Chapter 466
Xie Yunchu closed his eyes and recalled the layout of the entire Bianjing city in his mind, and recalled the location of Ji Jingci just now. After calculating the time, he took the bow and arrow from the back of the dead Xie family, and ordered: "Go to Changting Lane to meet Mr. Ji immediately. !"

Xie Yunchu led the way, and the dead man rushed to guard Xie Yunchu's side.

"Rokuro! Rooku..." Ye Chen was beside Xie Yunchu, "Rokuro can't be in danger! My subordinates go to pick up Mr. Ji!"

"My bow and arrows are very good! Qin Lvfu was protected by me on the battlefield!" Xie Yunchu followed the dead man and said, "I will hide in the distance for a while, and only protecting Ji Jingci will not drag you back. Everyone gave me half of the arrows! Send someone back to report to Xie, I want more dead men!"

Xie Yunchu knew that he was no longer the person with outstanding skills in his previous life. If he had to follow the dead man to Ji Jingci's side, it would be a hindrance. It is better to hide in a safe place in the distance to protect Ji Jingci, so that they can be rescued faster. people.

They were on alert to bypass the alley that had just been buried, and they went against the crowd, heading towards Changting Alley. Before they reached Changting Alley, they heard screams coming from inside...


Yechen understood, grabbed Xie Yunchu's arm, picked up the bucket of feather arrows, and flew up to the ridge of the blue tile, and then stepped on the blue tile and jumped up to the ridge of the double eaves on the second floor.

Xie Yunchu held a long bow and knelt on one knee on the ridge of the heavy eaves, taking a panoramic view of the situation in Changting Lane.

The archers brought by the enemy used to force Qingren to protect Ji Jingci from the top and both sides, and the group kept retreating.

These people are very shrewd, they don't get close, they just keep shooting short arrow crossbows to kill them, suppressing the blue blade without stopping, forcing them to a dead end...

The short arrow crossbow is seven inches long, and the crossbow can shoot continuously. The short arrows are very convenient to carry, and the number of short arrows can be carried in large quantities. It is the most suitable weapon for shooting at a short distance from the enemy. It is the most suitable weapon to ambush Xie Yunchu before. Feather arrows are completely different.

"Yechen, lead someone to raid from behind, and let Qingren lead Master to break through!" Xie Yunchu said.

"Yes!" Yechen disappeared on the ridge of the blue tile roof.

Xie Yunchu stabilized his body, drew out three feathered arrows, set up a bow, aimed and released the arrow...

Three arrows with a cold light burst out of the air, with a whistling sound like the wind, and rushed towards the three people who were walking quickly above the roof ridge shooting arrows at Ji Jingci, and the three fell from the roof screaming.

Suddenly, the feather arrow that came out of nowhere disrupted the layout of the encircling people.

Wang Huai, who was wearing a strong suit, moved his ears, only to feel that arrows kept coming from behind him. He just turned his head... The arrow with a cold glow rubbed the tip of his nose and passed by. After the burning pain, he watched helplessly. The feather arrow pierced straight through the neck of his subordinate, and the subordinate fell to the ground... The tail of the arrow was still shaking.

Ji Jingci, whose face was cold and calm, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance...

I saw the tallest pavilion flying above the beams and eaves, a slender figure, quickly pulled out a feather arrow, the arrow body spun at the fingertips, and galloped out from the full string. So fast that only the afterimage can be seen.

The black cloud wrapped around the thunder and lightning rolled in, just behind Xie Yunchu, as if it would swallow Xie Yunchu at any time.

The gust of wind blew the black cloak over her prison uniform into a screeching sound, her hands were firm and swift, and any arrow shot would kill anyone.

Ji Jingci clutched his heart tightly, blood rushing out from his fingers.

He recognized that it was... Yun Chu!
A short arrow headed straight for Qingren, and just one inch away from Qingren's temple, who was protecting Ji Jingci wholeheartedly...the unaware Qingren's temple, the whistling arrow with a whistle hit the short arrow and flew straight. Straight into the wall, the tail of the arrow trembled and hummed.

"Blue Blade! Breakthrough!"

Yechen's voice sounded from behind the group of thieves...

Yechen attacked from behind, and Wang Huai's soldiers were unexpectedly killed.

But Wang Huai and the others were all experienced soldiers, and they didn't panic, and immediately adjusted their direction, while suppressing Qingren and the others, while turning to suppress the approaching Yechen and Xie's dead soldiers.

But... Xie Yunchu occupied the high ground and was too far away from them, and their short arrows simply couldn't deal with Xie Yunchu who was at the top.

"Fight head on!" Ji Jingci said solemnly.

Wang Huai also saw Xie Yunchu standing at a high place, staring at Xie Yunchu with murderous intent, biting the bone whistle and blowing hard...

Wang Huai ambushed his unmoved subordinates in various places in Bianjing City. He had memorized the city map of Bianjing City by heart, and each performed his own duties in his own place, in order to... forcing the unsuspecting Ji Jingci into a dead end.

Hearing the sound of the bone whistle, these subordinates, who were hidden everywhere, looked at the pavilion occupied by Xie Yunchu at the same time, and saw one person stepping on the auspicious beast on the ridge of the flying roof, holding an arrow and pulling a bow... The figure was tall and straight. Such as loose.

Everyone got the order, and they all jumped onto the high wall and blue tiles, and rushed in the direction of Xie Yunchu from all directions.

Rolling black clouds shrouded the entire Bian capital city, and heavy rain, lightning and thunder rumbled...

There was only one feathered arrow left in the quiver around Xie Yunchu. She glanced at Ji Jingci and his party who had broken through. Before she could let go, she saw well-trained people attacking her from everywhere.

Xie Yunchu stabilized his mind, dropped the longbow in his hand, and looked at the blue tile roof on the right, which was slightly lower than the pavilion where she was sitting. He rushed down from the roof and rushed to the opposite roof...

Her feet landed on the blue tiles, and her whole body slid down with the broken roof tiles and the heavy rain. She slammed the feather arrow into the crack of the tile with her backhand, and her body was still falling. Her breathing, the broken tiles slid across her palm, and the blood came out without knowing the pain, and finally stopped when half of her body fell off the roof...

The two-story building fell down, and if he didn't die, he had to be disabled.

Xie Yunchu's heart beat in his throat, he gritted his teeth, climbed up from the eaves, glanced at the people who were rushing towards her from all over the place, and led them away along the ridge according to his memory.

Seeing that Ji Jingci had broken through the siege, Wang Huai gritted his teeth, knowing that the honor and disgrace of the rest of his life rested on Ji Jingci.

In the rain, Wang Huai pulled down the face towel that was blocking his breathing, and grabbed the subordinate beside him: "Go! Let's see if the prince has led his troops into the city? I don't believe you can't kill a person!"

"Yes!" The man walked away quickly.

Wang Huai gritted his teeth. He had disregarded Xiao Zhiyan's order to put the blame on the third prince. Anyway, his army arrived later, and when the time came, he said... the third prince sent someone to kill, he led someone to save... he didn't People are saved!
At that time, King Yan has already become the emperor, and who would dare to challenge him, a hero who has the power of following the dragon.

 Yesterday, the author of the update broke out and collapsed because of his age. Today, there are two updates... the author can take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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