Chapter 468
The soldiers who blocked the carriage's way were terrified by the green blade coming from the wind, and they raised their crossbows at the green blade: "Let the arrows!"

Yechen gritted his teeth, not afraid at all, and drove the carriage towards the crowd, shaking the reins vigorously: "Drive!"

The horse ran wild at the cost of its life, took the carriage to smash through the enemy blocking the front, and rushed towards the bridge with a long neigh...

When Wang Huai led his troops out of another alley, he saw that the carriage was about to rush to the stone bridge, and said loudly, "Shoot the arrows! Shoot the horses!"

The archer took the lead, and quickly stepped forward to set up arrows and draw bows.


With a single order, all arrows were fired.

The first row of arrows quickly retreated, and the second row immediately stepped forward...


Feather arrows are overwhelming and densely packed, rushing towards the horses and carriages...

The horse with its hoofed hooves hit the arrow, neighed, dodged in panic, and slanted the air towards the frozen lake!
The carriage was spinning, Xie Yunchu hugged Ji Jingci tightly, grabbed the table case with one hand, and stabilized his body, only to feel a violent collision, the ice surface shattered... The icy and biting river water poured into the carriage from all directions, and in an instant it reached Xie Yunchu's place. chest.

Xie Yunchu panicked for a moment, she can't water!

But Xie Yunchu also understood the situation in front of him. If the car is submerged in the water, it is swept away by the undercurrent, the river surface freezes and it cannot show its head, so there is little hope of living!
The moment the river water poured into Xie Yunchu's mouth and nose, Ji Jingci squeezed Xie Yunchu's hand tightly, took his last breath, kicked open the carriage window full of arrows, and pushed Xie Yunchu out.

Just as he stepped on the table table and jumped out of the rapidly sinking carriage, he saw Xie Yunchu reaching out to him behind him... A dense rain of arrows pierced through the water!

Ji Jingci opened his eyes wide, grabbed Xie Yunchu's hand, and turned over to protect the person under him.

Xie Yunchu, whose lungs were about to burst, raised his head when his consciousness was blurred. He saw blood bubbles from the mouth of Ji Jingci, who was holding her tightly in his arms, and subconsciously grasped Ji Jingci's belt tightly...

Do not separate!She is dead this time... don't be separated from Aci again.

In the heavy rain, Xiao Zhiyan with a gloomy complexion came quickly, seeing Wang Huai leading the people to shoot arrows into the river, hurried to the bridge, and suddenly pulled the reins.

Seeing that it was King Huai, Wang Huai hurriedly stopped and knelt down on one knee: "Your Highness, the river is frozen, Ji Jing resigned his carriage and fell into the water, as long as he doesn't come out of this hole, he will surely die!"

Xiao Zhiyan sat on the back of the horse and asked condescendingly, "Where's Xie Yunchu?"

"Xie Yunchu?"

Yin Han didn't care about his injuries, he stepped forward and hurriedly said, "Wearing a prison uniform! On the prison cart!"

Wang Huai was startled and looked towards the lake...

Xiao Zhiyan's eyes shrank suddenly, and he kicked Wang Huai over with one foot. He stepped on the guardrail without hesitation, untied his cloak and jumped into the river.

Yin Han also jumped from the ice mouth on the river.

"His Royal Highness!" Wang Huai got up, clutching his heart tightly, and rushed to the bridge, only to see a large splash of water splashed by Xiao Zhiyan.

Wang Huaisheng shouted hoarsely: "What are you doing! Dead people! Go down and save people! Hurry up! Hurry up! Smash the ice! Hurry up! Be careful, His Highness is inside!"

Wang Huai's whole body stood up with cold hairs...

It's not just because of Xiao Zhiyan's eyes that seemed to slash him with a thousand swords!
King Yan gave up his life for that Xie Yunchu and jumped into the frozen river, which shows that this person is important!
When Xie's deceased found this place, Xiao Zhiyan had already taken Xie Yunchu, who had fainted, out of the lake.

Soon, everyone rescued Xiao Zhiyan and Xie Yunchu.

Once ashore, Xiao Zhiyan saw Xie Yunchu's pale and bloodless face, tried her breath, and immediately picked up the person: "Go to Xie Mansion!"

When passing by Wang Huai, Xiao Zhiyan's red and bloodshot eyes did not look at Wang Huai, and his voice carried a strong murderous aura: "If she has three strengths and two weaknesses, I will destroy your nine clans!"

Wang Huai immediately knelt down.

"Find out Ji Jingci's resignation to me, you will see a corpse!"

After he finished speaking, Xiao Zhiyan jumped onto the horse with Xie Yunchu in his arms.

The deceased of Xie's family has returned to the Xie Mansion to report the letter. Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie, the second Mr. Xie, the third Mr. Xie, the young gentlemen of the Xie Mansion, as well as Xie Wenman and the mansion doctor are all waiting in front of the door.

"Liu Lang!" Seeing that Xie Yunchu's white prison uniform was covered in blood, Erye Xie hurried forward, took Xie Yunchu from Xiao Zhiyan's arms and held him in his arms, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Seeing the blood on her sister's body, Xie Wenman's legs softened.

But she knew... Now that her mother is not around, she has to hold on, she turned around and called, "Fu doctor!"

Erye Xie walked in quickly with Xie Yunchu in his arms: "Go to Liulang's yard!"

Xie's little princes all followed Erye Xie to run inside.

Grandpa Xie was also very worried about Xie Yunchu. Seeing Xiao Zhiyan dismounting and walking towards Xie's residence, he greeted him and saluted, "His Royal Highness Yan."

"Your Highness! Your Highness..."

Some soldiers from King Yan's command came quickly, and Xiao Zhiyan stepped up the steps.

The visitor got off his horse and knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, the Imperial Army has descended, and the gates of the imperial city are opened to welcome His Highness into the palace. The third prince has been captured by General Zhu Pingzhang, and the queen has also been invited back to the bedroom. Please hurry in, Your Highness. The palace presides over the overall situation."

Xiao Zhiyan clenched his fists and bowed his hands with Old Master Xie: "I'm sorry Xie Lao, let Liulang suffer! The third prince sent someone to kill Liulang and Mr. Ji, my people were late to save people, and the carriage fell into the water, now only I found Rokuro, but I haven't found Mr. Ji yet! This is the result of this king's ill-consideration!"

Xie Lao returned the salute: "His Royal Highness has done his best."

"This king will go to the palace to visit the emperor first. What do you need from Mr. Xie... Mr. Xie, please send someone to report!" Xiao Zhiyan respectfully saluted Mr. Xie, then got on his horse and left quickly.

Watching Xiao Zhiyan lead people away, Old Xie's expression sank, and he asked Steward Wei in a low voice, "Has the seventh prince been rescued?"

"Don't worry, old man, he has been rescued and placed properly." Wei Guanshi said.

Grandpa Xie nodded: "Send half of the people to look for Huaizhi! Go to Ji Mansion to inform the Langya Wang Clan!"

"Yes!" Xie Sanye responded.

"Boss..." Grandpa Xie held Grandpa Xie's hand, "King Yan doesn't dare to directly establish himself as king, but someone in the court will definitely be the first to plead with King Yan to supervise the country, or even ascend to the throne! You have to suppress King Yan. !"

"My son understands!" Uncle Xie nodded.

Whether or not he can join forces with King Yan depends on what King Yan's attitude towards Xie Yunchu's future and Chen Jun's Xie family is after Xie Yunchu wakes up.

Grandpa Xie knew what Grandpa Xie meant, so he thought that King Yan was good at first, held down King Yan, looked at the direction of the wind, and waited for Xie Yunchu to wake up.

After all, it was Xie Yunchu who made the covenant with King Yan at the beginning.

However, Mrs. Xie was not very afraid in her heart. Mrs. Xie held King Yan's handwritten document in her hand. King Yan had already reached this point. As long as Mrs. Xie from Chen Jun and Mrs. Langya gave full support, it would be justifiable. ... He wouldn't be so stupid that he chose to go back on his promises and would have a bad reputation for years.

(End of this chapter)

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