Chapter 101 She Was Hurt
"Yeah." Tong Li hummed lightly, and when she listened carefully, she could still hear a little weakness in her voice.

Xiyou felt that her reaction was boring, so she pouted and walked to the front, waiting for the car to come expectantly.

The car in front was getting closer and closer until it stopped in front of her.

Seeing the man in the cab, Xiyou smiled foolishly, with infinite stars in his eyes, looking at the eager expression of the man inside, thinking that a little injury would make Qu Rui anxious, which is actually quite good.

But when she saw Qu Rui rushing directly towards Tong Li who was not far away, the smile on her face froze for a moment, and a gust of wind blew in, and the inexplicable coldness rushed from head to toe, freezing her whole body into an ice sculpture in an instant.

If she read correctly, Brother Qu Rui hadn't looked at her since he got off the car, and the anxiety on his face was not directed at her.

is her!

"Tong Li, are you okay?" Qu Rui's expression was so full of worry that he ignored the girl who was waiting for him to come and care.

"It's okay." Tong Li shook his head, his complexion was slightly pale, and he could hardly tell them apart in the dark night.

Qu Rui's sensitive nose moved, and his eyes slowly moved to her hands. The light green gradient dress was stained with blood at some point, especially the elbows, which had already been soaked in blood. People worry.

"It's all like that, and it's okay."

Tong Li moved her numb arm. It hurt a little when soaking in the sea before, but she got used to it and ignored it: "It's okay, it's just that the wound is open."

That faint tone seemed to say that the night is fine tonight.

Qu Rui couldn't help feeling distressed, he carefully held up the blood-stained hand, and frowned, "Go back first, and deal with the wound."


Tong Li picked up her bag and followed Qu Rui.

Qu Rui went to the co-pilot, opened the door, and carefully escorted Tong Li into the car.

When he closed the car door, he seemed to remember that there was still a grapefruit. He quickly glanced over her body, but did not find any injuries on her: "Youyou, you and Xiaobai go back first, and I will send Tong Li to the hospital."

"Brother Qu Rui"

The man was very anxious, he didn't listen to her finish, turned around and got in the car, started the car, and drove away, for fear that others wouldn't see how anxious he was.

Xiyou looked at the rear of the car going away, pursed her mouth, moved her feet, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I was injured too."

It's just under your feet, you can't see it.

Du Zhibai stood beside the grapefruit, looked at the sad little girl, and sighed slightly: "It's all right."

Xiyou looked at him with red eyes, and said in a buzzing voice, "I have something to do, my feet hurt, but Brother Qu Rui doesn't even look at me."

"His eyes are all about that bad woman, and he doesn't have me at all."

After watching the whole process, Du Zhibai didn't know how to comfort her: "Perhaps, Qu Rui just saw that her injury was more serious. He is a doctor, so maybe he should be more nervous about her."

Xiyou sobbed, with a look of disbelief: "Really?"

"Well, really." Du Zhibai was most afraid of a woman crying, making it a headache, so he could only comfort her against his conscience.

"Let's go, go back first."

"Hmm!" Grapefruit limped forward.

Du Zhibai supported her: "What's wrong with your foot?"

Xiyou pursed her lips, thinking of Tong Li's blood-red hand just now, her mood became more and more depressed: "It's just blisters."

Instead of going to the hospital, Qu Rui and the others came to his home pharmacy. Tong Li asked him to find a few traditional Chinese medicines, grind them into powder, and make a decocted ointment.

When she was done and came back, she saw Tong Li sitting on a chair, with one hand resting on her forehead, her eyes closed tightly, and she just fell asleep.

Qu Rui moved lightly, put the cold medicine aside, brought a thin quilt from the lounge, and carefully covered her body.

Then carefully put the injured hand on the table, took scissors and cut off the sleeve, gently and slowly, untied the gauze layer by layer.

No matter how light his movements were, Tong Li still woke up.

"Is the medicine ready?" Tong Li pressed her sleepy brows, her head hurt slightly.

"The medicine is ready, I'll change it for you first."

While talking, Qu Rui removed the gauze and cloth for her, gradually the wound was completely exposed, the wound was not deep, the outer skin of the wound may have been soaked in sea water and turned slightly white, and the lower layer of the skin had a layer of flesh and blood that had turned black :"how so?"

Tong Li glanced at it and didn't take it seriously. Compared with yesterday, the wound was obviously much better today: "Fortunately, just apply the medicine on it."

"But." The wound turned black, obviously showing signs of poisoning.

"It's okay." Tong Li emphasized again and again that she knew her injury well. The wound was caused by the demon fox. The black thing was just some monster aura attached to it, and it would be fine after applying a few days of medicine.

Qu Rui sighed inaudibly, what can he do, his medical skills are better than his, and his body belongs to him, she has the final say on what to do.

After Qu Rui helped her clean up the wound, he sprinkled the powder on it, put the ointment on it, and picked up the gauze to wrap it up one by one.

"Is this really okay?" These medicines only have anti-inflammatory effects, and her injury is so serious.

"That's it...thank you."

Qu Rui: "..."

"What's going on with you today?"

When he was about to get off work, he suddenly received a call from Du Zhibai, saying that Xiyou drove his car out and was robbed by someone, resulting in a car accident.

The car accident can be big or small, so he immediately called Xiyou, but there was no answer there.

He remembered that Xiyou called him and said that he was waiting for him to eat at the door.

He called out the surrounding surveillance, and it showed that Tong Li had indeed robbed her car.

I don't know if something happened to her, but judging by her anxious appearance, the matter should not be small.

He followed the car's route, called up the monitoring along the way, and tracked it all the way.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when he saw Tong Li's speed of life and death, his heart almost stopped in shock.

Especially when accelerating a few times, the wheels of the car floated off the ground, as if the car was about to overturn in the next second. The degree of danger was thrilling, but fortunately, it landed safely in the end.

He didn't know how Tong Li did it. Even a professional racing driver wouldn't dare to drive with such difficulty, and it was still on a road with heavy traffic.

He tracked all the way to the highway, and the car behind him disappeared.

I can't get through the phone again, isn't this a panic?
Until the traffic police brigade notified that a car was dodging a large car on a certain highway, and they and the car smashed through the guardrail and fell into the sea.

Hearing what they told about the model of that car, he knew it was Tong Li's at a guess.

'I even got out of the car and rushed into the sea. The sea is vast and unfathomable. There are still two girls. Is there any chance of survival? '

Maybe there is, but the hope is slim.

But with Tong Li around, the impossible becomes possible, as long as the corpse is not seen, there is a possibility of survival.

He immediately summoned a large number of people to rescue them, but he ran into them halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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