Chapter 199 Provocation
When Liu Jianglin saw the statements issued by these three companies, he couldn't help but sneered.

I didn't expect the final handling method to be like this.

Liu Jianglin was also surprised.

But I have to say that the public relations methods of several companies are still powerful, and such a public relations method was thought of in a short period of time.

As for how many people believe the content of this statement and how many people don't believe it, it is a matter of opinion.

Anyway, Liu Jianglin breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what kind of public relations methods they use, as long as they don't affect her.

Makeup rehearsal at night.

Liu Jianglin also met several of them at the recording site.

These few people can bear it, because such a big incident just happened, and now they can stay in one place one by one - even if they don't speak to each other, they treat each other as air people.

Because of the existence of a few of them, fewer people were looking at Liu Jianglin.

Originally, Liu Jianglin was the artist who had the accident.

The recording of the rehearsal with makeup is over, and Liu Jianglin is going back to the hotel to rest.

In the corridor, You Ling suddenly blocked her.

Liu Jianglin glanced at her suspiciously.

You Ling said, "Is that you?"


"The person who notified Chen He." You Ling sullenly stared at Liu Jianglin unkindly, "You just don't like others, so you revenge me?"

Liu Jianglin: "I don't know what you're talking about. As for revenge, you're overthinking it."

"Who else would it be if you weren't?"

"If it was a few months ago, it might be me, but now, use your brain to think about it, would I let myself get involved in such trouble?" Liu Jianglin said, "I am now a clay bodhisattva Crossing the river—I can’t protect myself, and I still have the mood to take revenge on you?”

You Ling was taken aback.

She looked a little persuaded.

Liu Jianglin said: "You cheated on yourself, no one else is to blame. As for who notified Chen He, I don't know, but with your temper, you must have offended me alone."

You Ling: "..."

"Of course, it may not be for you, maybe it's for Jiang Zhi." Liu Jianglin said, "In this matter, he is a mistress, and his role is not honorable."

You Ling snorted coldly, "What do you know?"

"I don't know anything, I just know you don't do this, don't let others know if you do it, and bear the consequences obediently if you know it, don't make trouble for others here." Liu Jianglin said.

You Ling: "You are already in this state, how can you still think about educating others?"

You Ling sneered.

Liu Jianglin said: "I am already like this, can I still perform on the same stage with you? What do you think of me?"

In front of You Ling, she bluffed.

You Ling was indeed afraid.

According to common sense, Liu Jianglin is already like this, and should not appear on the CCTV stage again.

You Ling thought of a rumor he had heard, saying that Liu Jianglin hugged an extremely thick thigh.

She restrained her temper a little.

"I don't care about you anymore." She said and left.

After the person left, Li Zhining dared to say: "This person is still so crazy."

Liu Jianglin smiled and said, "She's so angry now that she wants to find someone to complain about. Don't talk to her. Let's go back and rest."

"Yeah." Li Zhining nodded, then laughed again, "Sister Jiang Lin, you sang on stage just now, it's so beautiful!"

Liu Jianglin: "You always say that."

"Which time did I make a mistake? Every time photos and videos of your participation in activities are released, everyone praises you!" Li Zhining said.

(End of this chapter)

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