Great Ye Empress

Chapter 462 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 462 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Finally caught up!

The third master Xie, who was dressed in the dust, turned over and dismounted, walked up the high steps in three steps and two steps, saluted the old man Xie, untied the burden on his back, and offered it with both hands: "Father! According to father's instructions, everything has been arranged! I Come and follow my father, save Rokuro!"

The Xie clan and guards who came with Xie Sanye and others also dismounted.

After receiving the letter, Mr. Xie kept changing horses every time he received the letter, so he just rushed over.

Grandpa Xie took the burden with both hands, looked at his son's tired face, and then his eyes fell on the clansmen who had dismounted...

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone!" Mrs. Xie thanked him, "Let's go!"

The servant led the way with a lamp in front, and the Xie clan walked towards the palace on foot.

The husband and wife who were pulling the rack cart were about to go out to the early stall. When they arrived at the stall, they didn't have time to roll up the green oil cloth curtain, turn on the stove and light the fire. The light came from the other side of the long street, and he rubbed his eyes.

The cloud of mist that had just exhaled dissipated, and in the middle of the servants holding the lamp on both sides to protect each other, was an old man with gray hair, extraordinary bearing, and arrogance.

Behind the old man was a group of tall and distinguished gentlemen, all of them in the posture of Qiongzhiyushu, with outstanding character.

The man and his daughter-in-law were stunned, watching the gentlemen of the Xie Clan in Chen County without squinting under the guard of the guards and servants, and walked towards the palace.

"Erlang, it looks like something big has happened to me today, why don't we go home... don't leave the stall today." The woman with the towel on her head wiped her hands with an apron nervously.

"Listen to you, let's go home!" The man responded and put the oil pan that he had just unloaded back on the rack, and went home with his daughter-in-law.

Xie Lao's position in the literary world is like Mount Tai. Xie Yunchu was first accepted by Ji Jing as an apprentice, and then at Sanyuan and Di. After entering the office, everything he did was vigorous. He was highly prestige among scholars, and his articles were widely circulated. He once led At the Censor's Desk, when he sacrificed his life to defend the Censor Niu... those words that showed the spirit of the scholar-officials were also praised by everyone.

Aside from men and women, Xie Yunchu's talent and character are regarded as a model by scholars...

Yesterday, Mrs. Xie first went to restaurants, teahouses and other places where various people gathered, provoking everyone's feelings of protection for Xie Yunchu, and quietly released the news that Mr. Xie was going to the palace gate to plead for his granddaughter today.

In addition to the original students of Yunshan Academy, many pure-minded scholars are enthusiastic and willing to go with Xie Lao to intercede for this little Xie.

Some people are willing to intercede for Xie Yunchu, and some people want to watch the fun.

The guards of the palace saw the light of the fire from afar, not knowing what happened, the team leader frowned slightly, held the sword around his waist and walked a few steps forward, only then did he see clearly that someone and a horse were coming towards the palace.

The forbidden army team took two steps back and shouted: "Alert!"

Soon, when the flickering flames approached, the Imperial Guard team led to see the Minister of Officials, Master Xie, who was following behind Mrs. Xie, so they took their swords and stepped forward. ?"

Uncle Xie put one hand behind him, and said slowly: "Sect Master of the Xie Clan of Chen County, bring me and other Xie Clan members... Come and intercede with Your Majesty for my son Xie Yunchu of the Xie Clan."

The forbidden army team hurriedly saluted the literary giant when they heard the words: "I have seen Mr. Xie..."

Even the emperor's words were respectful to Xie Lao, not to mention his team rate.

"Get out of the way..." Uncle Xie said.

The team hesitated for a moment, but gave way, and Mrs. Xie took the Xie family and all the clansmen to the front of the palace...

Under the leadership of Grandpa Xie, the Xie clan worshiped the palace gate three times, three times, three times and three times, and performed the most rigorous ancient ritual.

Clan Respect.

Obviously there is no chime music, but all the Xie clan people are solemn and solemn.

Many scholars who came to intercede with the Xie clan to plead for Xie Yunchu saw this ancient ceremony, and they also admired it, and followed the Xie clan to kneel...

Xie Yunxiao looked back and saw that the students from the Imperial College had already arrived, so he was relieved.

Grandpa Xie kowtowed again, handed the burden to Steward Wei, and straightened his back.

Some officials who were going to go to court got off the carriage at the side gate. When they saw the noise at the main gate of the palace, they sent their parents to check it out. When they learned that Mr. Xie took the Xie clan to kneel at the main gate of the palace, the officials immediately went to see the ceremony together. ask.

But before these officials approached, they saw Guanshi Wei and Xie's guards slowly unfold the bloody fingerprints of the people.

The bloodstain on the white cloth was extremely dazzling under the light of the shaking torches, its length, its density... it was surprising.

"Xie Yunchu, the eighth-generation direct grandson of the Xie clan in Chenjun, who disguised herself as a man and became an official, the crime of deceiving the king is unforgivable, but...a weak body, sleepy at night, Yu Guochen is very careful, and Yu Jun is brave and loyal. Yumin spared no effort, worthy of the official position, worthy of my lord, worthy of the common people! Today, the Xie clan in Chen County dares to bring the book of the people, kneeling to my lord, and reciting Xie Yunchu's daughter disguised as a man to serve as a man. "

"I beg my lord to forgive Xie Yunchu's death penalty!"

The Xie clan followed Old Master Xie and shouted.

The students of the Imperial College after the Xie clan also shouted: "I am waiting for the students of the Imperial College, I implore my lord to forgive Xie Yunchu's death penalty!"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty, thank you!"

The people also shouted.

The officials who were going to Zaochao were also surprised. They looked at the Xie clan, and then looked at the Guozijian students who were kneeling in the distance in the distance, as well as people who came one after another. The sequence, but the intercession of pleas, the main entrance of the palace, which has not yet been illuminated by the sun, is in full swing.

Who doesn't know that the emperor is in a coma now, it's not so much that the Xie family of Chen County and the people are here to be the emperor, it's better to say that they are forcing the third prince to obey the public opinion and spare Xie Yunchu.

Seeing this, the imperial guard at the city gate did not dare to delay and said quickly: "Go! Report to the third prince!"

The courtiers did not dare to delay the early court, and after salutes with Xie Lao Yaoyao, they walked into the palace, and all the colleagues were talking about Xie from Chenjun.

The third prince learned that Mr. Xie and the people of Xie's family in Chen County were kneeling in front of the palace gate to plead for Xie Yunchu, and the students of Guozijian and ordinary people in Bianjing who had nothing to do came to join in the fun, without saying a word... Thin lips were tight Sip tight.

Where did they come to intercede for Xie Yunchu, they clearly came to force him to let Xie Yunchu go!

He is about to become the new king. If he is coerced by these people, how will he govern Da Ye in the future!

The third prince's face was cold, and he didn't say anything to go to Zaochao first.

He made up his mind that whoever dares to intercede for Xie Yunchu above the morning court today, he will kill the chicken and show the monkey!
(End of this chapter)

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