The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 115 She's Fierce, Tempered, and Doesn't Listen to Chapter 'Who's Wife&#0

Chapter 115 She's Fierce, Tempered, and Disobedient 'Who's Wife'

"Let go and be bold to pursue the result you want, and I will always be with you."

Pei Jiuyin really didn't mind, but Tong Li was still hesitant.

Let her give up the righteous path she has adhered to for hundreds of years and go to the side, she will not be able to pass the hurdle in her heart.

But now the fox demon is determined to kill people, and if he continues to let it go, the consequences will be disastrous.

Now she is like walking into a dead end, no matter which direction she goes, she can't get out.

Pei Jiuyin touched her long hair, Tong Li has been hot and cold towards him all the time, maybe this is also the reason.

He also wanted to explain to her, but now he has no patience.

Pei Jiuyin looked at her tangled face, dark eyes, Che Shulu picked her up, and walked upstairs quickly: "Don't think too much, let's do some physical and mental exercises, clear your mind, sleep, Maybe you'll figure it out tomorrow."

Tong Li doesn't like what he has, and she is worried about what to do, now it's all right, she needs him, and only him.

How can we not make him jump for joy?
Pei Jiuyin carried her to the bed, took off the hairpin from her hair, and spread the blue silk gently on the bed.

The eyes of the person on the bed were full of affection, and under the light of the incandescent lamp, he looked like a little fairy that sucked people's soul.

"I have something else to tell you."

She wanted to say that he didn't want to hear it.

"I'll talk about it tomorrow. Now is my time."

Pei Jiuyin punitively kissed her heavily on the cheek, pulled the quilt next to her, and covered the two of them tightly, how could they waste time on such nonsense.


After she uttered the first word, Pei Jiuyin slowly lowered his head, and covered the red lips that Xiao had been thinking about for a long time.


The next day.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin opened his eyes, he found Tong Li sitting cross-legged. It seemed that the heart-to-heart talk last night had worked.

He rested his hands on the back of his neck, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and locked his gentle eyes on her.

Thinking of not seeing her meditating during this period of time, he was afraid that she had been struggling with this issue all the time, this silly girl didn't say anything, and kept it in her heart, how could he guess what she was thinking.

"It's fierce, has a curvy temper, and is disobedient."

Pei Jiuyin muttered in a low voice, and stared at it for half an hour in a daze, only getting up to wash up and go to the company when he really ran out of time.

As soon as he arrived at the company, he immediately called Du Zhibai.

"I said Brother Nine, that girl... What is Sister Nine's origin? I just received a call from Aunt Qu yesterday. She paid me the money and told me not to trouble Sister Nine, or she would make me look good. Got your call again today."

"You guys are warning and threatening. What do you want to do? Don't let people breathe?" Before he had time to do anything, they rushed to put pressure on him.

Who the hell is his Ninth Sister-in-law?Why can't he find out at all?

When Pei Jiuyin called him, he could understand, what's the matter with calling from the Qu family?

And he's the victim, okay?

"You don't know how much effort it took me to get that car back. It's still hot..." Du Zhibai began to talk about his hard work with snot and tears.

Just halfway through the conversation, a beeping sound came from the opposite side.

"Hmph... hang up on me? Bad guys, bad guys from the whole family." Du Zhi rolled his eyes angrily.


Tong Li closed and opened his eyes, the sun rose and the moon set.

Good guy, half a month has passed.

Yi Jianzhou has lived in dire straits for the past ten days, unable to eat or sleep, looking for people all over the world.

After searching for more than ten days, let alone a person, I couldn't find even a shadow.

Seeing that the opening time is up, the boss has no news.

When the opening time came, the boss did not show up.

After the opening time, the boss still did not show up.

This person seemed to disappear out of thin air suddenly, and it was useless to dig three feet into the ground.

He had never seen such an incomprehensible partner. Where could he go and tell him something, so that he could have a clear idea, and he disappeared without a sound, which made him very worried.

Especially now that I have received a few orders and I can't find them, where can I explain them to others?

As soon as Tong Li got out of the shower, she heard the phone ring again.

Pick it up and look, the number on it shows 99+, there are only a few people who know her number, scroll down, most of them are called by Yi Jianzhou.

When she saw the time and date above, her heart skipped a beat, as if she had forgotten something.

Before she could remember, the phone call came again.

Tong Li pressed the answer button, and before he could say anything, he heard a moving exclamation from the opposite side.

"My ancestor, you finally answered the phone. Where have you been all this time? The company is open, but you are nowhere to be seen. I wonder if you don't show up again, should I close the company."

"Ancestor Tong, before you leave, you should tell me at least to make me prepare."

"Also, are you in the capital city? Come here quickly. I have received several orders for you, and I am waiting for you to come to your door. These are all big customers, and they have been delayed for several days..."

Yi Jianzhou's mouth was like a machine gun, chattering in a blah blah, not giving Tong Li a chance to speak at all.


"Sorry, it was my negligence. I'll go over after I finish eating." Tong Li said unhurriedly.

She said that she forgot something, it turned out that the company opened.

"Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for you at the company first." After hanging up the phone, Yi Jianzhou threw the work in his hands to the secretary, took out a few documents from the lockbox, and rushed to the company without stopping.

His nimble movements made the secretary suspect for a while that the company over there was his own son, and the current one was raised by his stepmother.

It's just a small company over there, but Mr. Yi is very concerned about it. Whether it's decoration, opening, or recruiting employees, he handles it all by himself.

I heard that just looking for a front desk requires careful selection, but even so, you can't recruit the one you like.

As soon as the real boss appeared over there, he hurried over there, afraid that he would be a second behind.

Tut tut...


Yi Jianzhou came to the company and waited for half an hour before Tong Li arrived late.

As soon as he saw Tong Li, he walked up anxiously, with a happy smile: "Master Tong, you finally appeared, and you almost turned my hair white."

Tong Li's eyes were apologetic: "Sorry, I forgot in a hurry."

Yi Jianzhou waved his hand: "Forget it, I know you are a busy person, sit down first, and talk about the orders I picked up for you."

There was smoke coming out of his head, he couldn't delay any longer, and these were all famous people, if they were self-defeating, he would really be overwhelmed and want to walk around.

Yi Jianzhou handed this person's information to her: "Look at this, he is an administrative retiree. He is 75 this year. He usually likes fishing. Before retirement, he would go fishing whenever he had time. I spend hours fishing outside, sometimes I don’t return all night.”

(End of this chapter)

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