Great Ye Empress

Chapter 474 Marriage

Chapter 474 Marriage
Xiao Zhiyan didn't have time to grab Xie Yunchu's hand, and immediately tilted his head to dodge, and the pointed end of the hairpin sank half an inch into Xiao Zhiyan's neckline.

Xiao Zhiyan clenched Xie Yunchu's arm tightly and didn't let go, staring at Xie Yunchu with dark eyes: "Xie Yunchu! Don't think I really won't kill you."

"Who is Wang Huai?! Whose orders are you obeying?! Xiao Zhiyan... you really think I'm a fool! You want to kill me... come at me!" Xie Yunchu's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he tried his best Pressing down, the hairpin in my hand broke, "The thing I regret most in my past and present life is saving you! You should have died in the hands of those people like mud!"

"Liulang!" Xie Yunwang hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Xie Yunchu from behind, pulling Xie Yunchu away, "Liulang, calm down!"

Hearing Xie Yunchu say that the thing he regretted the most was saving him, Xiao Zhiyan's eyes were scarlet, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and he took three steps forward and smashed Xie Yunchu with one palm, pulling the man out of Xie Yunwang's arms. It exploded into his arms.

"His Royal Highness!" Xie Yunwang stepped forward to stop Xiao Zhiyan's way, "His Royal Highness! Leave Liu Lang to me! It is inappropriate for Your Highness to hold Liu Lang like this! Your Highness should go back and bandage the wound first."

"I won't care about Xie Yunchu with Xie Yunchu, get out of the way..." Xiao Zhiyan said.

Xie Yunwang did not give in an inch, his eyes were calm, and he was not afraid of Xiao Zhiyan at all: "Yun Chu is a woman, His Highness is a foreigner, Yu Li is incompatible! I hope Your Highness... give my sister to me and bring it back!"

Xiao Zhiyan's wound was still bleeding, and he took Xie Yunchu and stepped forward to stare at Xie Yunwang: "Believe it or not... I killed you!"

"Then please walk over my corpse, Your Highness!" Although Xie Yunwang was afraid of King Yan, he couldn't let King Yan take Liu Lang away, "In front of the dead man of the Xie family in Chenjun."

Xiao Zhiyan glanced at the bloodless Xie Yunchu in his arms, and handed Xie Yunchu to Xie Yunwang: "You are very good!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Xie Yunwang hurriedly took Xie Yunchu over and glanced at Xiao Zhiyan, "Your Highness, please go back and bandage the wound. Please, Your Highness, please do not care about Liulang for the sake of Liulang's loss of his mentor!"

After speaking, Xie Yunwang walked to the shore with Xie Yunchu in his arms, and shouted loudly, "Go and bring the carriage here!"

After Xie Yunwang sent Xie Yunchu back, the Xie Mansion was in chaos again.

Grandpa Xie stayed beside Xie Yunchu, and together with Xie Wenman, gave Xie Yunchu medicine to make the earth dragon warm, and the rest waited outside the screen.

Xie Yunwang, who had changed into clean clothes, sat at the round table, thinking of what Xie Yunchu said in the river, and thinking of Xie Yunchu calling Mr. Ji Aci...

Thinking of what King Yan had just said, something seemed to be messed up in his mind.

So, do Rokuro and Mr. Ji have a friendship?
It was Liulang who chose Xiao Zhiyan to be enthroned, so...their Xie clan of Chen County would give their full support, not because Liulang was framed by the third prince, and Mrs. Xie had no choice but to do it?
So... how about Mrs. Xie?Did you already know that Rokuro is a woman, or...have you been kept in the dark?

"What about you!" Xie Yunzhi gently pushed Xie Yunwang.

"What?" Xie Yunwang looked up at Xie Yunzhi.

"What the hell is going on? Alright... Why did Rokuro go out again? Or did he come back like this? Whose blood is on his body?" Xie Yunzhi saw Xie Yunwang's dazed look, "I can't tell?"

"Rokuro is looking for Mr. Ji, the blood on his body..." Xie Yunwang pursed his lips, "It's the wound cracked."

Not long after, Mrs. Xie came out of the inner room and glanced at Xie Yunwang: "Come with me!"

Grandpa Xie took Xie Yunwang to the side room, and then he asked the matter clearly.

In fact, since Mrs. Xie learned that Ji Jingci already knew that Xie Yunchu was a woman, he understood that Ji Jingci and Xie Yunchu had a friendship.

What kind of person Ji Jingci is, Mrs. Xie is not sure, how has Jingci ever intervened in any apprentice affairs at these ages, except for his granddaughter.

"Mr. Wei..." Mrs. Xie called out.

Guanshi Wei came in from outside the house and responded, "Old man."

"Continue to send people out to find Huaizhi, no matter want to see people, and when you want to see corpses." Old Master Xie said.

"Yes!" Wei Guanshi responded.

Grandpa Xie stayed in Xie Yunchu's yard that day, called Xie Wenman over again, and asked Xie Wenman individually if he knew about Ji Jingci and Xie Yunchu.

When Xie Wenman heard the words, she knelt down in front of Mr. Xie, told Mr. Xie the whole thing, and swears that Xie Yunchu and Ji Jingci were affectionate and polite, and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Grandpa Xie sighed and helped Xie Wenman up: "Can I still not know the character of Liulang and Huaizhi? Asking them where they are, I just want to know... How to persuade Liulang in a while."

When Xie Yunchu opened his eyes, it was late at night, and Mrs. Xie sat beside her bed and looked at her.

Second Master Xie also came in from the outside when he heard the sound. Seeing Xie Yunchu opened his eyes, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around to signal for his escort to report to Lu.

"Wake up..." Grandpa Xie motioned to Xie Wenman to help Xie Yunchu up.

Yuanbao knelt beside the bed, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and offered the medicine bowl...

Grandpa Xie picked up the medicine bowl and stirred the soup bowl with a spoon, with the same loving smile on the corners of his eyes as he always did: "Don't worry, neither of our Xie Clan and Langya Wang Clan will give up looking for Huaizhi, we have already sent someone out to look for him. You have to take care of your body first, so that you can live up to the grace of the test medicine in your arms to prolong your life!"

When Xie Yunchu heard this, his pupils moved slightly, and tears fell.

"Actually!" Mrs. Xie lowered his eyes and stirred the medicine bowl. "It's a good thing that you haven't found it! If you haven't found it, there is still hope. If you find it like a green blade, you will be disappointed. Do you think..."

Thinking of Qingren's eyes that he hadn't closed until his death, and thinking of Ji Jingci's belt in Qingren's hands, Xie Yunchu's nose incited to close his sore eyes, suppressing his crying, his chest hurting, and his head was about to explode.

"Maybe, Huaizhi was rescued, so we didn't find it. When Huaizhi wakes up, he will definitely come back!" Mrs. Xie filled a spoonful of the soup and blew it, and brought it to Xie Yunchu's mouth, and his eyes were red. "When the time comes, my grandfather will go to the Wang Family in Langya in person to discuss your marriage with Mrs. Wang..."

Xie Yunchu's throat was sore and uncomfortable, he bit his lip, but he couldn't restrain his cry.

"Drink the medicine, turn back and suffer from cold illness, cough when it's cold... that's not a good feeling." Mrs. Xie persuaded and put the soup and medicine to Xie Yunchu's mouth, "Before Huaizhi came back, Bianjing was a mess. , you still have to get up to cook, it is you who have an agreement with King Yan after all..."

(End of this chapter)

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