Chapter 102 Lies
Liu Jianglin was also injured a little bit, but not as serious as that of the corn jacket.

It's just that Liu Jianglin was injured at a crucial point, the corner of his eyebrow.

Actors rely on their faces for food, and it would be terrible if they left scars.

Luckily the doctor said there would be no scars.

When Chen Hong came to tell Liu Jianglin about the company's decision, Liu Jianglin didn't even think about it, and directly refused.


The company wanted Liu Jianglin and Mi Ao to interact on Weibo, clarify the fight in the video, and give everyone an explanation on the grounds of recording the audition clip.

Liu Jianglin said: "I don't want to give this an explanation. It was a fight, and she took the initiative to do it. I care about her. Public opinion is public opinion. Anyway, I can't get out of this face. If the government wants to suppress it, I just take a rest. After a while, it won’t be possible to ban me forever for this matter.”

Chen Hong sighed.

"Jiang Lin, let's not get angry, shall we?" She persuaded, "If this matter really continues to simmer, and we don't respond in time, once the news of your being suppressed really spreads, the drama that is in contact with you , Including a lot of cooperation, are in jeopardy, you know, in this business, you are not even afraid that everyone will scold you and blackmail you, you know what you need to be most vigilant about, and don’t risk yourself.”

Liu Jianglin also sighed.

"I know you have been wronged in this matter, but we can't do things that would rather be broken than broken." Chen Hong said to Liu Jianglin, "If Director Yuan Jinran really wants to ask you to act in a play, at this moment he suddenly heard It is said that you have been suppressed by the government, do you think he will use you?"

The example given by Chen Hong hits Liu Jianglin's well-known family.

What she is most concerned about recently is Yuan Jinran's new movie.

When Chen Hong advised Liu Jianglin not to put himself in danger, Liu Jianglin was still a little angry and refused to let go, but when it came to specific interests, Liu Jianglin was not so tough.

"Where is the corn jacket?"

"Qin Wang will definitely take care of the millet jacket, and this matter will only affect her more than it affects us." Chen Hong said.

"That's right. After all, he just won the film directed by Lu Mingyang. If there is news of being suppressed at this time, then this film will be dirty." Liu Jianglin sneered.

Speaking of it, the conflict between her and the millet jacket was because of this drama.


In the evening, the two people who fought each other posted a Weibo, with the same general idea, mainly to explain to their fans that the scene of the two fighting in the video was actually an audition video, and the two of them were not real. Discord and fights, they have a very good relationship in private.

After posting this Weibo, Liu Jianglin really couldn't hold back, and heaved a long sigh, lamenting that he was not up to date, and even had to compromise on this kind of thing.

Song Shiyu's phone call came at this time.

Seeing the caller's name, Liu Jianglin froze for a moment.

She mainly didn't know why Song Shiyu was calling at this time.

Could it be that he came to care about her?
With this in mind, Liu Jianglin connected the phone.


Song Shiyu hummed, and said, "Is everything OK over there?"

"OK, what's the matter?" Liu Jianglin asked back.

Song Shiyu said, "I heard that you and the millet jacket had a big fight."

"I just posted on Weibo to clarify that it was just the content of the audition video recorded by the two of us." Liu Jianglin said subconsciously.

She also didn't know why she didn't want Song Shiyu to know that she really fought with Mi Mao.

Song Shiyu said, "Do you think I will believe this excuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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