Great Ye Empress

Chapter 493 Offending

Chapter 493 Offending
Therefore, she wants to end the implementation of the New Deal as soon as possible, and wait for Ah Qi to come back to fulfill his promise.

When Xie Yunchu arrived at the door of Xie's house, his subordinates sent the news that Mrs. Chen, the third wife of Xie, brought her mother's sister-in-law to Lu's house to give gifts to Xie Yunchu.

Xie Yunchu lowered his eyes and carried the hem of his official robe up the steps, and asked the steward, "Have all the people who went to pick up Lord Song Shaozhong and Lord Li Anran come back?"

"I was about to tell you that the two adults learned that you were left in the palace by His Majesty. After returning to the residence to bathe and change, they rushed over to the main hall and waited." The steward humbly followed Xie Yunchu's side.

"Let someone prepare the meal, the two adults should have not used it before." Xie Yunchu said that people had already stepped into the main entrance, "If Yunwang is back, let Yunwang come over."

When the servants in the courtyard saw Xie Yunchu's entry, they all avoided and saluted.

Song Shaozhong, who was restless in the main hall of Xie Mansion, tilted his head to see Xie Yunchu approaching the main hall surrounded by the crowd, and immediately stood up and took a few steps outside...

Li Anran followed closely behind Song Shaozhong and also greeted him.

Seeing each other after a few years, Xie Yunchu's eyebrows are still vaguely the same as when they parted. Wearing a purple robe and an official uniform, she is walking among the blue-waisted and Zhu corridors with carved beams and painted buildings. There is a bit more of a heavy aura of being in a high position and holding the axis.

On the way back from the exile, the two of them heard that the first emperor died and King Yan ascended the throne, that Xie Yunchu was a woman, that Xie Yunchu was now the commander of the six ministers, and became the youngest Taifu in history.

The most ridiculous thing about this is that Xie Yunchu is a woman...

Although Xie Yunchu looked as delicate as jade, with a startling glance, whether it was Song Shaozhong or Li Anran, the time they spent with Xie Yunchu at the Censor's Desk was not short, and they never thought that Xie Yunchu was a woman.

Besides, the scientific examination is to search the body, so how can a woman get away with it.

Like those who knew Xie Yunchu well, the two felt that Xie Yunchu was framed by the third prince.

Perhaps, it was Xie Yunchu's performance since he had not yet entered the official position, which was different from Song Shaozhong and Li Anran's inherent impression of women.

Or maybe, like most men in this world, they don't believe that a woman can be so powerful, and they completely forget... It's not that women don't have the ability to enter the office, it's just that the world doesn't give women a chance.

When Xie Yunchu was three or four steps away from the two, Song Shaozhong and Li Anran first bowed to Xie Yunchu with a respectful attitude.

Xie Yunchu returned the salute with the two of them, and then made a gesture of invitation, took off the cloak on his body and handed it to the steward, and stepped into the main hall where the dragon was burning as warm as spring.

The sky was already dark, and the lights in the main hall were shining brightly, reflecting the furniture of nanmu wood with golden threads of water. The various gold, silver and jade wares on the ancient shelf were exquisitely listed, and the charcoal fire under the stove hood of the bronze sculpture of Hanmei was burning red.

Song Shaozhong and Li Anran stood in front of the stove with Xie Yunchu, and the three of them reached out and baked the fire.

Xie Yunchu saw above the fire, the two pairs of hands that were originally writing the writing became rough, and the people were much thinner and darker than a few years ago, and the temples were full of hair.

"I made you suffer, and it took you a few years to bring you back." Xie Yunchu lowered his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Lord Xie, where is this? Over the years, Lord Xie has sent someone to take care of the two of us, and he has also taken care of the two of my family members. The two of us have had a very good life!" Li Anran said slowly.

Xie Yunchu took out the appointment document of the Ministry of Personnel from his sleeve and handed it to the two of them: "Master Song... I will be the doctor of the censor, and Mr. Li will be the chief of the censor. The censor must be supported by someone with strong bones."

The two heard that the court Xie Yunchu was highly trusted by the emperor, and could be regarded as a powerful ruler. Now they see that Xie Yunchu will transfer orders from the official department in the sleeves, and let them two sinners who were still in exile more than a month ago. , ranked among the censors and censors, it seems that the rumors are somewhat true.

"Now that the new policy is implemented, the censor station still needs to watch, so as not to be exploited in the new law." Xie Yunchu raised his eyes and looked at the two, "There are not many hard-core ministers in the DPRK that can be trusted, both of you. It came out with the Censor Niu, I can trust it."

Song Shaozhong took the document, but did not take a closer look, he heard Xie Yunchu say again: "There are too many officials in the Great Ye court, the functions overlap in confusion, and the seniority is ranked. Unable to hold office, the reform of official management is urgent for Da Ye.”

Xie Yunchu looked at Song Shaozhong and Li Anran: "So... Your Majesty intends to complete the reform of the administration within three months. The Censor Desk and the Imperial City Division will collect evidence of official malfeasance, greed of ink... and so on, and sort them according to their severity for later release."

Knowing that most court officials fear and hate the Imperial City Division, Xie Yunchu specifically spoke to Song Shaozhong and Li Anran.

"The two of us have heard about the reform on the way back." Song Shaozhong sincerely asked Xie Yunchu for advice, "Can you ask Mr. Xie to explain it to me?"

In fact, Song Shaozhong and Li Anran agreed with Xie Yunchu's words that the reform of official management is urgent.

The Censor Niu was still there. Before they were exiled, they had not heard Censor Niu say it. The officials of the Ministry of Household also complained that because there were too many officials, the salary expenditure was also a big problem for the national treasury.

But the officials in the DPRK and China knew it, and no one was willing to propose a reform that offended most officials.

On the way back to Bianjing, the two heard that the Ministry of Personnel had taken the order of Xie Yunchu, the official minister, and began to conduct performance assessments on officials, brushing off a group of officials. Both Shao Zhong and Li Anran didn't believe that Xie Yunchu ascended to the high position to make money.

Just as he was talking, Xie Yunwang, Fu Mingyuan and Zhang Guanren arrived.

Seeing Song Shaozhong and Li Anran, the two former bosses, Xie Yunwang was very excited, and hurried forward with Fu Mingyuan and Zhang Guan to salute.

"Is dinner ready?" Xie Yunchu asked.

"Ready." The manager outside the door responded.

Xie Yunchu said to Song Shaozhong and Li Anran, "You should have urgent meals in the future. Let's talk while we eat!"

After dinner, everyone sat at separate tables, Song Shaozhong and Li Anran had no intention of eating, they hardly touched their chopsticks, and they were full of questions to ask Xie Yunchu: "Is this reform of Da Ye's reform based on the article of Lord Xie's palace examination? "

Xie Yunchu's article was widely circulated back then...

She sat on the throne, wiped her mouth with a veil, and ordered someone to bring the general outline of the reform: "Slight changes, but the general implementation is roughly the same."

Song Shaozhong was shocked when he quickly browsed the general outline of the new law. Xie Yunchu's reforms were successively set down one after another... It was not only the officials in the court and the central government who offended, but also the gentry...even the royal family!

(End of this chapter)

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