Her daughter is going to do big things, and the Lu family understands that she doesn't want to be her daughter's tie.

The daughter said it was fine, she believed it!

Xie Yunchu put Mrs Lu on the carriage, Mrs Lu still held Xie Yunchu's hand reluctantly.

Xie Yunchu patted the back of Mrs Lu's hand: "Wait for me to come back."

Only then did the Lu family decapitate and let go of Xie Yunchu.

Watching the carriage carrying the Lu family leave, the third prince's personal father-in-law stepped forward: "Master Xie, please!"

Although the third prince's personal father-in-law was dissatisfied, he still stood still.

"Later, I will explain a few words to Master's guard..." Xie Yunchu turned around and walked in front of Qingfeng, calling out, "Yinhan."

Yin Han stepped forward in response.

Xie Yunchu raised his hand and clasped Qingfeng's shoulder armor, pulled the person closer to her, and said in Qingfeng's ear: "This female guard, named Yinhan, is from King Yan, and is responsible for sending news to King Yan for me. , I put my life... in the hands of Master."

Qingfeng didn't understand what Xie Yunchu meant. He looked at Xie Yunchu's quiet eyes and wanted to ask, and listened to Xie Yunchu's words: "If you convey the original words, Master will understand."


Qing Feng called out and watched Xie Yunchu walk with the third prince's personal eunuch toward the palace, always feeling that... Today's Rokuro is familiar, but he seems to be so unfamiliar.

Xie Yunchu followed behind the eunuch, surrounded by swordsmen on both sides, and walked towards the hall where the third prince reviewed the memorials on behalf of the emperor.

Xiaguang covered this majestic palace, the endless white marble steps, and the halls with carved beams and painted buildings flying in the eaves and corners, all in this splendid golden red light, magnificent and magnificent, like a fairy palace, even if it is sunset, it is still the same. It's so dazzling that you can't open your eyes.

The sky is clear, the clouds are crimson.

Beneath the majestic hall with heavy eaves, Dan Bi is dazzling purple in the glow...

Xie Yunchu walked up the steps carrying his robe, as if walking on the clouds.

She saw the familiar slender figure, standing at the end of Caixia's high-level alchemy, her sleeves fluttering in the golden purple light, and the magnificent scene of the golden palace and the clouds surging above became his foil, like a fairy coming Where, let people dare not look at it.

Ji Jingci quietly looked at Xie Yunchu who was coming towards him step by step. At this moment, if he didn't understand what Xie Yunchu was going to do, Ji Jingci was really stupid.

"Mr. Ji..."

The third prince's personal eunuch stopped in his footsteps, and respectfully bowed to Ji Jingci.

Ji Jingci's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he only looked at Xie Yunchu: "Rong Zaixia and his disciples, say a few words alone."

The third prince's personal eunuch heard the words, looked back at Xie Yunchu, who had calm eyes, and bowed with Ji Jing: "Yes..."

The eunuch retreated with the forbidden army, giving Xie Yunchu and Ji Jingci room to speak.

Ji Jing stood in front of Xie Yunchu, with her back to Xiaguang, and her tall and slender figure caged Xie Yunchu in it, looking down at her: "Is there nothing to say to me?"

The sunset was reflected in Xie Yunchu's clear and firm eyes, and the corners of her lips raised a cool voice: "This person, the third prince, I must... kill him, there is absolutely no room for negotiation."

The third prince is not dead, Xie Yunchu's anger is hard to dispel.

Her mentor, her like-minded friend, died at the hands of the third prince.

She and the third prince will never die!

"You know me. In my last life...for the sake of friendship, I even dared to die! Censor Niu and Yu Qianchao both died at the hands of the third prince. I...must kill him."

"I'm sorry, Aci. As I said, to achieve my goals, I can... unscrupulously. Xiao Zhiyan's army is not far from Bianjing. I will leave Xiao Zhiyan to the person who sent me the news to you. My life is also handed over to you, the third prince... it's still me, whoever lives for you to choose."

Choosing Xie Yunchu means choosing Xiao Zhiyan.

The calm in Ji Jingci's eyes seemed to be ignited by sparks, and his eyes became deeper and deeper: "He doesn't deserve to be compared with you, how is it worth your risk?"

"It doesn't matter if it's worth it or not, it's just from the heart..." Xie Yunchu looked at Ji Jingci's deep eyes, "Crisis and opportunity always accompany, I also want to... take off the skin of Xie Liulang, as Xie Yunchu, with The body of a woman is upright... standing on the court."

Saying that, Xie Yunchu took a step back, bowed long and bowed to Ji Jing, stood up, gave him a deep look, and walked towards the main hall.

Ji Jingci didn't stop him, he looked at the stone steps covered with purple gold with a deep gaze that could not be seen to the end, and then raised his eyes with a calm and determined look. Clutching tightly, he walked down the steps, his robes rattling by the wind.

Qingfeng and Qingren stood at the gate of the palace, watching their masters return on the afterglow and greeted them...

"Master, just now Rokuro handed me a female guard and said..."

"I know it all." Ji Jing's voice was cold, not as warm as usual, "Where is the person?"

Qing Feng looked at Qing Ren, Qing Ren pulled Yin Han's arm, but was thrown away by Yin Han.

Yin Han followed Qingren to Ji Jingci and saluted.

The majestic palace was just after Ji Jing's resignation.

He looked at the female guard in front of him and understood that Xiao Zhiyan already knew that Xie Yunchu was a woman.

Yin Han raised his eyes, and Ji Jingci's calm and desolate eyes made him feel inexplicably chilling, and his attitude became more respectful.

Ji Jingci retracted his gaze and said, "Send a message to your master, and within three days, lead the troops to the King of Diligent, and the King of Langya and the Xie of Chen County will name him."

 Two chapters are updated today, and tomorrow will be updated for the little cuties...

(End of this chapter)

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